Зачем беспокоиться с UNION ALL
select count(*)
from in_fmd i
where (description='GN')
and (
i.isbn in (
select bwi_isbn from bw_isbn where orig_isbn = ?
or i.isbn = cast(? as varchar)
Я бы, вероятно, использовал бы LEFT JOIN
стиль запроса вместо IN
, но это более личное предпочтение:
select count(*)
from in_fmd i
left join bw_isbn
on bw_isbn.bwi_isbn = i.isbn
and bw_isbn.orig_isbn = ?
where (i.description='GN')
and (
bw_isbn.bwi_isbn is not null
or i.isbn = cast(? as varchar)
Обращение обсуждалось по IM:
select count(*) as ct
from in_fmd i
inner join bw_isbn
on bw_isbn.bwi_isbn = i.isbn
and bw_isbn.orig_isbn = ?
and i.isbn <> cast(? as varchar)
and i.description = 'GN'
select count(*) as ct
from in_fmd i
where i.isbn = cast(? as varchar)
and i.description = 'GN'
) AS x