<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>A history of Canoe Cove /</title> </head> <body> <div class="tei"> <p> A History of </p> <p> The General Stores </p> <p> There were several general stores in our <a class="search orgName" target="_blank" href="http://islandlives.net/fedora/ilives_book_search/tei.orgNameTERM:%22Cove%22+AND+dc.type:collection">Cove</a> at different times. The one that lasted longest was at the Corner across from the school and it had many owners. Who established it is unclear but John MacKenzie, the piper, who was also a shoe maker lived there. He was a relative of the present day MacKenzies of <a class="search placeName" target="_blank" href="http://islandlives.net/fedora/ilives_book_search/tei.placeNameTERM:%22Canoe Cove%22+AND+dc.type:collection">Canoe Cove</a>. William MacKay who married Christena MacLean was operating it when it burned down and a store which had belonged to Neil "Cooper" MacLean was moved across to the site. This was later bought by <span class="persName"><a class="search persName" target="_blank" href="http://islandlives.net/fedora/ilives_book_search/tei.persNameTERM:%22MacCannell+Neil%22+AND+dc.type:collection"> Neil MacCannell </a></span> of Long Creek , a schoolteacher who taught in the <a class="search orgName" target="_blank" href="http://islandlives.net/fedora/ilives_book_search/tei.orgNameTERM:%22Cove%22+AND+dc.type:collection">Cove</a> for a few years. <span class="persName"><a class="search persName" target="_blank" href="http://islandlives.net/fedora/ilives_book_search/tei.persNameTERM:%22MacNevin+Hector%22+AND+dc.type:collection"> Hector MacNevin </a></span> from <a class="search placeName" target="_blank" href="http://islandlives.net/fedora/ilives_book_search/tei.placeNameTERM:%22St. Catherines%22+AND+dc.type:collection">St. Catherines</a> operated it for a year while it still belonged to <span class="persName"><a class="search persName" target="_blank" href="http://islandlives.net/fedora/ilives_book_search/tei.persNameTERM:%22MacCannell+Neil%22+AND+dc.type:collection"> Neil MacCannell </a></span> because Neil had accepted a job in <a class="search placeName" target="_blank" href="http://islandlives.net/fedora/ilives_book_search/tei.placeNameTERM:%22Charlottetown%22+AND+dc.type:collection">Charlottetown</a> as clerk of the Court. Later Mrs. John Angus Darrach bought it and she and her son George ran it for years until both had health problems, and had to close the store after which closing it never reopened. After George died and his wife Hazel moved to Montague to live with her family the building was sold to Robert Patterson . Rob lived in it for a few years, making many improvements then sold it to Kirk McAleer. </p> </div>
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