В идеале это должно быть сделано с помощью полнотекстового поиска, как указано выше.
Если для вашей БД не настроен полный текст, вот решение, требующее высокой производительности для поиска по приоритетам строк.
-- table to search in
drop table if exists dbo.myTable;
CREATE TABLE dbo.myTable
myTableId int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1),
code varchar(200) NOT NULL,
description varchar(200) NOT NULL -- this column contains the values we are going to search in
-- function to split space separated search string into individual words
drop function if exists [dbo].[fnSplit];
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnSplit] (@StringInput nvarchar(max),
@Delimiter nvarchar(1))
RETURNS @OutputTable TABLE (
id nvarchar(1000)
DECLARE @String nvarchar(100);
WHILE LEN(@StringInput) > 0
SET @String = LEFT(@StringInput, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringInput) - 1, -1),
@Delimiter, @StringInput
), LEN
+ 1, LEN(@StringInput));
INSERT INTO @OutputTable (id)
VALUES (@String);
-- this is the search script which can be optionally converted to a stored procedure /function
declare @search varchar(max) = 'infection upper acute genito'; -- enter your search string here
-- the searched string above should give rows containing the following
-- infection in upper side with acute genitointestinal tract
-- acute infection in upper teeth
-- acute genitointestinal pain
if (len(trim(@search)) = 0) -- if search string is empty, just return records ordered alphabetically
select 1 as Priority ,myTableid, code, Description from myTable order by Description
declare @splitTable Table(
wordRank int Identity(1,1), -- individual words are assinged priority order (in order of occurence/position)
word varchar(200)
declare @nonWordTable Table( -- table to trim out auxiliary verbs, prepositions etc. from the search
id varchar(200)
insert into @nonWordTable values
insert into @splitTable
select id from dbo.fnSplit(@search,' '); -- this function gives you a table with rows containing all the space separated words of the search like in this e.g., the output will be -
-- id
-- infection
-- upper
-- acute
-- genito
delete s from @splitTable s join @nonWordTable n on s.word = n.id; -- trimming out non-words here
declare @countOfSearchStrings int = (select count(word) from @splitTable); -- count of space separated words for search
declare @highestPriority int = POWER(@countOfSearchStrings,3);
with plainMatches as
select myTableid, @highestPriority as Priority from myTable where Description like @search -- exact matches have highest priority
select myTableid, @highestPriority-1 as Priority from myTable where Description like @search + '%' -- then with something at the end
select myTableid, @highestPriority-2 as Priority from myTable where Description like '%' + @search -- then with something at the beginning
select myTableid, @highestPriority-3 as Priority from myTable where Description like '%' + @search + '%' -- then if the word falls somewhere in between
splitWordMatches as( -- give each searched word a rank based on its position in the searched string
-- and calculate its char index in the field to search
select myTable.myTableid, (@countOfSearchStrings - s.wordRank) as Priority, s.word,
wordIndex = CHARINDEX(s.word, myTable.Description) from myTable join @splitTable s on myTable.Description like '%'+ s.word + '%'
-- and not exists(select myTableid from plainMatches p where p.myTableId = myTable.myTableId) -- need not look into myTables that have already been found in plainmatches as they are highest ranked
-- this one takes a long time though, so commenting it, will have no impact on the result
matchingRowsWithAllWords as (
select myTableid, count(myTableid) as myTableCount from splitWordMatches group by(myTableid) having count(myTableid) = @countOfSearchStrings
, -- trim off the CTE here if you don't care about the ordering of words to be considered for priority
wordIndexRatings as( -- reverse the char indexes retrived above so that words occuring earlier have higher weightage
-- and then normalize them to sequential values
select s.myTableid, Priority, word, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by s.myTableid order by wordindex desc) as comparativeWordIndex
from splitWordMatches s join matchingRowsWithAllWords m on s.myTableId = m.myTableId
wordIndexSequenceRatings as ( -- need to do this to ensure that if the same set of words from search string is found in two rows,
-- their sequence in the field value is taken into account for higher priority
select w.myTableid, w.word, (w.Priority + w.comparativeWordIndex + coalesce(sequncedPriority ,0)) as Priority
from wordIndexRatings w left join
select w1.myTableid, w1.priority, w1.word, w1.comparativeWordIndex, count(w1.myTableid) as sequncedPriority
from wordIndexRatings w1 join wordIndexRatings w2 on w1.myTableId = w2.myTableId and w1.Priority > w2.Priority and w1.comparativeWordIndex>w2.comparativeWordIndex
group by w1.myTableid, w1.priority,w1.word, w1.comparativeWordIndex
sequencedPriority on w.myTableId = sequencedPriority.myTableId and w.Priority = sequencedPriority.Priority
prioritizedSplitWordMatches as ( -- this calculates the cumulative priority for a field value
select w1.myTableId, sum(w1.Priority) as OverallPriority from wordIndexSequenceRatings w1 join wordIndexSequenceRatings w2 on w1.myTableId = w2.myTableId
where w1.word <> w2.word group by w1.myTableid
completeSet as (
select myTableid, priority from plainMatches -- get plain matches which should be highest ranked
select myTableid, OverallPriority as priority from prioritizedSplitWordMatches -- get ranked split word matches (which are ordered based on word rank in search string and sequence)
maximizedCompleteSet as( -- set the priority of a field value = maximum priority for that field value
select myTableid, max(priority) as Priority from completeSet group by myTableId
select priority, myTable.myTableid , code, Description from maximizedCompleteSet m join myTable on m.myTableId = myTable.myTableId
order by Priority desc, Description -- order by priority desc to get highest rated items on top
--offset 0 rows fetch next 50 rows only -- optional paging