Вот небольшой класс, с которым я пришел, чтобы быстро составить шаблон для электронной почты.
* Parses a php template, does variable substitution, and evaluates php code returning the result
* sample usage:
* == template : /views/email/welcome.php ==
* Hello {name}, Good to see you.
* <?php if ('{name}' == 'Mike') { ?>
* <div>I know you're mike</div>
* <?php } ?>
* == code ==
* require_once("path/to/Microtemplate.php") ;
* $data["name"] = 'Mike' ;
* $string = LR_Microtemplate::parse_template('email/welcome', $data) ;
class Microtemplate
* Micro-template: Replaces {variable} with $data['variable'] and evaluates any php code.
* @param string $view name of view under views/ dir. Must end in .php
* @param array $data array of data to use for replacement with keys mapping to template variables {}.
* @return string
public static function parse_template($view, $data) {
$template = file_get_contents($view . ".php") ;
// substitute {x} with actual text value from array
$content = preg_replace("/\{([^\{]{1,100}?)\}/e", 'self::get_value("${1}", $data)' , $template);
// evaluate php code in the template such as if statements, for loops, etc...
ob_start() ;
eval('?>' . "$content" . '<?php ;') ;
$c = ob_get_contents() ;
ob_end_clean() ;
return $c ;
* Return $data[$key] if it's set. Otherwise, empty string.
* @param string $key
* @param array $data
* @return string
public static function get_value($key, $data){
if (isset($data[$key]) && $data[$key]!='~Unknown') { // filter out unknown from legacy system
return $data[$key] ;
} else {
return '' ;