думал, что поделюсь этим, так как я построил эту функцию отсюда. Я переставил так, чтобы мне было легче читать (я просто на стороне сервера).
Вы вызываете его, передавая имя таблицы и имя столбца, чтобы убрать все существующие нечисловые символы из этого столбца. Я унаследовал много плохих табличных структур, которые помещают тонну полей int как varchar, поэтому мне нужен был способ быстро их очистить, прежде чем я смогу изменить столбец на целое число.
drop procedure if exists strip_non_numeric_characters;
CREATE PROCEDURE `strip_non_numeric_characters`(
tablename varchar(100)
,columnname varchar(100)
-- =============================================
-- Author: <Author,,David Melton>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,2/26/2019>
-- Description: <Description,,loops through data and strips out the bad characters in whatever table and column you pass it>
-- =============================================
#this idea was generated from the idea STRIP_NON_DIGIT function
declare input,output varchar(255);
declare iterator,lastDigit,len,counter int;
declare date_updated varchar(100);
select column_name
into date_updated
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema = database()
and extra rlike 'on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'
and table_name = tablename
limit 1;
#only goes up to 255 so people don't run this for a longtext field
#just to be careful, i've excluded columns that are part of keys, that could potentially mess something else up
set @find_column_length =
concat("select character_maximum_length
into @len
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema = '",database(),"'
and column_name = '",columnname,"'
and table_name = '",tablename,"'
and length(ifnull(character_maximum_length,100)) < 255
and data_type in ('char','varchar')
and column_key = '';");
prepare stmt from @find_column_length;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
set counter = 1;
set len = @len;
while counter <= ifnull(len,1) DO
#this just removes it by putting all the characters before and after the character i'm looking at
#you have to start at the end of the field otherwise the lengths don't stay in order and you have to run it multiple times
set @update_query =
concat("update `",tablename,"`
set `",columnname,"` = concat(substring(`",columnname,"`,1,",len - counter,"),SUBSTRING(`",columnname,"`,",len - counter,",",counter - 1,"))
",if(date_updated is not null,concat(",`",date_updated,"` = `",date_updated,"`
"where SUBSTRING(`",columnname,"`,",len - counter,", 1) not REGEXP '^[0-9]+$';");
prepare stmt from @update_query;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
set counter = counter + 1;
end while;
END ;;