Здесь я делюсь условием if else в SQL-запросе Magento2, чтобы получить сведения о заказе отчета, когда клиенты входят в систему, а не входят в обе системы. Вы только что улучшили свой запрос в соответствии с ситуацией.
SELECT so.increment_id as ID,sog.customer_id as Customer_Id, sog.customer_name as Customer_Name, sog.customer_email as Customer_Email,CASE sog.customer_group WHEN '1' THEN 'Custome Login' ELSE 'Not Login' END as Customer_Group, sog.grand_total as Grand_Total,sog.subtotal as Subtotal, sog.billing_name as Billing_Name,sog.billing_address as Billing_Address,sog.shipping_address as shipping_address,so.shipping_description as Shipping_Information, so.status as Status,so.cancel_order_username as Canceled_BY,so.cancel_order_currenttime as Cancellation_Time, so.cancel_order_comment as Cancellation_Reason from sales_order so LEFT JOIN sales_order_grid as sog ON sog.increment_id=so.increment_id where so.cancel_order_currenttime >= Date('2018-10-01') AND so.cancel_order_currenttime <= Date('2018-12-05')
Here we have created some alias according to the situation:-
so->sales_order table,
and we are using the if/else condition in the customer group because we know that, "0" is used for the Guest user,
"1" is used for the login user and both are used for the customer group:-
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