Это достаточно полная реализация
MAX_STRING_SIZE = 55 # 69 - 14 characters for punctuation spacing and conjunctions
def smart_trunc_words(lyrics, artist, title)
words = [lyrics, artist, title]
words.each_index do |idx|
total_length = words.to_s.length
if ( words[idx].length > MIN_WORD_SIZE and total_length > MAX_STRING_SIZE )
other_words = total_length - words[idx].length
max_word_size = [MAX_STRING_SIZE - other_words, MIN_WORD_SIZE].max
words[idx] = truncate_word words[idx], max_word_size
def truncate_word(word, sub_size)
# Enhance by adding ellipses here or break on a word boundary
word[0, sub_size]
def smart_trunc(lyrics, artist, title)
lyrics, artist, title = smart_trunc_words lyrics, artist, title
'"%s" from "%s" by %s' % [lyrics, title, artist]
test_data = [
[ "It was all a dream, I used to read word up magazine", "The Notorious B.I.G", "Juicy"],
[ "Ground Control to Major Tom, your circuits dead there's something wrong", "David Bowie", "Space Oddity"],
[ "Back Home they'll be thinking about us", "The England world cup squad (1970)" , "Back Home"],
[ "I'm the new cancer", "Panic at the disco", "Theres A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Havent Thought Of It Yet"],
[ "Short lyrics", "short band", "short song"],
[ "VeryLongLyrics VeryLongLyrics VeryLongLyrics VeryLongLyrics VeryLongLyrics",
"VeryLongBandName VeryLongBandName VeryLongBandName VeryLongBandName VeryLongBandName",
"VeryLongTitle VeryLongTitle VeryLongTitle VeryLongTitle VeryLongTitle"]
test_data.each do |td|
lyrics = td[0]
artist = td[1]
title = td[2]
puts 'Original string : "%s" from "%s" by %s' % [lyrics, title, artist]
puts "New string : #{smart_trunc lyrics, artist, title}"
Это дает следующие результаты
Original string : "It was all a dream, I used to read word up magazine" from "Juicy" by The Notorious B.I.G
New string : "It was all a dream, I used to r" from "Juicy" by The Notorious B.I.G
Original string : "Ground Control to Major Tom, your circuits dead there's something wrong" from "Space Oddity" by David Bowie
New string : "Ground Control to Major Tom, you" from "Space Oddity" by David Bowie
Original string : "Back Home they'll be thinking about us" from "Back Home" by The England world cup squad (1970)
New string : "Back Home th" from "Back Home" by The England world cup squad (1970)
Original string : "I'm the new cancer" from "Theres A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Havent Thought Of It Yet" by Panic at the disco
New string : "I'm the ne" from "Theres A Good Reason These Tables A" by Panic at t
Original string : "Short lyrics" from "short song" by short band
New string : "Short lyrics" from "short song" by short band
Original string : "VeryLongLyrics VeryLongLyrics VeryLongLyrics VeryLongLyrics VeryLongLyrics" from "VeryLongTitle VeryLongTitle VeryLongTitle VeryLongTitle VeryLongTitle" by VeryLongBandName VeryLongBandName VeryLongBandName VeryLongBandName VeryLongBandName
New string : "VeryLongLy" from "VeryLongTitle VeryLongTitle VeryLon" by VeryLongBa
Без сомнения, некоторые из рубиновых гуру сделают его короче и / или более идиоматическим