Я использовал ответ Михаэля Хоффмана, однако обнаружил, что ему не хватает поддержки, если одно из свойств имеет значение null, и если выдается ошибка (обычно обнаруживается при сравнении объектов типа «Тип») или если это коллекция.
пока еще предстоит проделать работу, я публикую здесь базовый модифицированный код:
public struct MemberComparison
public readonly System.Reflection.MemberInfo Member; //Which member this Comparison compares
public readonly object Value1, Value2;//The values of each object's respective member
public readonly Exception Value1Exception, Value2Exception;
public MemberComparison(System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, object value1, object value2, Exception value1Exception = null, Exception value2Exception = null)
Member = member;
Value1 = value1;
Value2 = value2;
Value1Exception = value1Exception;
Value2Exception = value2Exception;
public override string ToString()
if (Value1Exception != null && Value2Exception != null)
if (Value1Exception.GetType().Equals(Value2Exception.GetType()))
return Member.Name + ": Exception in both, same exception type of type "+Value1Exception.GetType().Name+", message in first exception: " +Value1Exception.Message+", message in second exception: "+Value2Exception.Message+", differences in type value: " + string.Join("\n", ReflectiveCompare(Value1Exception, Value2Exception).ToArray());
else if (!Value1Exception.GetType().Equals(Value2Exception.GetType()))
return Member.Name + ": Exception in both, different exception type: " + Value1Exception.GetType().Name + " : " + Value2Exception.GetType().Name+", message in first exception: " +Value1Exception.Message+", message in second exception: "+Value2Exception.Message;
else if (Value1Exception != null && Value2Exception == null)
return Member.Name + ": "+ Value2.ToString()+" Exception in first of type " + Value1Exception.GetType().Name+", message is: "+Value1Exception.Message;
else if (Value1Exception == null && Value2Exception != null)
return Member.Name + ": "+ Value1.ToString()+" Exception in second of type " + Value2Exception.GetType().Name+", message is: "+Value2Exception.Message;
return Member.Name + ": " + Value1.ToString() + (Value1.Equals(Value2) ? " == " : " != ") + Value2.ToString();
public static bool isCollection(object obj)
return obj.GetType().GetInterfaces()
.Any(iface => (iface.GetType() == typeof(ICollection) || iface.GetType() == typeof(IEnumerable) || iface.GetType() == typeof(IList)) || (iface.IsGenericTypeDefinition && (iface.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ICollection<>) || iface.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>) || iface.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList<>))));
//This method can be used to get a list of MemberComparison values that represent the fields and/or properties that differ between the two objects.
public static List<MemberComparison> ReflectiveCompare<T>(T x, T y)
List<MemberComparison> list = new List<MemberComparison>();//The list to be returned
var memb = typeof(T).GetMembers();
foreach (System.Reflection.MemberInfo m in memb)
//Only look at fields and properties.
//This could be changed to include methods, but you'd have to get values to pass to the methods you want to compare
if (m.MemberType == System.Reflection.MemberTypes.Field)
System.Reflection.FieldInfo field = (System.Reflection.FieldInfo)m;
Exception excep1 = null;
Exception excep2 = null;
object xValue = null;
object yValue = null;
xValue = field.GetValue(x);
catch (Exception e)
excep1 = e;
yValue = field.GetValue(y);
catch (Exception e)
excep2 = e;
if ((excep1 != null && excep2 == null) || (excep1 == null && excep2 != null)) { list.Add(new MemberComparison(field, yValue, xValue, excep1, excep2)); }
else if (excep1 != null && excep2 != null && !excep1.GetType().Equals(excep2.GetType())) { list.Add(new MemberComparison(field, yValue, xValue, excep1, excep2)); }
else if (excep1 != null && excep2 != null && excep1.GetType().Equals(excep2.GetType()) && ReflectiveCompare(excep1, excep2).Count > 0) { list.Add(new MemberComparison(field, yValue, xValue, excep1, excep2)); }
else if ((xValue == null && yValue == null)) { continue; }
else if (xValue == null || yValue == null) list.Add(new MemberComparison(field, yValue, xValue));
else if (!xValue.Equals(yValue) && ((!isCollection(xValue) && !isCollection(yValue)) || (isCollection(xValue) && !isCollection(yValue)) || (!isCollection(xValue) && isCollection(yValue)) || (isCollection(xValue) && isCollection(yValue) && ReflectiveCompare(xValue, yValue).Count > 0)))//Add a new comparison to the list if the value of the member defined on 'x' isn't equal to the value of the member defined on 'y'.
list.Add(new MemberComparison(field, yValue, xValue));
else if (m.MemberType == System.Reflection.MemberTypes.Property)
var prop = (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)m;
if (prop.CanRead && !(prop.GetGetMethod() == null || prop.GetGetMethod().GetParameters() == null) && prop.GetGetMethod().GetParameters().Length == 0)
Exception excep1 = null;
Exception excep2 = null;
object xValue = null;
object yValue = null;
xValue = prop.GetValue(x, null);
catch (Exception e)
excep1 = e;
yValue = prop.GetValue(y, null);
catch (Exception e)
excep2 = e;
if ((excep1 != null && excep2 == null) || (excep1 == null && excep2 != null)) { list.Add(new MemberComparison(prop, yValue, xValue, excep1, excep2)); }
else if (excep1 != null && excep2 != null && !excep1.GetType().Equals(excep2.GetType())) { list.Add(new MemberComparison(prop, yValue, xValue, excep1, excep2)); }
else if (excep1 != null && excep2 != null && excep1.GetType().Equals(excep2.GetType()) && ReflectiveCompare(excep1, excep2).Count > 0) { list.Add(new MemberComparison(prop, yValue, xValue, excep1, excep2)); }
else if ((xValue == null && yValue == null)) { continue; }
else if (xValue == null || yValue == null) list.Add(new MemberComparison(prop, yValue, xValue));
else if (!xValue.Equals(yValue) && ((!isCollection(xValue) && !isCollection(yValue)) || (isCollection(xValue) && !isCollection(yValue)) || (!isCollection(xValue) && isCollection(yValue)) || (isCollection(xValue) && isCollection(yValue) && ReflectiveCompare(xValue,yValue).Count > 0)))// || (isCollection(xValue) && isCollection(yValue) && ((IEnumerable<T>)xValue).OrderBy(i => i).SequenceEqual(xValue.OrderBy(i => i))) )))
list.Add(new MemberComparison(prop, xValue, yValue));
else//Ignore properties that aren't readable or are indexers
return list;