Поскольку у меня возникла похожая проблема, я написал небольшую js-библиотеку для javascript, css и графических файлов. Это, конечно, с открытым исходным кодом на GitHub: hotswap.js
Надеюсь, это поможет.
Обновление : я приложил полный исходный код lib здесь. Чтобы использовать его, просто скопируйте содержимое в файл (например, hotswap.js) и вставьте тег сценария на свой веб-сайт следующим образом:
<script src="hotswap.js"></script>
// refresh .js files
// refresh .css files
// refresh images
// show a gui (this is optional and not required for hotswap to work) (Click on the "H").
// Examples:
// refresh all .js files
// refresh main.css only
hotswap.refreshCss( ["main.js"] );
// refresh all images (img tags) except "dont-refreh-me.png".
hotswap.refreshAllImg( ["dont-refreh-me.png"] );
Полный источник (v. 0.2.0):
Мне пришлось удалить все комментарии, чтобы получить ограничение в 30000 знаков.
Я знаю, что встроенный html + css ужасен, но я хотел сохранить это в одном файле .js.
(function() {
var root = this;
var previousHotswap = root.hotswap;
var hotswap = function()
if (!(this instanceof hotswap))
return new hotswap();
return this;
root.hotswap = hotswap();
hotswap.prototype.VERSION = '0.2.0';
hotswap.prototype.RND_PARAM_NAME = 'hs982345jkasg89zqnsl';
hotswap.prototype.FILE_REMOVAL_DELAY = 400;
hotswap.prototype.CSS_HTML_PREFIX = 'hs982345jkasg89zqnsl';
hotswap.prototype._prefix = false;
hotswap.prototype._prefixCache = [];
hotswap.prototype._guiCache = {};
hotswap.prototype._guiGuiRefreshInterval = null;
hotswap.prototype._guiHtml = '' +
'<style type="text/css">'+
' {'+
' display: block;'+
' position: fixed;'+
' top: 20%;/*distance from top*/'+
' right: 0;'+
' z-index: 99999;'+
' width: 20em;'+
' height: auto;'+
' color: black;'+
' background-color: #666666;'+
' font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;'+
' font-size: 0.8em;'+
' -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0px 0.3em 0.1em #999999;'+
' -moz-box-shadow: 0 0px 0.3em 0.1em #999999;'+
' box-shadow: 0 0px 0.3em 0.1em #999999;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX.mini'+
' {'+
' width: 2.9em;'+
' height: 2.9em;'+
' overflow:hidden;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX.mini .PREFIX-header input, #PREFIX.mini .PREFIX-list, #PREFIX.mini .PREFIX-footer'+
' {'+
' display:none;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX.mini .PREFIX-header div'+
' {'+
' display: block;'+
' width: 100%;'+
' height: 100%;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX input'+
' {'+
' font-size: 1.0em;'+
' border: 0.1em solid #999999;'+
' border-radius: 0.2em;'+
' padding: 0.2em 0.1em;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-header'+
' {'+
' height: 2.4em;'+
' overflow:hidden;'+
' padding: 0.4em;'+
' color: white;'+
' background-color: black;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-header input'+
' {'+
' width: 83.5%;'+
' height: 1.6em;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-header div'+
' {'+
' position: absolute;'+
' top:0;'+
' right:0;'+
' width: 14.5%;'+
' height: 1.6em;'+
' line-height: 1.4em;'+
' text-align: center;'+
' font-size: 2em;'+
' font-weight: bold;'+
' cursor: pointer;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-header div:hover'+
' {'+
' background-color: #444444;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-list'+
' {'+
' width: 100%;'+
' height: 22em;'+
' overflow: auto;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX ul'+
' {'+
' list-style-type: none;'+
' list-style-position: inside;'+
' padding: 0;'+
' margin: 0.5em 0.5em 1.2em 0.5em;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX ul li'+
' {'+
' margin: 0.3em;'+
' padding: 0.5em 0.5em;'+
' color: white;'+
' background-color: #717171;'+
' font-size: 0.9em;'+
' line-height: 1.5em;'+
' cursor: pointer;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX ul li:hover'+
' {'+
' background-color: #797979;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX ul li.template'+
' {'+
' display: none;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX ul li.active'+
' {'+
' background-color: black;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX ul li.PREFIX-headline'+
' {'+
' color: white;'+
' background-color: transparent;'+
' text-align: center;'+
' font-weight: bold;'+
' cursor: default;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-footer'+
' {'+
' padding: 0;'+
' margin:0;'+
' background-color: #444444;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-footer ul'+
' {'+
' margin: 0;'+
' padding: 0.5em;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-footer ul li'+
' {'+
' color: white;'+
' background-color: black;'+
' font-size: 1.0em;'+
' border-radius: 0.5em;'+
' text-align: center;'+
' height: 2.2em;'+
' line-height: 2.2em;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-footer ul li input.PREFIX-seconds'+
' {'+
' text-align: center;'+
' width: 2em;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-footer ul li:hover'+
' {'+
' background-color: #222222;'+
' }'+
' #PREFIX .PREFIX-footer ul li.inactive'+
' {'+
' background-color: #666666;'+
' cursor: default;'+
' }'+
' </style>'+
' <div id="PREFIX" class="mini">'+
' <div class="PREFIX-header">'+
' <input id="PREFIX-prefix" placeholder="prefix" type="text" name="" />'+
' <div id="PREFIX-toggle">H</div>'+
' </div>'+
' <div class="PREFIX-list">'+
' <ul id="PREFIX-css">'+
' <li class="PREFIX-headline">CSS</li>'+
' <li class="template"></li>'+
' </ul>'+
' <ul id="PREFIX-js">'+
' <li class="PREFIX-headline">JS</li>'+
' <li class="template"></li>'+
' </ul>'+
' <ul id="PREFIX-img">'+
' <li class="PREFIX-headline">IMG</li>'+
' <li class="template"></li>'+
' </ul>'+
' </div>'+
' <div class="PREFIX-footer">'+
' <ul>'+
' <li id="PREFIX-submit-selected">refresh selected</li>'+
' <li id="PREFIX-submit-start">refresh every <input class="PREFIX-seconds" type="text" value="1" /> sec.</li>'+
' <li id="PREFIX-submit-stop" class="inactive">stop refreshing</li>'+
' <li id="PREFIX-submit-refresh-list">refresh list</li>'+
' </ul>'+
' </div>'+
' </div>';
xGetElementById = function(sId){ return document.getElementById(sId) },
xGetElementsByTagName = function(sTags){ return document.getElementsByTagName(sTags) },
xAppendChild = function(parent, child){ return parent.appendChild(child) },
xCloneNode = function(node){ return document.cloneNode(node) },
xCreateElement = function(sTag){ return document.createElement(sTag) },
xCloneNode = function(ele, deep){ return ele.cloneNode(deep) },
xRemove = function(ele)
if( typeof ele.parentNode != "undefined" && ele.parentNode )
ele.parentNode.removeChild( ele );
xAddEventListener = function(ele, sEvent, fn, bCaptureOrBubble)
if( xIsEmpty(bCaptureOrBubble) )
bCaptureOrBubble = false;
if (ele.addEventListener)
ele.addEventListener(sEvent, fn, bCaptureOrBubble);
return true;
else if (ele.attachEvent)
return ele.attachEvent('on' + sEvent, fn);
ele['on' + sEvent] = fn;
xStopPropagation = function(evt)
if (evt && evt.stopPropogation)
else if (window.event && window.event.cancelBubble)
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
xPreventDefault = function(evt)
if (evt && evt.preventDefault)
else if (window.event && window.event.returnValue)
window.eventReturnValue = false;
xContains = function(sHaystack, sNeedle)
return sHaystack.indexOf(sNeedle) >= 0
xStartsWith = function(sHaystack, sNeedle)
return sHaystack.indexOf(sNeedle) === 0
xReplace = function(sHaystack, sNeedle, sReplacement)
if( xIsEmpty(sReplacement) )
sReplacement = "";
return sHaystack.split(sNeedle).join(sReplacement);
xGetAttribute = function(ele, sAttr)
var result = (ele.getAttribute && ele.getAttribute(sAttr)) || null;
if( !result ) {
result = ele[sAttr];
if( !result ) {
var attrs = ele.attributes;
var length = attrs.length;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++)
if(attrs[i].nodeName === sAttr)
result = attrs[i].nodeValue;
return result;
xSetAttribute = function(ele, sAttr, value)
ele.setAttribute(sAttr, value)
ele[sAttr] = value;
xGetParent = function(ele)
return ele.parentNode || ele.parentElement;
xInsertAfter = function( refEle, newEle )
return xGetParent(refEle).insertBefore(newEle, refEle.nextSibling);
xBind = function(func, context)
if (Function.prototype.bind && func.bind === Function.prototype.bind)
return func.bind(context);
return function() {
if( arguments.length > 2 )
return func.apply(context, arguments.slice(2));
return func.apply(context);
xIsEmpty = function(value)
var ret = true;
if( value instanceof Object )
for(var i in value){ if(value.hasOwnProperty(i)){return false}}
return true;
ret = typeof value === "undefined" || value === undefined || value === null || value === "";
return ret;
xAddClass = function(ele, sClass)
var clazz = xGetAttribute( ele, "class" );
if( !xHasClass(ele, sClass) )
xSetAttribute( ele, "class", clazz + " " + sClass );
xRemoveClass = function(ele, sClass)
var clazz = xGetAttribute( ele, "class" );
if( xHasClass(ele, sClass) )
xSetAttribute( ele, "class", xReplace( clazz, sClass, "" ) );
xHasClass = function(ele, sClass)
var clazz = xGetAttribute( ele, "class" );
return !xIsEmpty(clazz) && xContains( clazz, sClass );
hotswap.prototype._recreate = function( type, xcludedFiles, xcludeComparator, nDeleteDelay, bForceRecreation )
if( typeof nDeleteDelay == "undefined")
nDeleteDelay = 0;
if( typeof bForceRecreation == "undefined")
bForceRecreation = false;
var tags = this._getFilesByType(type, xcludedFiles, xcludeComparator);
var newTags = [];
var removeTags = [];
var i, src, detected, node, srcAttributeName;
for(i=0; i<tags.length; i++)
node = tags[i].node;
srcAttributeName = tags[i].srcAttributeName;
var newNode = {
node: null,
oldNode: node,
parent: xGetParent(node)
if( bForceRecreation )
newNode.node = xCreateElement("script");
newNode.node = xCloneNode(node, false);
for (var p in node) {
if (node.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
newNode.node.p = node.p;
src = xGetAttribute( node, srcAttributeName );
xSetAttribute( newNode.node, srcAttributeName, this._updatedUrl(src) );
for(var i=0; i < newTags.length; i++) {
xInsertAfter(newTags[i].oldNode, newTags[i].node);
if( nDeleteDelay > 0 )
for(var i=0; i < removeTags.length; i++) {
xSetAttribute(removeTags[i], "data-hotswap-deleted", "1");
setTimeout( function() {
for(var i=0; i < removeTags.length; i++) {
}, nDeleteDelay);
for(var i=0; i < removeTags.length; i++) {
hotswap.prototype._reload = function( type, xcludedFiles, xcludeComparator )
var tags = this._getFilesByType(type, xcludedFiles, xcludeComparator);
var i, src, node, srcAttributeName;
for(i=0; i<tags.length; i++)
node = tags[i].node;
srcAttributeName = tags[i].srcAttributeName;
// update the src property
src = xGetAttribute( node, srcAttributeName );
xSetAttribute( node, srcAttributeName, this._updatedUrl(src) );
hotswap.prototype._getFilesByType = function( type, xcludedFiles, xcludeComparator )
var files;
case "css":
files = this._getFiles(
return (xGetAttribute(ele, "rel") == "stylesheet" || xGetAttribute(ele, "type") == "text/css");
case "js":
files = this._getFiles(
return (xGetAttribute(ele, "type") == "" || xGetAttribute(ele, "type") == "text/javascript");
case "img":
files = this._getFiles(
return (xGetAttribute(ele, "src") != "");
return files;
hotswap.prototype._getFiles = function( type, tagName, tagFilterFunc, srcAttributeName, xcludedFiles, xcludeComparator )
if( typeof xcludedFiles == "undefined" || !xcludedFiles)
xcludedFiles = [];
if( typeof xcludeComparator == "undefined" || !xcludeComparator)
xcludeComparator = false;
var fileNodes = [];
var tags = xGetElementsByTagName(tagName);
var src, detected, node;
for(var i=0; i<tags.length; i++) {
node = tags[i];
src = xGetAttribute(node,[srcAttributeName]);
if( xIsEmpty( xGetAttribute(node, "data-hotswap-deleted") ) )
if(src && tagFilterFunc(node))
detected = false;
for(var j=0; j<xcludedFiles.length; j++) {
if( xContains(src,xcludedFiles[j]) )
detected = true;
if( detected == xcludeComparator )
type: type,
node : node,
tagName : tagName,
srcAttributeName : srcAttributeName
return fileNodes;
hotswap.prototype._updatedUrl = function( url, getCleanUrl )
var cleanUrl;
if( typeof getCleanUrl == "undefined")
getCleanUrl = false;
url = cleanUrl = url.replace(new RegExp("(\\?|&)"+this.RND_PARAM_NAME+"=[0-9.]*","g"), "");
var queryString = "", randomizedQueryString = "";
if( xContains(url, "?") )
if(xContains(url, "&" + this.RND_PARAM_NAME))
queryString = url.split("&" + this.RND_PARAM_NAME).slice(1,-1).join("");
randomizedQueryString = queryString + "&" + this.RND_PARAM_NAME + "=" + Math.random() * 99999999;
if(xContains(url, "?" + this.RND_PARAM_NAME))
queryString = url.split("?" + this.RND_PARAM_NAME).slice(1,-1).join("");
randomizedQueryString = queryString + "?" + this.RND_PARAM_NAME + "=" + Math.random() * 99999999;
var foundAt = -1;
if( !xIsEmpty( this._prefixCache ) )
for(var i=0; i<this._prefixCache.length; ++i)
if( !xIsEmpty(this._prefixCache[i]) && foundAt < 0 )
for(var h=0; h<this._prefixCache[i].length; ++h)
if( this._prefixCache[i][h] == cleanUrl + queryString )
cleanUrl = this._prefixCache[i][0];
foundAt = i;
var prefixHistory = [cleanUrl + queryString];
var applyPrefix = true;
if( prefixHistory[0].match( new RegExp('^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+://') ) )
applyPrefix = false;
var prefix = this._prefix;
if( !xIsEmpty(this._prefix) && this._prefix )
prefixHistory.push( this._prefix + cleanUrl + queryString );
if(foundAt >= 0)
this._prefixCache[foundAt] = prefixHistory;
this._prefixCache.push( prefixHistory );
prefix = "";
if( !applyPrefix )
prefix = "";
url = prefix + cleanUrl + randomizedQueryString;
return (getCleanUrl) ? (cleanUrl + queryString) : url;
hotswap.prototype.refreshAllJs = function( excludedFiles )
if( typeof excludedFiles == "undefined" || !excludedFiles)
excludedFiles = []
this._recreate( "js", excludedFiles, false, 0, true );
hotswap.prototype.refreshJs = function( includedFiles )
this._recreate( "js", includedFiles, true, 0, true );
hotswap.prototype.refreshAllCss = function( excludedFiles )
this._recreate( "css", excludedFiles, false, this.FILE_REMOVAL_DELAY );
hotswap.prototype.refreshCss = function( includedFiles )
this._recreate( "css", includedFiles, true, this.FILE_REMOVAL_DELAY );
hotswap.prototype.refreshAllImg = function( excludedFiles )
this._reload( "img", excludedFiles, false );
hotswap.prototype.refreshImg = function( includedFiles )
this._reload( "img", includedFiles, true );
hotswap.prototype.setPrefix = function( prefix )
this._prefix = prefix;
var gui = xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX + "_wrapper");
if( gui )
if( !xIsEmpty(this._prefix) && this._prefix )
xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-prefix").value = this._prefix;
xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-prefix").value = "";
hotswap.prototype.getPrefix = function()
return this._prefix;
hotswap.prototype.createGui = function( nDistanceFromTopInPercent )
if( xIsEmpty(nDistanceFromTopInPercent) )
nDistanceFromTopInPercent = 20;
var gui = xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX + "_wrapper");
if( gui )
xRemove(xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX + "_wrapper"));
gui = xCreateElement("div");
xSetAttribute( gui, "id", this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX + "_wrapper" );
var guiHtml = xReplace( this._guiHtml, "PREFIX", this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX );
guiHtml = xReplace( guiHtml, '20%;/*distance from top*/', nDistanceFromTopInPercent+'%;/*distance from top*/' );
gui.innerHTML = guiHtml;
xAppendChild( xGetElementsByTagName("body")[0], gui );
if( !xIsEmpty(this._guiCache) )
this._guiCache = {};
if( !xIsEmpty(this._prefix) && this._prefix )
xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-prefix").value = this._prefix;
var self = this;
xAddEventListener( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-toggle"), "click", function(evt)
var gui = xGetElementById(self.CSS_HTML_PREFIX);
if( xHasClass(gui, "mini") )
xRemoveClass( gui, "mini" );
xAddClass( gui, "mini" );
xAddEventListener( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-prefix"), "blur", function(evt)
xAddEventListener( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-submit-selected"), "click", function(evt)
xAddEventListener( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-submit-start"), "click", function(evt)
if( xGetAttribute(evt.target, "class") != this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-seconds" )
var input, nSeconds = 1;
var children = evt.target.children;
for(var i=0; i<children.length; ++i)
if( xGetAttribute(children[i], "class") == this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-seconds" )
nSeconds = children[i].value;
self._guiRefreshStart( nSeconds );
xAddEventListener( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-submit-stop"), "click", function(evt)
xAddEventListener( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-submit-refresh-list"), "click", xBind(self.guiRefreshFilesList,self) );
hotswap.prototype._guiCreateFilesList = function()
this._guiCache.files = [];
this._guiCache.activeFiles = {
"css" : [],
"js" : [],
"img" : []
var self = this;
var createFilesList = function(list, files)
var i, j, r, clone, template, file, fileName, nodesToRemove = [];
for(j=0; j<list.children.length; ++j)
if( xHasClass( list.children[j], "template" ) )
template = list.children[j];
if( !xHasClass( list.children[j], self.CSS_HTML_PREFIX + "-headline" ) )
for(r=0; r<nodesToRemove.length; ++r)
xRemove( nodesToRemove[r] );
for(i=0; i<files.length; ++i)
file = files[i];
clone = xCloneNode( template );
xRemoveClass( clone, "template" );
fileName = self._updatedUrl( xGetAttribute( file.node, file.srcAttributeName ), true );
if( !xContains(self._guiCache.files,fileName) )
clone.innerHTML = fileName;
xAppendChild( list, clone );
xAddEventListener( clone, "click", (function(type, fileName){
return function(evt){
self._guiClickedFile(evt.target, type, fileName);
})(file.type, fileName)
createFilesList( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-css"), this._getFilesByType("css") );
createFilesList( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-js"), this._getFilesByType("js", ["hotswap.js"]) );
createFilesList( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-img"), this._getFilesByType("img") );
hotswap.prototype.deleteGui = function()
var gui = xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX + "_wrapper");
if( gui )
xRemove(xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX + "_wrapper"));
hotswap.prototype._guiPrefixChanged = function(ele)
if( ele )
hotswap.prototype._guiClickedFile = function( ele, sType, sFileName )
var activeFiles = this._guiCache.activeFiles[sType];
if( xContains( activeFiles, sFileName ) )
xRemoveClass(ele, "active");
activeFiles.splice( activeFiles.indexOf(sFileName), 1 )
xAddClass(ele, "active");
activeFiles.push( sFileName );
hotswap.prototype._guiRefreshSelected = function()
var activeFiles = this._guiCache.activeFiles;
if( activeFiles['css'].length > 0 )
this.refreshCss( activeFiles['css'] );
if( activeFiles['js'].length > 0 )
this.refreshJs( activeFiles['js'] );
if( activeFiles['img'].length > 0 )
this.refreshImg( activeFiles['img'] );
hotswap.prototype._guiRefreshStart = function( nSeconds )
if( this._guiGuiRefreshInterval !== null )
var self = this;
this._guiGuiRefreshInterval = setInterval( xBind(this._guiRefreshSelected, this), nSeconds * 1000 );
xAddClass( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-submit-start"), "inactive" );
xRemoveClass( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-submit-stop"), "inactive" );
hotswap.prototype._guiRefreshStop = function()
if( this._guiGuiRefreshInterval !== null )
this._guiGuiRefreshInterval = null;
xRemoveClass( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-submit-start"), "inactive" );
xAddClass( xGetElementById(this.CSS_HTML_PREFIX+"-submit-stop"), "inactive" );
hotswap.prototype.guiRefreshFilesList = function()