Я рассмотрел решение Werner Van Belle (поскольку все другие подходы невероятно медленны - вообще неосуществимы):
Адаптивный фильтр для правильной локализации подизображений: БПФ
на основе Subimage Локализация требует нормализации изображения для работы
Я написал код на C #, где мне нужно мое решение, но я получаю очень неточные результаты. Действительно ли это не работает, вопреки утверждению Ван Белля, или я сделал что-то не так? Я использовал https://github.com/tszalay/FFTWSharp в качестве оболочки C # для FFTW.
Вот мой переведенный код: (оригинал на C ++ на http://werner.yellowcouch.org/Papers/subimg/index.html)
using System.Diagnostics;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using FFTWSharp;
using unsigned1 = System.Byte;
using signed2 = System.Int16;
using signed8 = System.Int64;
public class Subimage
* This program finds a subimage in a larger image. It expects two arguments.
* The first is the image in which it must look. The secon dimage is the
* image that is to be found. The program relies on a number of different
* steps to perform the calculation.
* It will first normalize the input images in order to improve the
* crosscorrelation matching. Once the best crosscorrelation is found
* a sad-matchers is applied in a grid over the larger image.
* The following two article explains the details:
* Werner Van Belle; An Adaptive Filter for the Correct Localization
* of Subimages: FFT based Subimage Localization Requires Image
* Normalization to work properly; 11 pages; October 2007.
* http://werner.yellowcouch.org/Papers/subimg/
* Werner Van Belle; Correlation between the inproduct and the sum
* of absolute differences is -0.8485 for uniform sampled signals on
* [-1:1]; November 2006
unsafe public static Point FindSubimage_fftw(string[] args)
if (args == null || args.Length != 2)
Console.Write("Usage: subimg\n" + "\n" + " subimg is an image matcher. It requires two arguments. The first\n" + " image should be the larger of the two. The program will search\n" + " for the best position to superimpose the needle image over the\n" + " haystack image. The output of the the program are the X and Y\n" + " coordinates.\n\n" + " http://werner.yellowouch.org/Papers/subimg/\n");
return new Point();
* The larger image will be called A. The smaller image will be called B.
* The code below relies heavily upon fftw. The indices necessary for the
* fast r2c and c2r transforms are at best confusing. Especially regarding
* the number of rows and colums (watch our for Asx vs Asx2 !).
* After obtaining all the crosscorrelations we will scan through the image
* to find the best sad match. As such we make a backup of the original data
* in advance
int Asx = 0, Asy = 0;
signed2[] A = read_image(args[0], ref Asx, ref Asy);
int Asx2 = Asx / 2 + 1;
int Bsx = 0, Bsy = 0;
signed2[] B = read_image(args[1], ref Bsx, ref Bsy);
unsigned1[] Asad = new unsigned1[Asx * Asy];
unsigned1[] Bsad = new unsigned1[Bsx * Bsy];
for (int i = 0; i < Bsx * Bsy; i++)
Bsad[i] = (unsigned1)B[i];
Asad[i] = (unsigned1)A[i];
for (int i = Bsx * Bsy; i < Asx * Asy; i++)
Asad[i] = (unsigned1)A[i];
* Normalization and windowing of the images.
* The window size (wx,wy) is half the size of the smaller subimage. This
* is useful to have as much good information from the subimg.
int wx = Bsx / 2;
int wy = Bsy / 2;
normalize(ref B, Bsx, Bsy, wx, wy);
normalize(ref A, Asx, Asy, wx, wy);
* Preparation of the fourier transforms.
* Aa is the amplitude of image A. Af is the frequence of image A
* Similar for B. crosscors will hold the crosscorrelations.
IntPtr Aa = fftw.malloc(sizeof(double) * Asx * Asy);
IntPtr Af = fftw.malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * Asx2 * Asy);
IntPtr Ba = fftw.malloc(sizeof(double) * Asx * Asy);
IntPtr Bf = fftw.malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * Asx2 * Asy);
* The forward transform of A goes from Aa to Af
* The forward tansform of B goes from Ba to Bf
* In Bf we will also calculate the inproduct of Af and Bf
* The backward transform then goes from Bf to Aa again. That
* variable is aliased as crosscors;
//#original: fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d
//IntPtr forwardA = fftwf.dft(2, new int[] { Asy, Asx }, Aa, Af, fftw_direction.Forward, fftw_flags.Estimate);//equal results
IntPtr forwardA = fftwf.dft_r2c_2d(Asy, Asx, Aa, Af, fftw_flags.Estimate);
//#original: fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d
//IntPtr forwardB = fftwf.dft(2, new int[] { Asy, Asx }, Ba, Bf, fftw_direction.Forward, fftw_flags.Estimate);//equal results
IntPtr forwardB = fftwf.dft_r2c_2d(Asy, Asx, Ba, Bf, fftw_flags.Estimate);
double* crosscorrs = (double*)Aa;
//#original: fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d
//IntPtr backward = fftwf.dft(2, new int[] { Asy, Asx }, Bf, Aa, fftw_direction.Backward, fftw_flags.Estimate);//equal results
IntPtr backward = fftwf.dft_c2r_2d(Asy, Asx, Bf, Aa, fftw_flags.Estimate);
* The two forward transforms of A and B. Before we do so we copy the normalized
* data into the double array. For B we also pad the data with 0
for (int row = 0; row < Asy; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < Asx; col++)
((double*)Aa)[col + Asx * row] = A[col + Asx * row];
for (int j = 0; j < Asx * Asy; j++)
((double*)Ba)[j] = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < Bsy; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < Bsx; col++)
((double*)Ba)[col + Asx * row] = B[col + Bsx * row];
* The inproduct of the two frequency domains and calculation
* of the crosscorrelations
double norm = Asx * Asy;
for (int j = 0; j < Asx2 * Asy; j++)
double a = ((double*)Af)[j * 2];//#Af[j][0];
double b = ((double*)Af)[j * 2 + 1];//#Af[j][1];
double c = ((double*)Bf)[j * 2];//#Bf[j][0];
double d = ((double*)Bf)[j * 2 + 1];//#-Bf[j][1];
double e = a * c - b * d;
double f = a * d + b * c;
((double*)Bf)[j * 2] = (double)(e / norm);//#Bf[j][0] = (fftw_real)(e / norm);
((double*)Bf)[j * 2 + 1] = (double)(f / norm);//Bf[j][1] = (fftw_real)(f / norm);
* We now have a correlation map. We can spent one more pass
* over the entire image to actually find the best matching images
* as defined by the SAD.
* We calculate this by gridding the entire image according to the
* size of the subimage. In each cel we want to know what the best
* match is.
int sa = 1 + Asx / Bsx;
int sb = 1 + Asy / Bsy;
int sadx = 0;
int sady = 0;
signed8 minsad = Bsx * Bsy * 256L;
for (int a = 0; a < sa; a++)
int xl = a * Bsx;
int xr = xl + Bsx;
if (xr > Asx) continue;
for (int b = 0; b < sb; b++)
int yl = b * Bsy;
int yr = yl + Bsy;
if (yr > Asy) continue;
// find the maximum correlation in this cell
int cormxat = xl + yl * Asx;
double cormx = crosscorrs[cormxat];
for (int x = xl; x < xr; x++)
for (int y = yl; y < yr; y++)
int j = x + y * Asx;
if (crosscorrs[j] > cormx)
cormx = crosscorrs[cormxat = j];
int corx = cormxat % Asx;
int cory = cormxat / Asx;
// We dont want subimages that fall of the larger image
if (corx + Bsx > Asx) continue;
if (cory + Bsy > Asy) continue;
signed8 sad = 0;
for (int x = 0; sad < minsad && x < Bsx; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Bsy; y++)
int j = (x + corx) + (y + cory) * Asx;
int i = x + y * Bsx;
sad += Math.Abs((int)Bsad[i] - (int)Asad[j]);
if (sad < minsad)
minsad = sad;
sadx = corx;
sady = cory;
// printf("* ");
// printf("Grid (%d,%d) (%d,%d) Sip=%g Sad=%lld\n",a,b,corx,cory,cormx,sad);
//Console.Write("{0:D}\t{1:D}\n", sadx, sady);
* Aa, Ba, Af and Bf were allocated in this function
* crosscorrs was an alias for Aa and does not require deletion.
return new Point(sadx, sady);
private static void normalize(ref signed2[] img, int sx, int sy, int wx, int wy)
* Calculate the mean background. We will subtract this
* from img to make sure that it has a mean of zero
* over a window size of wx x wy. Afterwards we calculate
* the square of the difference, which will then be used
* to normalize the local variance of img.
signed2[] mean = boxaverage(img, sx, sy, wx, wy);
signed2[] sqr = new signed2[sx * sy];
for (int j = 0; j < sx * sy; j++)
img[j] -= mean[j];
signed2 v = img[j];
sqr[j] = (signed2)(v * v);
signed2[] var = boxaverage(sqr, sx, sy, wx, wy);
* The normalization process. Currenlty still
* calculated as doubles. Could probably be fixed
* to integers too. The only problem is the sqrt
for (int j = 0; j < sx * sy; j++)
double v = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs((double)var[j]));//#double v = sqrt(fabs(var[j])); <- ambigous
Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(v) && v >= 0);
if (v < 0.0001) v = 0.0001;
img[j] = (signed2)(img[j] * (32 / v));
if (img[j] > 127) img[j] = 127;
if (img[j] < -127) img[j] = -127;
* As a last step in the normalization we
* window the sub image around the borders
* to become 0
window(ref img, sx, sy, wx, wy);
private static signed2[] boxaverage(signed2[] input, int sx, int sy, int wx, int wy)
signed2[] horizontalmean = new signed2[sx * sy];
Debug.Assert(horizontalmean != null);
int wx2 = wx / 2;
int wy2 = wy / 2;
int from = (sy - 1) * sx;
int to = (sy - 1) * sx;
int initcount = wx - wx2;
if (sx < initcount) initcount = sx;
int xli = -wx2;
int xri = wx - wx2;
for (; from >= 0; from -= sx, to -= sx)
signed8 sum = 0;
int count = initcount;
for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
sum += (signed8)input[c + from];
horizontalmean[to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
int xl = xli, x = 1, xr = xri;
* The area where the window is slightly outside the
* left boundary. Beware: the right bnoundary could be
* outside on the other side already
for (; x < sx; x++, xl++, xr++)
if (xl >= 0) break;
if (xr < sx)
sum += (signed8)input[xr + from];
horizontalmean[x + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
* both bounds of the sliding window
* are fully inside the images
for (; xr < sx; x++, xl++, xr++)
sum -= (signed8)input[xl + from];
sum += (signed8)input[xr + from];
horizontalmean[x + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
* the right bound is falling of the page
for (; x < sx; x++, xl++)
sum -= (signed8)input[xl + from];
horizontalmean[x + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
* The same process as aboe but for the vertical dimension now
int ssy = (sy - 1) * sx + 1;
from = sx - 1;
signed2[] verticalmean = new signed2[sx * sy];
Debug.Assert(verticalmean != null);
to = sx - 1;
initcount = wy - wy2;
if (sy < initcount) initcount = sy;
int initstopat = initcount * sx;
int yli = -wy2 * sx;
int yri = (wy - wy2) * sx;
for (; from >= 0; from--, to--)
signed8 sum = 0;
int count = initcount;
for (int d = 0; d < initstopat; d += sx)
sum += (signed8)horizontalmean[d + from];
verticalmean[to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
int yl = yli, y = 1, yr = yri;
for (; y < ssy; y += sx, yl += sx, yr += sx)
if (yl >= 0) break;
if (yr < ssy)
sum += (signed8)horizontalmean[yr + from];
verticalmean[y + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
for (; yr < ssy; y += sx, yl += sx, yr += sx)
sum -= (signed8)horizontalmean[yl + from];
sum += (signed8)horizontalmean[yr + from];
verticalmean[y + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
for (; y < ssy; y += sx, yl += sx)
sum -= (signed8)horizontalmean[yl + from];
verticalmean[y + to] = (signed2)(sum / count);
return verticalmean;
private static void window(ref signed2[] img, int sx, int sy, int wx, int wy)
int wx2 = wx / 2;
int sxsy = sx * sy;
int sx1 = sx - 1;
for (int x = 0; x < wx2; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < sxsy; y += sx)
img[x + y] = (signed2)(img[x + y] * x / wx2);
img[sx1 - x + y] = (signed2)(img[sx1 - x + y] * x / wx2);
int wy2 = wy / 2;
int syb = (sy - 1) * sx;
int syt = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < wy2; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++)
* here we need to recalculate the stuff (*y/wy2)
* to preserve the discrete nature of integers.
img[x + syt] = (signed2)(img[x + syt] * y / wy2);
img[x + syb] = (signed2)(img[x + syb] * y / wy2);
* The next row for the top rows
* The previous row for the bottom rows
syt += sx;
syb -= sx;
private static signed2[] read_image(string filename, ref int sx, ref int sy)
Bitmap image = new Bitmap(filename);
sx = image.Width;
sy = image.Height;
signed2[] GreyImage = new signed2[sx * sy];
BitmapData bitmapData1 = image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
byte* imagePointer = (byte*)bitmapData1.Scan0;
for (int y = 0; y < bitmapData1.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < bitmapData1.Width; x++)
GreyImage[x + y * sx] = (signed2)((imagePointer[0] + imagePointer[1] + imagePointer[2]) / 3.0);
//4 bytes per pixel
imagePointer += 4;
}//end for x
//4 bytes per pixel
imagePointer += bitmapData1.Stride - (bitmapData1.Width * 4);
}//end for y
}//end unsafe
return GreyImage;