Первая вещь Первая .
Здесь я сохранил вашу вытащенную строку данных в переменной с именем data_str , в которой есть два словаря .
>>> data_str = "{\"description\":\"fdsafsa\",\"order\":\"1\",\"place\":\"22 Plainsman Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada\",\"lat\":43.5969175,\"lng\":-79.7248744,\"locationDate\":\"03/24/2010\"},{\"description\":\"sadfdsa\",\"order\":\"2\",\"place\":\"50 Dawnridge Trail, Brampton, ON, Canada\",\"lat\":43.7304774,\"lng\":-79.8055435,\"locationDate\":\"03/26/2010\"},"
После этого я преобразовал его в другую строку с именем data_str2 , которая находится в форме list , и удалил лишнюю запятую (, ) с конца (как это дает *) 1022 * ошибка при строковых данных в объект Python преобразование).
>>> data_str2 = "[" + data_str[0: 1] + data_str[1: len(data_str)-1] + "]"
Наконец, я преобразовал эту строку списка (список с 2 словарями) в оригинальный список Python и сохранил ее в переменной с именем data_list .
>>> import json
>>> data_list = json.loads(data_str2) # Now data_list is a list having 2 dictionaries
Теперь давайте напечатаем наши данные.
>>> print data_list
[{u'description': u'fdsafsa', u'order': u'1', u'place': u'22 Plainsman Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada', u'lat': 43.5969175, u'lng': -79.7248744, u'locationDate': u'03/24/2010'}, {u'description': u'sadfdsa', u'order': u'2', u'place': u'50 Dawnridge Trail, Brampton, ON, Canada', u'lat': 43.7304774, u'lng': -79.8055435, u'locationDate': u'03/26/2010'}]
>>> print type(data_list)
<type 'list'>
>>> print data_list[0]
{u'description': u'fdsafsa', u'order': u'1', u'place': u'22 Plainsman Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada', u'lat': 43.5969175, u'lng': -79.7248744, u'locationDate': u'03/24/2010'}
>>> print data_list[1]
{u'description': u'sadfdsa', u'order': u'2', u'place': u'50 Dawnridge Trail, Brampton, ON, Canada', u'lat': 43.7304774, u'lng': -79.8055435, u'locationDate': u'03/26/2010'}
Передайте этот список data_list из представлений и получите к нему доступ в своем шаблоне Django следующим образом
{% for data in locations %}
<td> {{ data.place }} </td>
<td> {{ data.locationDate }} </td>
{% endfor %}
Пример сегмента кода для ваших просмотров.
def locations(request):
data_list = [{u'description': u'fdsafsa', u'order': u'1', u'place': u'22 Plainsman Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada', u'lat': 43.5969175, u'lng': -79.7248744, u'locationDate': u'03/24/2010'}, {u'description': u'sadfdsa', u'order': u'2', u'place': u'50 Dawnridge Trail, Brampton, ON, Canada', u'lat': 43.7304774, u'lng': -79.8055435, u'locationDate': u'03/26/2010'}]
return render(request, "locations.html", {"locations": data_list})
Теперь я хочу объяснить , что, как я достиг решения , я думаю, что это будет полезно для начинающих. Пожалуйста, смотрите ниже объясненную пошаговую процедуру или см. Здесь .
>>> import json
>>> # A simple attempt
>>> s = "{\"description\":\"fdsafsa\"}"
>>> python_dict = json.loads(s)
>>> python_dict
{u'description': u'fdsafsa'}
>>> # Accessing value using key
>>> python_dict["description"]
>>> # It worked, lets test our given string containing 2 dictionaries(in string form) one by one
>>> # Converting 1st JSON string to Dict
>>> s2 = "{\"description\":\"fdsafsa\",\"order\":\"1\",\"place\":\"22 Plainsman Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada\",\"lat\":43.5969175,\"lng\":-79.7248744,\"locationDate\":\"03/24/2010\"}"
>>> python_dict2 = json.loads(s2) >>> python_dict2
{u'description': u'fdsafsa', u'order': u'1', u'place': u'22 Plainsman Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada', u'lat': 43.5969175, u'lng': -79.7248744, u'locationDate': u'03/24/2010'}
>>> # Converting 2nd JSON string to Dict
>>> # remove comma(,) from end otherwise you will get the following error
>>> s3 = "{\"description\":\"sadfdsa\",\"order\":\"2\",\"place\":\"50 Dawnridge Trail, Brampton, ON, Canada\",\"lat\":43.7304774,\"lng\":-79.8055435,\"locationDate\":\"03/26/2010\"},"
>>> python_dict3 = json.loads(s3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/__init__.py", line 339, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/decoder.py", line 367, in decode
raise ValueError(errmsg("Extra data", s, end, len(s)))
ValueError: Extra data: line 1 column 152 - line 1 column 153 (char 151 - 152)
>>> # Now I removed comma(,) from end and retried, it worked
>>> s3 = "{\"description\":\"sadfdsa\",\"order\":\"2\",\"place\":\"50 Dawnridge Trail, Brampton, ON, Canada\",\"lat\":43.7304774,\"lng\":-79.8055435,\"locationDate\":\"03/26/2010\"}"
>>> python_dict3 = json.loads(s3)
>>> # So now we knew that we have not to include any extra comma at end in the string form of JSON
>>> # For example (Correct form)
>>> details_str = "{\"name\":\"Rishikesh Agrawani\", \"age\": 25}"
>>> details_dict = json.loads(details_str)
>>> details_dict["name"]
u'Rishikesh Agrawani'
>>> details_dict["age"]
>>> # Now (Incorrect form), here comma(,) is at end, just after }
>>> details_str = "{\"name\":\"Rishikesh Agrawani\", \"age\": 25},"
>>> details_dict = json.loads(details_str)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/__init__.py", line 339, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/decoder.py", line 367, in decode
raise ValueError(errmsg("Extra data", s, end, len(s)))
ValueError: Extra data: line 1 column 41 - line 1 column 42 (char 40 - 41)
>>> # The problem is the string does not denote any single python object
>>> # So we will convert the string into a list form by appending [ at beginning and ] at end
>>> # Now our string will denote a single Pytohn object that is list of 2 dictioanaries
>>> # Lets do this, here I am storing the given string into variable s4
>>> data_str = "{\"description\":\"fdsafsa\",\"order\":\"1\",\"place\":\"22 Plainsman Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada\",\"lat\":43.5969175,\"lng\":-79.7248744,\"locationDate\":\"03/24/2010\"},{\"description\":\"sadfdsa\",\"order\":\"2\",\"place\":\"50 Dawnridge Trail, Brampton, ON, Canada\",\"lat\":43.7304774,\"lng\":-79.8055435,\"locationDate\":\"03/26/2010\"},"
>>> s5 = "[" + s4[0:1] + s4[1: len(s4)-1] + "]"
>>> s5
'[{"description":"fdsafsa","order":"1","place":"22 Plainsman Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada","lat":43.5969175,"lng":-79.7248744,"locationDate":"03/24/2010"},{"description":"sadfdsa","order":"2","place":"50 Dawnridge Trail, Brampton, ON, Canada","lat":43.7304774,"lng":-79.8055435,"locationDate":"03/26/2010"}]'
>>> # l is a list of 2 dictionaries
>>> l = json.loads(s5)
>>> l[0]
{u'description': u'fdsafsa', u'order': u'1', u'place': u'22 Plainsman Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada', u'lat': 43.5969175, u'lng': -79.7248744, u'locationDate': u'03/24/2010'}
>>> l[1]
{u'description': u'sadfdsa', u'order': u'2', u'place': u'50 Dawnridge Trail, Brampton, ON, Canada', u'lat': 43.7304774, u'lng': -79.8055435, u'locationDate': u'03/26/2010'}
Спасибо .