number of 100 nanoseconds since 1601
Это значение Windows FILETIME.
Boost.DateTime фактически использует Windows FILETIME для платформы Windows.
Ниже приведен соответствующий исходный код Boost, который преобразует FILETIME в boost :: posix_time :: ptime:
(из boost / date_time / microsec_time_clock.hpp)
static time_type create_time(time_converter converter)
winapi::file_time ft;
uint64_t micros = winapi::file_time_to_microseconds(ft); // it will not wrap, since ft is the current time
// and cannot be before 1970-Jan-01
std::time_t t = static_cast<std::time_t>(micros / 1000000UL); // seconds since epoch
// microseconds -- static casts supress warnings
boost::uint32_t sub_sec = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(micros % 1000000UL);
std::tm curr;
std::tm* curr_ptr = converter(&t, &curr);
date_type d(curr_ptr->tm_year + 1900,
curr_ptr->tm_mon + 1,
//The following line will adjust the fractional second tick in terms
//of the current time system. For example, if the time system
//doesn't support fractional seconds then res_adjust returns 0
//and all the fractional seconds return 0.
int adjust = static_cast< int >(resolution_traits_type::res_adjust() / 1000000);
time_duration_type td(curr_ptr->tm_hour,
sub_sec * adjust);
return time_type(d,td);
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