Я думаю, у меня проблемы с двоичным файлом io. Если я запускаю свою программу, создаю несколько объектов сотрудников и затем отображаю их, все работает нормально. Если я сохраняю данные объекта и перезагружаю программу, я получаю исключение RTTI. Мне кажется, что мои функции LoadEmployeeData () и Savelist (vector & e) работают очень хорошо. Исключение возникает в моей функции DisplayEmployeeData (), когда я пытаюсь использовать typeid.
Просто повторюсь, я получаю ошибку RTTI при использовании typeid на объекте, загруженном с диска.
//****************header file***********
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class Employee
int employeeID;
char name[80];
int SSN;
Employee(int, char*,int);
virtual ~Employee();
virtual void DisplayBaseData();
int GetID();
char* getName();
int GetSSN();
void SetID(int);
void SetName(char*);
void SetSSN(int);
};//end Employee class
class Salary : public Employee
double salary;
Salary(int, char*, int, double); //id, name, ssn, salary
void DisplayEmployeeData();
double GetSalary();
void SetSalary(double);
};//end class Exempt
class Hourly : public Employee
double rate;
double hoursWorked;
Hourly(int, char*, int, double, double); //id, name, ssn, rate
void DisplayEmployeeData();
double GetRate();
double GetHoursWorked();
void SetRate(double);
void SetHoursWorked(double);
};//end Hourly Class
const int HOURLYTYPE = 0;
const int SALARYTYPE = 1;
// ******* корпус *******
#include "lab05.h";
Employee::Employee(int ID, char* nme, int ssn) : employeeID(ID), SSN(ssn)
strcpy(name, nme);
int Employee::GetID()
return employeeID;
char* Employee::getName()
return name;
int Employee::GetSSN()
return SSN;
void Employee::SetID(int i)
employeeID = i;
void Employee::SetName(char* n)
strcpy(name, n);
void Employee::SetSSN(int i)
SSN = i;
void Employee::DisplayBaseData()
cout << "ID: \t" << employeeID << endl;
cout << "Name: \t " << name << endl;
cout << "SSN: \t" << SSN << endl;
Salary::Salary(int id, char* nme, int ssn, double slry) : Employee(id, nme, ssn), salary(slry){}
void Salary::DisplayEmployeeData()
cout << "Salary: \t " << salary << endl;
double Salary::GetSalary()
return salary;
void Salary::SetSalary(double d)
salary = d;
Hourly::Hourly(int id, char* nme, int ssn, double rte, double worked) : Employee(id, nme, ssn), rate(rte), hoursWorked(worked){}
void Hourly::DisplayEmployeeData()
cout << "Rate: \t" << rate << endl;
cout << "Worked: \t " << hoursWorked << endl;
double Hourly::GetRate()
return rate;
double Hourly::GetHoursWorked()
return hoursWorked;
void Hourly::SetRate(double d)
rate = d;
void Hourly::SetHoursWorked(double d)
hoursWorked = d;
vector<Employee*> LoadEmployeeData()
vector<Employee*> employeeList;
string fileName = "";
cout << "\nEnter filename for employee data: ";
cin >> fileName;
fstream file;
file.open(fileName, ios::in, ios::binary);
char buffer[4096] = {0};
int numEntries;
file.read((char*)&numEntries, sizeof(int));
cout << numEntries << " number of entries found." << endl;
if (numEntries != 0)
int identifier;
for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
file.read((char*)&identifier, sizeof(int));
if (identifier == SALARYTYPE)
Employee* temp = new Salary();
file.read((char*)temp, sizeof(Salary));
else if (identifier == HOURLYTYPE)
Employee* temp = new Hourly();
file.read((char*)temp, sizeof(Hourly));
else cout << "No Entries found." << endl;
return employeeList;
}//end LoadEmployeeData function
void ListEmployees(vector<Employee*> &e)
if (e.size() != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < e.size(); i++)
if (typeid(*(e[i])) == typeid(Hourly))
cout << "\n(" << i << ")" << endl;
else if (typeid(*(e[i])) == typeid(Salary))
cout << "\n(" << i << ")" << endl;
else cout << "No items in list" << endl;
}// end ListEmployees function
void ModifyEmployee(vector<Employee*> &e)
cout << "Enter employee selection." << endl;
void CreateEmployee(vector<Employee*> &e)
bool continueLoop = true;
srand(time(0)); //seed random number generator
cout << "\n Enter new employee information." << endl;
cout << "Name: ";
char newName[80] = {0};
cin >> newName;
cout << "\n SSN: ";
int newSSN;
cin >> newSSN;
char newType = '-1';
cout << "\n Is new employee paid a (s)alary or (h)ourly rate? ";
cin >> newType;
if (newType == 's' || newType == 'h') continueLoop = false;
else cout << "incorrect input" << endl;
}while (continueLoop == true);
if (newType == 's')
cout << "Enter salary amount: ";
double amount;
cin >> amount;
e.push_back(new Salary(rand() % 1000 + 1, newName, newSSN, amount));
else if (newType == 'h')
cout << "Enter hourly amount: ";
double amount;
cin >> amount;
cout << "Enter hours worked: ";
double hoursWorked;
cin >> hoursWorked;
e.push_back(new Hourly(rand() % 1000 + 1, newName, newSSN, amount, hoursWorked));
void Savelist(vector<Employee*> &e)
if (e.size() == 0)
cout << "No employees in list. Nothing done." << endl;
cout << "Enter save filename: ";
char fileName[80] = {'\0'};
cin >> fileName;
fstream* file = new fstream();
file->open(fileName, ios::out, ios::binary);
char buffer[80] = {'\0'};
int numEntries = e.size();
file->write((char*)&numEntries, sizeof(int)); //writes number of entries
for (int i = 0; i < e.size(); i++)
if (typeid(*e[i]) == typeid(Salary))
int classType = SALARYTYPE;
file->write((char*)&classType, sizeof(int));
file->write((char*)dynamic_cast<Salary*>(e[i]), sizeof(Salary));
else if (typeid(*e[i]) == typeid(Hourly))
int classType = HOURLYTYPE;
file->write((char*)&classType, sizeof(int));
file->write((char*)dynamic_cast<Hourly*>(e[i]), sizeof(Salary));
void DeleteEmployee(vector<Employee*> &e)
cout << "Input index number of employee to delete: ";
int idx = 0;
cin >> idx;
if (idx > e.size() -1)
cout << "invalid index number\n" << endl;
delete e[idx];
e.erase(e.begin() + idx); //removes from list
int main()
const int ZERO = 0;
const int ONE = 1;
const int TWO = 2;
const int THREE = 3;
const int FOUR = 4;
const int FIVE = 5;
const int SIX = 6;
int exitMainLoop = false; //for flow control
int mainMenuChoice = -1;
vector<Employee*> employeeList;
cout << "Select from the following options." << endl;
cout << "(1) Load employee data file." << endl;
cout << "(2) View Employees." << endl;
cout << "(3) Modify Employee data. " << endl;
cout << "(4) Create new employee." << endl;
cout << "(5) Save list to file." << endl;
cout << "(6) Delete employee data. " << endl;
cout << "(0) Exit program." << endl;
//add more options
cout << "Enter selection: ";
cin >> mainMenuChoice;
if (cin.fail())
cout << "\nInvalid selection. Try again" << endl;
string garbage = "";
cin >> garbage;
else if (mainMenuChoice == ONE)
employeeList = LoadEmployeeData();
else if (mainMenuChoice == TWO)
else if (mainMenuChoice == THREE)
else if (mainMenuChoice == FOUR)
else if (mainMenuChoice == FIVE)
else if (mainMenuChoice == SIX)
else if (mainMenuChoice == ZERO)
exitMainLoop = true;
}while(exitMainLoop == false);