В функции onCreate:
RelativeLayout baseLayout = (RelativeLayout) this.findViewById(R.id.the_layout_id);
Drawable drawable = loadImageFromAsset();
if(drawable != null){
Log.d("TheActivity", "Setting the background");
Способ загрузки изображения:
public Drawable loadImageFromAsset() {
Drawable drawable;
// load image
try {
// get input stream
InputStream ims = getAssets().open("images/test.9.png");
//Note: Images can be in hierarical
// load image as Drawable
drawable = Drawable.createFromStream(ims, null);
catch(IOException ex) {
Log.d("LoadingImage", "Error reading the image");
return null;
return drawable;
Открытый метод:
> public final InputStream open (String fileName, int accessMode)
> Added in API level 1 Open an asset using an explicit access mode,
> returning an InputStream to read its contents. This provides access to
> files that have been bundled with an application as assets -- that is,
> files placed in to the "assets" directory.
> fileName --- The name of the asset to open. This name can be hierarchical.
> accessMode --- Desired access mode for retrieving the data.
> Throws IOException