Десериализация JSON со встроенным словарем - PullRequest
3 голосов
/ 31 августа 2010

Мне нужно определить, может ли DataContractJsonSerializer десериализовать JSON в словарь, если словарь не является десериализованным объектом обертки. Я знаю, что есть другие проекты с открытым исходным кодом, которые могут сделать это (json.net, json-framework), но я хотел бы знать окончательно, может ли .NET изначально справиться с этим, прежде чем использовать этот подход. вся документация MSDN предполагает, что это возможно, но я не уверен, правильно ли я выполняю преобразование.

Итак, для начала я получаю видеообъект из веб-службы в формате JSON, например:

  "name":"Video Title",
  "shortDescription":"short description",
  "longDescription":"long description",
  "customFields":{"custom title":"custom value", "custom title 2":"custom value2"},

Я десериализую этот объект как BCQueryResult. BCQueryResult имеет свойство Videos, представляющее собой BCCollection, которое расширяет List и применяет CollectionDataContract. У видеообъекта, в свою очередь, есть свойство customFields, которое является объектом CustomFields, который расширяет словарь и применяет CollectionDataContract. Все типы коллекций, которые являются типами List (видео, теги, ключевые точки и т. Д.), Десериализованы без проблем. Тип Dictionary - единственный тип, у которого есть проблема с десериализацией. Нет ошибки, но даже когда значение присутствует, результат будет пустым. Если я удаляю все типы дат и десериализирую с помощью JavaScriptSerializer, это даст мне правильное значение, но из-за проблем с необходимыми типами полей я не могу использовать JavaScriptSerializer, вместо этого я использую DataContractJsonSerializer. Я прикрепил классы ниже.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using BrightcoveSDK.Media;

namespace BrightcoveSDK
 public class BCQueryResult
  [DataMember(Name = "videos")]
  public BCCollection<BCVideo> Videos;
  [DataMember(Name = "playlists")]
  public BCCollection<BCPlaylist> Playlists;
  [DataMember(Name = "page_number")]
  public int PageNumber { get; set; }
  [DataMember(Name = "page_size")]
  public int PageSize { get; set; }
  [DataMember(Name = "total_count")]
  public int TotalCount { get; set; }

  public int MaxToGet = 0;
  public List<QueryResultPair> QueryResults = new List<QueryResultPair>();

  public BCQueryResult() {
   Playlists = new BCCollection<BCPlaylist>();
   Videos = new BCCollection<BCVideo>();
   PageNumber = 0;
   PageSize = 0;
   TotalCount = 0;

  public void Merge(BCQueryResult qr) {

   //if (qr.QueryResults != null && qr.QueryResults.Count > 0)
   //        QueryResults.Add(qr.QueryResults[qr.QueryResults.Count -1]);
   if (qr.Videos != null) Videos.AddRange(qr.Videos);
   if(qr.Playlists != null) Playlists.AddRange(qr.Playlists);
   PageNumber = qr.PageNumber;
   TotalCount = qr.TotalCount;
   PageSize = qr.PageSize;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace BrightcoveSDK
 public class BCCollection<T> : List<T>

 public static class BCCollectionExtensions {

  public static string ToDelimitedString(this BCCollection<string> list, string Delimiter) {

   string r = "";
   foreach (string s in list) {
    if (r.Length > 0) {
     r += Delimiter;
    r += s;
   return r;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace BrightcoveSDK.Media
 /// <summary>
 /// The Video object is an aggregation of metadata and asset information associated with a video
 /// </summary>
 public class BCVideo : BCObject, IComparable<BCVideo>
  /// <summary>
  /// A number that uniquely identifies this Video, assigned by Brightcove when the Video is created.
  /// </summary>
  public long id { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// The title of this Video.
  /// </summary> 
  public string name { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// A short description describing this Video, limited to 256 characters.
  /// </summary> 
  public string shortDescription { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// A longer description of this Video, bounded by a 1024 character limit.
  /// </summary> 
  public string longDescription { get; set; }

  [DataMember(Name = "creationDate")]
  private string createDate { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// The date this Video was created, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
  /// </summary> 
  public DateTime creationDate {
   get {
    return DateFromUnix(createDate);
   set {
    createDate = DateToUnix(value);

  [DataMember(Name = "publishedDate")]
  private string publishDate { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// The date this Video was last made active, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
  /// </summary> 
  public DateTime publishedDate {
   get {
    return DateFromUnix(publishDate);
   set {
    publishDate = DateToUnix(value);

  [DataMember(Name = "lastModifiedDate")]
  private string modifyDate { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// The date this Video was last modified, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
  /// </summary> 
  public DateTime lastModifiedDate {
   get {
    return DateFromUnix(modifyDate);
   set {
    modifyDate = DateToUnix(value);

  /// <summary>
  /// An optional URL to a related item.
  /// </summary> 
  public string linkURL { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// The text displayed for the linkURL.
  /// </summary> 
  public string linkText { get; set; }

  [DataMember(Name = "FLVURL")]
  public string flvURL { get; set; }

        private BCCollection<string> _tags;

  /// <summary>
  /// A list of Strings representing the tags assigned to this Video.
  /// </summary> 
        public BCCollection<string> tags {
            get {
                if (_tags == null) {
                    _tags = new BCCollection<string>();
                return _tags;
            set {
                _tags = value;

        private BCCollection<BCCuePoint> _cuePoints;

        /// <summary>
        /// A list of cuePoints representing the cue points assigned to this Video.
        /// </summary> 
        public BCCollection<BCCuePoint> cuePoints {
            get {
                if(_cuePoints == null){
                    _cuePoints = new BCCollection<BCCuePoint>();
                return _cuePoints;
            set {
                _cuePoints = value;

  /// <summary>
  /// The URL to the video still image associated with this Video. Video stills are 480x360 pixels.
  /// </summary> 
  public string videoStillURL { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// The URL to the thumbnail image associated with this Video. Thumbnails are 120x90 pixels.
  /// </summary> 
  public string thumbnailURL { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// A user-specified id that uniquely identifies this Video. ReferenceID can be used as a foreign-key to identify this video in another system. 
  /// </summary> 
  public string referenceId { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// The length of this video in milliseconds.
  /// </summary> 
  public string length { get; set; }

  [DataMember(Name = "economics")]
  private string ecs { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// Either FREE or AD_SUPPORTED. AD_SUPPORTED means that ad requests are enabled for this Video.
  /// </summary> 
  public BCVideoEconomics economics {
   get {
    if (ecs == null) {
     return BCVideoEconomics.AD_SUPPORTED;
    else if (ecs.Equals(BCVideoEconomics.AD_SUPPORTED.ToString())) {
     return BCVideoEconomics.AD_SUPPORTED;
    else if (ecs.Equals(BCVideoEconomics.FREE.ToString())) {
     return BCVideoEconomics.FREE;
    else {
     return BCVideoEconomics.AD_SUPPORTED;
   set {
    ecs = value.ToString();

  [DataMember(Name = "playsTotal")]
  private string plays { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// How many times this Video has been played since its creation.
  /// </summary> 
  public long playsTotal {
   get {
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(plays)) {
     return long.Parse(plays);
    } else {
     return 0;
   set {
    plays = value.ToString();

  [DataMember(Name = "playsTrailingWeek")]
  private string playsWeek { get; set; }

        public static List<string> VideoFields {
            get {
                List<string> fields = new List<string>();
                foreach (string s in Enum.GetNames(typeof(BrightcoveSDK.VideoFields))) {
                return fields;

  /// <summary>
  /// How many times this Video has been played within the past seven days, exclusive of today.
  /// </summary> 
  public long playsTrailingWeek {
   get {
    if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(playsWeek)) {
     return long.Parse(playsWeek);
    } else {
     return 0;
   set {
    playsWeek = value.ToString();

        [DataMember(Name = "itemState")]
        private string _itemState {get; set;}

        public ItemStateEnum itemState {
            get {
    if (_itemState == null) {
     return ItemStateEnum.ACTIVE;
    else if (_itemState.Equals(ItemStateEnum.ACTIVE.ToString())) {
     return ItemStateEnum.ACTIVE;
    else if (_itemState.Equals(ItemStateEnum.DELETED.ToString())) {
     return ItemStateEnum.DELETED;
                else if (_itemState.Equals(ItemStateEnum.INACTIVE.ToString())) {
     return ItemStateEnum.INACTIVE;
    else {
     return ItemStateEnum.ACTIVE;
   set {
    ecs = value.ToString();

        [DataMember(Name = "version")]
        private string _version {get; set;}

        public long version {
         get {
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_version)) {
     return long.Parse(_version);
    } else {
     return 0;
   set {
    _version = value.ToString();

        public string submissionInfo {get; set;}

        public CustomFields _customFields;

        public CustomFields customFields {
            get {
                if (_customFields == null) {
                    _customFields = new CustomFields();
                return _customFields;
            set {
                _customFields = value;

        public string releaseDate {get; set;}

        public string geoFiltered {get; set;}

        public string geoRestricted {get; set;}

        public string geoFilterExclude {get; set;}

        public string excludeListedCountries {get; set;}

        private BCCollection<string> _geoFilteredCountries;

        public BCCollection<string> geoFilteredCountries {
            get {
                if (_geoFilteredCountries == null) {
                    _geoFilteredCountries = new BCCollection<string>();
                return _geoFilteredCountries;
            set {
                _geoFilteredCountries = value;

        private BCCollection<string> _allowedCountries;

        public BCCollection<string> allowedCountries {
            get {
                if (_allowedCountries == null) {
                    _allowedCountries = new BCCollection<string>();
                return _allowedCountries;
            set {
                _allowedCountries = value;

        [DataMember(Name = "accountId")]
        private string _accountId {get; set;}

        public long accountId {
         get {
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_accountId)) {
     return long.Parse(_accountId);
    } else {
     return 0;
   set {
    _accountId = value.ToString();

  public BCVideo() {

  #region IComparable Comparators

  public int CompareTo(BCVideo other) {
   return name.CompareTo(other.name);

  public static Comparison<BCVideo> CreationDateComparison =
   delegate(BCVideo v1, BCVideo v2)
    return v1.creationDate.CompareTo(v2.creationDate);

  public static Comparison<BCVideo> TotalPlaysComparison =
   delegate(BCVideo v1, BCVideo v2)
    return v1.playsTotal.CompareTo(v2.playsTotal);

  public static Comparison<BCVideo> PublishDateComparison =
   delegate(BCVideo v1, BCVideo v2)
    return v1.publishedDate.CompareTo(v2.publishedDate);

  public static Comparison<BCVideo> ModifiedDateComparison =
   delegate(BCVideo v1, BCVideo v2)
    return v1.lastModifiedDate.CompareTo(v2.lastModifiedDate);

  public static Comparison<BCVideo> PlaysTrailingComparison =
   delegate(BCVideo v1, BCVideo v2)
    return v1.playsTrailingWeek.CompareTo(v2.playsTrailingWeek);


 public static class BCVideoExtensions {

  #region Extension Methods

  public static string ToCreateJSON(this BCVideo video) {
   return ToJSON(video, JSONType.Create);

  public static string ToJSON(this BCVideo video) {
   return ToJSON(video, JSONType.Update);

        private static string ToJSON(this BCVideo video, JSONType type) {

   //--Build Video in JSON -------------------------------------//

            StringBuilder jsonVideo = new StringBuilder();

    jsonVideo.Append("\"id\": " + video.id.ToString() + ",");

   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(video.name)) {
    jsonVideo.Append("\"name\": \"" + video.name + "\"");

   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(video.shortDescription)) {
    jsonVideo.Append(",\"shortDescription\": \"" + video.shortDescription + "\"");

   //Tags should be a list of strings
   if (video.tags.Count > 0) {
    jsonVideo.Append(",\"tags\": [");
    string append = "";
    foreach (string tag in video.tags) {
     jsonVideo.Append(append + "\"" + tag + "\"");
     append = ",";

   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(video.referenceId)) {
    jsonVideo.Append(",\"referenceId\": \"" + video.referenceId + "\"");

   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(video.longDescription)) {
    jsonVideo.Append(",\"longDescription\": \"" + video.longDescription + "\"");

            if (video.cuePoints.Count > 0) {
                jsonVideo.Append(",\"cuePoints\": " + video.cuePoints.ToJSON());

   jsonVideo.Append(",\"economics\": " + video.economics.ToString());


   return jsonVideo.ToString();



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace BrightcoveSDK
    public class CustomFields : Dictionary<string, string>
    { }

Ответы [ 2 ]

1 голос
/ 28 октября 2010

Атрибут CollectionDataContract можно использовать для указания договора, который сериализуется в JSON-словарь, а именно в массив объектов пары ключ-значение. Пример будет выглядеть примерно так:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace DictionarySample
    [CollectionDataContract(Name = "dict", ItemName = "key", KeyName = "key", ValueName = "value")]
    public class DictContract : Dictionary<string, string>
        public DictContract() { }
        public DictContract(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context : base(info, context) { }
1 голос
/ 14 сентября 2010

Словари JSON не десериализованы как словари, а как массивы KeyValuePair<T,U>

Измените тип вашего регистратора данных на KeyValuePair<string, string>[]

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