RubyAmf и Rails 3 - PullRequest

RubyAmf и Rails 3

1 голос
/ 30 августа 2010

Недавно я пытался обновить форму приложения Rails 2.3.8 до новых версий Rails 3.

После исправления некоторых Rails 3 RubyAMF, похоже, не работает:

>>>>>>>> RubyAMF >>>>>>>>> #<RubyAMF::Actions::PrepareAction:0x1649924> took: 0.00017 secs
The action '#<ActionDispatch::Request:0x15c0cf0>' could not be found for DaysController
/Users/tammam56/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/actionpack-3.0.0/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb:114:in `process'
/Users/tammam56/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/actionpack-3.0.0/lib/abstract_controller/rendering.rb:40:in `process'

Кажется, он не может найти подходящий контроллер.Возможно, это связано с новыми изменениями в Rails 3 Router.Знаете ли вы, как найти причину проблемы и / или попытаться ее устранить?

Я вставляю код из RubyAMF, где это происходит (исключение происходит в строке: @ service.process(req, res)):

      #invoke the service call
      def invoke
          # RequestStore.available_services[@amfbody.service_class_name] ||=
          @service = #handle on service

        rescue Exception => e
          puts e.message
          puts e.backtrace
          raise, "There was an error loading the service class #{@amfbody.service_class_name}")

        if @service.private_methods.include?(@amfbody.service_method_name.to_sym)
          raise RUBYAMFExc, "The method {#{@amfbody.service_method_name}} in class {#{@amfbody.service_class_file_path}} is declared as private, it must be defined as public to access it.")
    elsif !@service.public_methods.include?(@amfbody.service_method_name.to_sym)
      raise, "The method {#{@amfbody.service_method_name}} in class {#{@amfbody.service_class_file_path}} is not declared.")

    #clone the request and response and alter it for the target controller/method
    req = RequestStore.rails_request.clone
    res = RequestStore.rails_response.clone

    #change the request controller/action targets and tell the service to process. THIS IS THE VOODOO. SWEET!
    controller = @amfbody.service_class_name.gsub("Controller","").underscore
    action     = @amfbody.service_method_name
    req.parameters['controller'] = req.request_parameters['controller'] = req.path_parameters['controller'] = controller
    req.parameters['action']     = req.request_parameters['action']     = req.path_parameters['action']     = action
    req.env['PATH_INFO']         = req.env['REQUEST_PATH']              = req.env['REQUEST_URI']            = "#{controller}/#{action}"
    req.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/x-amf,' + req.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].to_s

    #set conditional helper
    @service.is_amf = true
    @service.is_rubyamf = true

    #process the request
    rubyamf_params = @service.rubyamf_params = {}
    if @amfbody.value && !@amfbody.value.empty?
      @amfbody.value.each_with_index do |item,i|
        rubyamf_params[i] = item

    # put them by default into the parameter hash if they opt for it
    rubyamf_params.each{|k,v| req.parameters[k] = v} if ParameterMappings.always_add_to_params

      #One last update of the parameters hash, this will map custom mappings to the hash, and will override any conflicting from above
      ParameterMappings.update_request_parameters(@amfbody.service_class_name, @amfbody.service_method_name, req.parameters, rubyamf_params, @amfbody.value)
    rescue Exception => e
      raise, "There was an error with your parameter mappings: {#{e.message}}")
    @service.process(req, res)

    #unset conditional helper
    @service.is_amf = false
    @service.is_rubyamf = false
    @service.rubyamf_params = rubyamf_params # add the rubyamf_args into the controller to be accessed

    result = RequestStore.render_amf_results

    #handle FaultObjects
    if result.class.to_s == 'FaultObject' #catch returned FaultObjects - use this check so we don't have to include the fault object module
      e =['code'], result['message'])
      e.payload = result['payload']
      raise e

    @amfbody.results = result
    if @amfbody.special_handling == 'RemotingMessage'
      @wrapper = generate_acknowledge_object(@amfbody.get_meta('messageId'), @amfbody.get_meta('clientId'))
      @wrapper["body"] = result
      @amfbody.results = @wrapper
    @amfbody.success! #set the success response uri flag (/onResult)

1 Ответ

2 голосов
/ 01 сентября 2010

Лучшее предложение - попробовать rails3-amf . В настоящее время в ней по сравнению с RubyAMF отсутствуют функции, но она работает, и я добавляю новые функции, как только они запрашиваются или у меня есть время.
