Установка атрибутов в стандартной модели не вызывает вызовов SELECT
, насколько мне известно. Это также считается верным, когда я запускаю журнал одновременно с script / console сеанс:
>> f = Forum.first
==> ./log/development.log <==
Forum Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM `forums` ORDER BY title asc LIMIT 1
Forum Columns (12.6ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `forums`
=> #<Forum id: 1, title: "Welcome to rBoard!", description: "This is an example forum for Rboard.", is_visible_to_id: nil, topics_created_by_id: nil, position: 1, parent_id: nil, last_post_id: 1, last_post_forum_id: nil, topics_count: 1, posts_count: 4, category_id: nil, active: true, open: true>
>> f.attributes
=> {"position"=>1, "is_visible_to_id"=>nil, "open"=>true, "topics_count"=>1, "title"=>"Welcome to rBoard!", "last_post_forum_id"=>nil, "posts_count"=>4, "id"=>1, "category_id"=>nil, "parent_id"=>nil, "topics_created_by_id"=>nil, "last_post_id"=>1, "description"=>"This is an example forum for Rboard.", "active"=>true}
>> f.attributes = _
=> {"position"=>1, "is_visible_to_id"=>nil, "open"=>true, "topics_count"=>1, "title"=>"Welcome to rBoard!", "last_post_forum_id"=>nil, "posts_count"=>4, "id"=>1, "category_id"=>nil, "parent_id"=>nil, "topics_created_by_id"=>nil, "last_post_id"=>1, "description"=>"This is an example forum for Rboard.", "active"=>true}
Здесь вы можете видеть, что выполняется только два SQL-запроса: один для извлечения записи Forum
, а другой для определения столбцов в таблице forums
Пока я не сохраню его, он выполнит несколько запросов:
>> f.attributes
=> {"position"=>1, "is_visible_to_id"=>nil, "open"=>true, "topics_count"=>1, "title"=>"Welcome to rBoard!", "last_post_forum_id"=>nil, "posts_count"=>4, "id"=>1, "category_id"=>nil, "parent_id"=>nil, "topics_created_by_id"=>nil, "last_post_id"=>1, "description"=>"This is an example forum for Rboard.", "active"=>true}
>> attr = _
=> {"position"=>1, "is_visible_to_id"=>nil, "open"=>true, "topics_count"=>1, "title"=>"Welcome to rBoard!", "last_post_forum_id"=>nil, "posts_count"=>4, "id"=>1, "category_id"=>nil, "parent_id"=>nil, "topics_created_by_id"=>nil, "last_post_id"=>1, "description"=>"This is an example forum for Rboard.", "active"=>true}
>> attr["position"] = 2
=> 2
>> f.save
SQL (0.2ms) BEGIN
=> true
>> SQL (0.2ms) COMMIT
f.attributes = attr
=> {"position"=>2, "is_visible_to_id"=>nil, "open"=>true, "topics_count"=>1, "title"=>"Welcome to rBoard!", "last_post_forum_id"=>nil, "posts_count"=>4, "id"=>1, "category_id"=>nil, "parent_id"=>nil, "topics_created_by_id"=>nil, "last_post_id"=>1, "description"=>"This is an example forum for Rboard.", "active"=>true}
>> WARNING: Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: id
SQL (0.2ms) BEGIN
Forum Update (20.3ms) UPDATE `forums` SET `position` = 2 WHERE `id` = 1
SQL (27.2ms) COMMIT
=> true