Хорошо, я сделал это! Я ценю ссылку, опубликованную Remou. Это оказало некоторую поддержку после того, как я преодолел первоначальное препятствие ...
Вот мой код:
Dim iOLE As Int16
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oOLE As Object
For iOLE = 1 To WordApp.ActiveDocument.Content.ShapeRange.Count 'These are the embedded objects
If Not WordApp.ActiveDocument.Content.ShapeRange(iOLE).OLEFormat Is Nothing Then '- make sure it is OLE
If WordApp.ActiveDocument.Content.ShapeRange(iOLE).OLEFormat.ProgID.Contains("Excel") Then '- make sure it's an Excel object
'- I have found an Excel Object!!!
oOLE = WordApp.ActiveDocument.Content.ShapeRange(iOLE).OLEFormat.Object
oSheet = oOLE.Worksheets(1) '- I can assert that each of them has at least one sheet and that I need the first one...
oSheet.Range("BB3") = "I did it!" '- setting some text to verify I made it in...
End If
End If