Вот пример функции Python, которая будет копировать объект S3 с использованием Boto 2:
import boto
def copy_object(src_bucket_name,
Copy an existing object to another location.
src_bucket_name Bucket containing the existing object.
src_key_name Name of the existing object.
dst_bucket_name Bucket to which the object is being copied.
dst_key_name The name of the new object.
metadata A dict containing new metadata that you want
to associate with this object. If this is None
the metadata of the original object will be
copied to the new object.
preserve_acl If True, the ACL from the original object
will be copied to the new object. If False
the new object will have the default ACL.
s3 = boto.connect_s3()
bucket = s3.lookup(src_bucket_name)
# Lookup the existing object in S3
key = bucket.lookup(src_key_name)
# Copy the key back on to itself, with new metadata
return key.copy(dst_bucket_name, dst_key_name,
metadata=metadata, preserve_acl=preserve_acl)