Какой алгоритм мне следует использовать для решения этой проблемы?
Ore is blended in a particular ratio to produce metal with the desired quality characteristics. The ore is blended in batches of 5, the batches are to be mixed in a particular ratio that will maximize ore utilization as well as produce an output of the desired quality.
1. A batch of ore contains 30 or more minerals
2. The percentage proportion of each mineral within a batch is known
3. Batches blended with each other should produce a product meeting a criteria such as
0.5 < m1 < 0.52
0.2 < m2 < 0.21
a3 < m3 < b3
a30 < m30 < b30
where m1, m2, m3 ... m30 are percentage presence of ore in the final product and a1,a2...a30;b1,b2...b30 are tolerable limits within which quality is maintained
4. In what order should n batches (n <= 20) be processed to maximize ore output
5. In what ratio should the batches be blended so that quality is maintained
Это звучит достаточно широко для того, чтобы кто-то занялся этим, но это вне моих ограниченных алгоритмических знаний.Любые указатели, чтобы решить это очень ценится.