Чтобы получить поведение linux, когда основная программа и dll совместно используют один и тот же x
, вы можете экспортировать эту переменную либо из dll, либо из основной программы. Другой модуль должен импортировать эту переменную.
Это делается с помощью файлов DEF ( см. Документацию Microsoft ) или путем пометки использования переменной с __declspec(dllexport)
, где она определена, и __declspec(dllimport)
в любом другом используемом модуле ( см. Документацию Microsoft ). Это аналогично тому, как любая функция, объект или переменная используется совместно модулями в Windows.
В случае, если вы хотите, чтобы программа загружала библиотеку во время выполнения, но основной программе, возможно, придется использовать переменную до загрузки библиотеки, программа должна экспортировать переменную, а DLL должна импортировать ее. Здесь есть небольшая проблема с курицей и яйцом, потому что dll зависит от основной программы, а основная программа зависит от dll. Смотри http://www.lurklurk.org/linkers/linkers.html#wincircular
Я написал пример того, как вы можете сделать это, используя как компилятор Microsoft, так и mingw (gcc в windows), включая все различные способы, которыми программа и библиотека могут ссылаться друг на друга (статически, dll загружается при запуске программы). , DLL загружается во время выполнения)
#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H
// something that includes this
// would #include "linkage_importing.h"
// or #include "linkage_exporting.h"
// as appropriate
LINKAGE int x;
#endif // MAIN_H
#include "dyn_link.h"
#endif // EXPLICIT_DLL
#include <stdio.h>
#include "linkage_exporting.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "linkage_importing.h"
#include "dll.h"
FNCALL_DLL get_call_dll(void);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FNCALL_DLL fncall_dll;
fncall_dll = get_call_dll();
if (fncall_dll)
x = 42;
printf("Address of x as seen from main() in main.c: %p\n", &x);
printf("x is set to %i in main()\n", x);
// could also be called as (*fncall_dll)();
// if you want to be explicit that fncall_dll is a function pointer
printf("Value of x as seen from main() after call to call_dll(): %i\n", x);
return 0;
FNCALL_DLL get_call_dll(void)
return get_ptr("dll.dll", "call_dll");
return call_dll;
#endif // EXPLICIT_DLL
#ifndef DLL_H
#define DLL_H
// something that includes this
// would #include "linkage_importing.h"
// or #include "linkage_exporting.h"
// as appropriate
// declaration of type to hold a
// pointer to the function
typedef void(*FNCALL_DLL)(void);
LINKAGE void call_dll(void);
#endif // EXPLICIT_DLL
#endif // DLL_H
#include "dyn_link.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "linkage_importing.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "linkage_exporting.h"
#include "dll.h"
int* get_x_ptr(void);
LINKAGE void call_dll(void)
int* x_ptr;
x_ptr = get_x_ptr();
if (x_ptr)
printf("Address of x as seen from call_dll() in dll.c: %p\n", x_ptr);
printf("Value of x as seen in call_dll: %i()\n", *x_ptr);
*x_ptr = 31415;
printf("x is set to %i in call_dll()\n", *x_ptr);
int* get_x_ptr(void)
return get_ptr("main.exe", "x"); // see note in dyn_link.c about using the main program as a library
return &x;
#ifndef DYN_LINK_H
#define DYN_LINK_H
// even though this function is used by both, we link it
// into both main.exe and dll.dll as necessary.
// It's not shared in a dll, because it helps us load dlls :)
void* get_ptr(const char* library, const char* object);
#endif // DYN_LINK_H
#include "dyn_link.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void* get_ptr(const char* library, const char* object)
hdll = 0;
ptr = 0;
hdll = LoadLibrary(library);
// in a better dynamic linking library, there would be a
// function that would call FreeLibrary(hdll) to cleanup
// in the case where you want to load an object in the main
// program, you can use
// hdll = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
// because there's no need to call LoadLibrary on the
// executable if you can get its handle by some other means.
if (hdll)
printf("Loaded library %s\n", library);
ptr = GetProcAddress(hdll, object);
if (ptr)
printf("Found %s in %s\n", object, library);
} else {
printf("Could not find %s in %s\n", object, library);
} else {
printf("Could not load library %s\n", library);
return ptr;
// sets up some macros to handle when to use "__declspec(dllexport)",
// "__declspec(dllimport)", "extern", or nothing.
// when using the LINKAGE macro (or including a header that does):
// use "#include <linkage_importing.h>" to make the LINKAGE macro
// do the right thing for importing (when using functions,
// variables, etc...)
// use "#include <linkage_exporting.h>" to make the LINKAGE macro
// do the right thing for exporting (when declaring functions,
// variables, etc).
// You can include either file at any time to change the meaning of
// if you declare NO_DLL these macros do not use __declspec(...), only
// "extern" as appropriate
#ifdef LINKAGE
#undef LINKAGE
#ifdef NO_DLL
#define LINKAGE extern
#define LINKAGE extern __declspec(dllimport)
// See linkage_importing.h to learn how this is used
#ifdef LINKAGE
#undef LINKAGE
#ifdef NO_DLL
#define LINKAGE
#define LINKAGE __declspec(dllexport)
сборка mingw явного both.sh
#! /bin/bash
echo Building configuration where both main
echo and dll link explicitly to each other
rm -rf mingw_explicit_both
mkdir -p mingw_explicit_both/obj
cd mingw_explicit_both/obj
# compile the source code (dll created with position independent code)
gcc -c -fPIC -DEXPLICIT_MAIN ../../dll.c
gcc -c -DEXPLICIT_DLL ../../main.c
gcc -c ../../dyn_link.c
#create the dll from its object code the normal way
gcc -shared -odll.dll dll.o dyn_link.o -Wl,--out-implib,libdll.a
# create the executable
gcc -o main.exe main.o dyn_link.o
mv dll.dll ..
mv main.exe ..
cd ..
build mingw явный dll.sh
#! /bin/bash
echo Building configuration where main explicitly
echo links to dll, but dll implicitly links to main
rm -rf mingw_explicit_dll
mkdir -p mingw_explicit_dll/obj
cd mingw_explicit_dll/obj
# compile the source code (dll created with position independent code)
gcc -c -fPIC ../../dll.c
gcc -c -DEXPLICIT_DLL ../../main.c
gcc -c ../../dyn_link.c
# normally when linking a dll, you just use gcc
# to create the dll and its linking library (--out-implib...)
# But, this dll needs to import from main, and main's linking library doesn't exist yet
# so we create the linking library for main.o
# make sure that linking library knows to look for symbols in main.exe (the default would be a.out)
gcc -omain.exe -shared main.o -Wl,--out-implib,main.a #note this reports failure, but it's only a failure to create main.exe, not a failure to create main.a
#create the dll from its object code the normal way (dll needs to know about main's exports)
gcc -shared -odll.dll dll.o dyn_link.o main.a -Wl,--out-implib,libdll.a
# create the executable
gcc -o main.exe main.o dyn_link.o
mv dll.dll ..
mv main.exe ..
cd ..
build mingw явный main.sh
#! /bin/bash
echo Building configuration where dll explicitly
echo links to main, but main implicitly links to dll
rm -rf mingw_explicit_main
mkdir -p mingw_explicit_main/obj
cd mingw_explicit_main/obj
# compile the source code (dll created with position independent code)
gcc -c -fPIC -DEXPLICIT_MAIN ../../dll.c
gcc -c ../../main.c
gcc -c ../../dyn_link.c
# since the dll will link dynamically and explicitly with main, there is no need
# to create a linking library for main, and the dll can be built the regular way
gcc -shared -odll.dll dll.o dyn_link.o -Wl,--out-implib,libdll.a
# create the executable (main still links with dll implicitly)
gcc -o main.exe main.o -L. -ldll
mv dll.dll ..
mv main.exe ..
cd ..
build mingw implicit.sh
#! /bin/bash
echo Building configuration where main and
echo dll implicitly link to each other
rm -rf mingw_implicit
mkdir -p mingw_implicit/obj
cd mingw_implicit/obj
# compile the source code (dll created with position independent code)
gcc -c -fPIC ../../dll.c
gcc -c ../../main.c
# normally when linking a dll, you just use gcc
# to create the dll and its linking library (--out-implib...)
# But, this dll needs to import from main, and main's linking library doesn't exist yet
# so we create the linking library for main.o
# make sure that linking library knows to look for symbols in main.exe (the default would be a.out)
gcc -omain.exe -shared main.o -Wl,--out-implib,main.a #note this reports failure, but it's only a failure to create main.exe, not a failure to create main.a
# create the dll from its object code the normal way (dll needs to know about main's exports)
gcc -shared -odll.dll dll.o main.a -Wl,--out-implib,libdll.a
# create the executable (exe needs to know about dll's exports)
gcc -o main.exe main.o -L. -ldll
mv dll.dll ..
mv main.exe ..
cd ..
build mingw static.sh
#! /bin/bash
echo Building configuration where main and dll
echo statically link to each other
rm -rf mingw_static
mkdir -p mingw_static/obj
cd mingw_static/obj
# compile the source code
gcc -c -DNO_DLL ../../dll.c
gcc -c -DNO_DLL ../../main.c
# create the static library
ar -rcs dll.a dll.o
# link the executable
gcc -o main.exe main.o dll.a
mv main.exe ../
cd ..
сборка msvc явная both.bat
@echo off
echo Building configuration where both main
echo and dll link explicitly to each other
rd /s /q win_explicit_both
md win_explicit_both\obj
cd win_explicit_both\obj
rem compile the source code
cl /nologo /c /DEXPLICIT_MAIN ..\..\dll.c
cl /nologo /c /DEXPLICIT_DLL ..\..\main.c
cl /nologo /c ..\..\dyn_link.c
rem create the dll from its object code the normal way
link /nologo /dll dll.obj dyn_link.obj
rem create the executable
link /nologo main.obj dyn_link.obj
move dll.dll ..\
move main.exe ..\
cd ..
build msvc явный dll.bat
@echo off
echo Building configuration where main explicitly
echo links to dll, but dll implicitly links to main
rd /s /q win_explicit_dll
md win_explicit_dll\obj
cd win_explicit_dll\obj
rem compile the source code
cl /nologo /c ..\..\dll.c
cl /nologo /c /DEXPLICIT_DLL ..\..\main.c
cl /nologo /c ..\..\dyn_link.c
rem normally when linking a dll, you just use the link command
rem that creates the dll and its linking library.
rem But, this dll needs to import from main, and main's linking library doesn't exist yet
rem so we create the linking library for main.obj
rem make sure that linking library knows to look for symbols in main.exe (the default would be main.dll)
lib /nologo /def /name:main.exe main.obj
rem create the dll from its object code the normal way (dll needs to know about main's exports)
link /nologo /dll dll.obj main.lib
rem create the executable
link /nologo main.obj dyn_link.obj
move dll.dll ..\
move main.exe ..\
cd ..
build msvc явный main.bat
@echo off
echo Building configuration where dll explicitly
echo links to main, but main implicitly links to dll
rd /s /q win_explicit_main
md win_explicit_main\obj
cd win_explicit_main\obj
rem compile the source code
cl /nologo /c /DEXPLICIT_MAIN ..\..\dll.c
cl /nologo /c ..\..\main.c
cl /nologo /c ..\..\dyn_link.c
rem since the dll will link dynamically and explicitly with main, there is no need
rem to create a linking library for main, and the dll can be built the regular way
link /nologo /dll dll.obj dyn_link.obj
rem create the executable (main still links with dll implicitly)
link /nologo main.obj dll.lib
move dll.dll ..\
move main.exe ..\
cd ..
build msvc implicit.bat
@echo off
echo Building configuration where main and
echo dll implicitly link to each other
rd /s /q win_implicit
md win_implicit\obj
cd win_implicit\obj
rem compile the source code
cl /nologo /c ..\..\dll.c
cl /nologo /c ..\..\main.c
rem normally when linking a dll, you just use the link command
rem that creates the dll and its linking library.
rem But, this dll needs to import from main, and main's linking library doesn't exist yet
rem so we create the linking library for main.obj
rem make sure that linking library knows to look for symbols in main.exe (the default would be main.dll)
lib /nologo /def /name:main.exe main.obj
rem create the dll from its object code the normal way (dll needs to know about main's exports)
link /nologo /dll dll.obj main.lib
rem create the executable (exe needs to know about dll's exports)
link /nologo main.obj dll.lib
move dll.dll ..\
move main.exe ..\
cd ..
build msvc static.bat
@echo off
echo Building configuration where main and dll
echo statically link to each other
rd /s /q win_static
md win_static\obj
cd win_static\obj
rem compile the source code
cl /nologo /DNO_DLL /c ..\..\dll.c
cl /nologo /DNO_DLL /c ..\..\main.c
rem create the static library
lib /nologo dll.obj
rem link the executable
link /nologo main.obj dll.lib
move main.exe ..\
cd ..