Этот класс обрабатывает нумерацию в TextView и EditText и масштабирует число в зависимости от размера текста:
import android.graphics.Canvas
import android.graphics.Paint
import android.text.Layout
import android.text.Spanned
import android.text.style.AbsoluteSizeSpan
import android.text.style.LeadingMarginSpan
* Paragraph numbering.
* Android seems to add the leading margin for an empty paragraph to the previous paragraph
* (]0, 4][4, 4] --> the leading margin of the second span is added to the ]0, 4] paragraph
* regardless of the Spanned.flags) --> therefore we ignore the leading margin for the last,
* empty paragraph unless it's the only one
class NumberSpan(nr: Int, gapWidth: Int, isEmpty: Boolean, isFirst: Boolean, isLast: Boolean)
: LeadingMarginSpan {
private val mNr: Int = nr
private val mGapWidth: Int = gapWidth
private val mIgnoreSpan: Boolean = isEmpty && isLast && !isFirst
private var mWidth: Float = 0.toFloat()
val value: Boolean?
get() = java.lang.Boolean.TRUE
override fun getLeadingMargin(first: Boolean): Int {
return if (mIgnoreSpan) 0 else Math.max(Math.round(mWidth + 2), mGapWidth)
override fun drawLeadingMargin(c: Canvas, p: Paint, x: Int, dir: Int, top: Int, baseline: Int, bottom: Int,
text: CharSequence, start: Int, end: Int, first: Boolean, l: Layout) {
val spanned = text as Spanned
if (!mIgnoreSpan && spanned.getSpanStart(this) == start) {
// set paint
val oldStyle = p.style
val oldTextSize = p.textSize
p.style = Paint.Style.FILL
val textSize = determineTextSize(spanned, start, end, oldTextSize)
p.textSize = textSize
mWidth = p.measureText(mNr.toString() + ".")
// draw the number
c.drawText(mNr.toString() + ".", x.toFloat(), baseline.toFloat(), p)
// restore paint
p.style = oldStyle
p.textSize = oldTextSize
private fun determineTextSize(spanned: Spanned, start: Int, end: Int, defaultTextSize: Float): Float {
// If the text size is different from default use that to determine the indicator size
// That is determined by finding the first visible character within the list item span
// and checking its size
val position = firstVisibleCharIndex(spanned, start, end)
if (position >= 0) {
val absoluteSizeSpans = spanned.getSpans(position, position, AbsoluteSizeSpan::class.java)
if (absoluteSizeSpans.isNotEmpty()) {
val absoluteSizeSpan = absoluteSizeSpans[absoluteSizeSpans.size - 1]
return absoluteSizeSpan.size.toFloat()
// If there are no spans or no visible characters yet use the default calculation
return defaultTextSize
private fun firstVisibleCharIndex(spanned: Spanned, start: Int, end: Int): Int {
var newStart = start
while (newStart < end) {
if (isVisibleChar(spanned[newStart])) {
return newStart
return -1
private fun isVisibleChar(c: Char): Boolean {
return when (c) {
'\u200B', '\uFFEF' -> false
else -> true
Код из этой библиотеки https://github.com/1gravity/Android-RTEditor (перевод с Java на Kotlin).Я автор этой библиотеки.