Вот еще одна версия кода Джессапа. Я просто добавляю некоторые другие функции, и теперь код вычисляет самые ранние / самые поздние времена начала и окончания, провисание и находится ли узел на критическом пути или нет. (Я просто добавил функции и получил результат, я не прикладывал особых усилий к алгоритму и кодированию)
public class CriticalPath {
public static int maxCost;
public static String format = "%1$-10s %2$-5s %3$-5s %4$-5s %5$-5s %6$-5s %7$-10s\n";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// The example dependency graph
HashSet<Task> allTasks = new HashSet<Task>();
Task end = new Task("End", 0);
Task F = new Task("F", 2, end);
Task A = new Task("A", 3, end);
Task X = new Task("X", 4, F, A);
Task Q = new Task("Q", 2, A, X);
Task start = new Task("Start", 0, Q);
Task[] result = criticalPath(allTasks);
// System.out.println("Critical Path: " + Arrays.toString(result));
// A wrapper class to hold the tasks during the calculation
public static class Task {
// the actual cost of the task
public int cost;
// the cost of the task along the critical path
public int criticalCost;
// a name for the task for printing
public String name;
// the earliest start
public int earlyStart;
// the earliest finish
public int earlyFinish;
// the latest start
public int latestStart;
// the latest finish
public int latestFinish;
// the tasks on which this task is dependant
public HashSet<Task> dependencies = new HashSet<Task>();
public Task(String name, int cost, Task... dependencies) {
this.name = name;
this.cost = cost;
for (Task t : dependencies) {
this.earlyFinish = -1;
public void setLatest() {
latestStart = maxCost - criticalCost;
latestFinish = latestStart + cost;
public String[] toStringArray() {
String criticalCond = earlyStart == latestStart ? "Yes" : "No";
String[] toString = { name, earlyStart + "", earlyFinish + "", latestStart + "", latestFinish + "",
latestStart - earlyStart + "", criticalCond };
return toString;
public boolean isDependent(Task t) {
// is t a direct dependency?
if (dependencies.contains(t)) {
return true;
// is t an indirect dependency
for (Task dep : dependencies) {
if (dep.isDependent(t)) {
return true;
return false;
public static Task[] criticalPath(Set<Task> tasks) {
// tasks whose critical cost has been calculated
HashSet<Task> completed = new HashSet<Task>();
// tasks whose critical cost needs to be calculated
HashSet<Task> remaining = new HashSet<Task>(tasks);
// Backflow algorithm
// while there are tasks whose critical cost isn't calculated.
while (!remaining.isEmpty()) {
boolean progress = false;
// find a new task to calculate
for (Iterator<Task> it = remaining.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Task task = it.next();
if (completed.containsAll(task.dependencies)) {
// all dependencies calculated, critical cost is max
// dependency
// critical cost, plus our cost
int critical = 0;
for (Task t : task.dependencies) {
if (t.criticalCost > critical) {
critical = t.criticalCost;
task.criticalCost = critical + task.cost;
// set task as calculated an remove
// note we are making progress
progress = true;
// If we haven't made any progress then a cycle must exist in
// the graph and we wont be able to calculate the critical path
if (!progress)
throw new RuntimeException("Cyclic dependency, algorithm stopped!");
// get the cost
HashSet<Task> initialNodes = initials(tasks);
// get the tasks
Task[] ret = completed.toArray(new Task[0]);
// create a priority list
Arrays.sort(ret, new Comparator<Task>() {
public int compare(Task o1, Task o2) {
return o1.name.compareTo(o2.name);
return ret;
public static void calculateEarly(HashSet<Task> initials) {
for (Task initial : initials) {
initial.earlyStart = 0;
initial.earlyFinish = initial.cost;
public static void setEarly(Task initial) {
int completionTime = initial.earlyFinish;
for (Task t : initial.dependencies) {
if (completionTime >= t.earlyStart) {
t.earlyStart = completionTime;
t.earlyFinish = completionTime + t.cost;
public static HashSet<Task> initials(Set<Task> tasks) {
HashSet<Task> remaining = new HashSet<Task>(tasks);
for (Task t : tasks) {
for (Task td : t.dependencies) {
System.out.print("Initial nodes: ");
for (Task t : remaining)
System.out.print(t.name + " ");
return remaining;
public static void maxCost(Set<Task> tasks) {
int max = -1;
for (Task t : tasks) {
if (t.criticalCost > max)
max = t.criticalCost;
maxCost = max;
System.out.println("Critical path length (cost): " + maxCost);
for (Task t : tasks) {
public static void print(Task[] tasks) {
System.out.format(format, "Task", "ES", "EF", "LS", "LF", "Slack", "Critical?");
for (Task t : tasks)
System.out.format(format, (Object[]) t.toStringArray());