C # Winform и реализация Motorola MC9090-G - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 11 декабря 2010

Мне очень нужна помощь по внедрению Motorola MC9090-G в наше программное приложение.Я впервые работаю над этим проектом, поэтому не знаю с чего начать.Буду признателен за любую помощь.

Я уже скачал EMDK для сканера штрих-кода (.net v2.4).То, что я сейчас пытаюсь сделать, это просто подключить MC9090-G к моему простому тестовому приложению, в котором есть только текстовое поле.Сканирование штрих-кода, отображение отсканированного штрих-кода в текстовом поле и все!Я просто спрашиваю, может ли кто-нибудь дать мне пошаговый процесс, как я могу это сделать?Большая часть помощи, которую я получаю из Интернета, - это развертывание приложения в сканере, которое я пока не хочу делать.Я верю, что это станет для меня отличным шагом!так что спасибо заранее!:))

Ответы [ 2 ]

0 голосов
/ 02 июля 2014

Добро пожаловать в самый разочаровывающий сканер, с которым я когда-либо играл.

(Дайте мне тупой сканер, который работает как HID-клавиатура в любое время!)

Я написал небольшое приложение, которое включает в себятекстовое поле, поле списка и одну или две кнопки.

По сути, Клин сканера поместит отсканированные данные в то, что когда-либо было в фокусе.

Одна из проблем, с которыми я столкнулся, когдаданные сканера были полными.Итак, я добавил таймер.

Следующая проблема, и я нашел no простое решение, которое позволяет найти данные со сканера в real компьютер, будь то Linux на базе Windows.

Центр устройств Windows Mobile и Active Sync требуют слишком большого взаимодействия с оператором.

Лучшее, что я придумал, - это открыть окно Hyper Terminal.Но это все клочок.

Так что пока мне не повезло, что я использовал Blue Tooth.Мой код формы ниже.Надеюсь, поможет.Это модификация одного из их образцов.Я использую EMDK 2.8

// FILENAME: Form1.cs
// Copyright © 2011 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Symbol.Barcode;
using Symbol.Barcode2;
using System.IO.Ports;

namespace CS_Barcode2ControlSample1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        SerialPort port = new SerialPort("COM1", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);

        private static bool bPortrait = true;   // The default dispaly orientation 
        // has been set to Portrait.

        private bool bSkipMaxLen = false;    // The restriction on the maximum 
        // physical length is considered by default.

        private bool bInitialScale = true;   // The flag to track whether the 
        // scaling logic is applied for
        // the first time (from scatch) or not.
        // Based on that, the (outer) width/height values
        // of the form will be set or not.
        // Initially set to true.

        private int resWidthReference = 240;   // The (cached) width of the form. 
        // This setting is also obtained from the platform only on
        // Windows CE devices before running the application on the device, as a 

        // For PocketPC (& Windows Mobile) devices, the failure to set this properly may 

result in the distortion of GUI/viewability.

        private int resHeightReference = 268;  // The (cached) height of the form.
        // This setting is also obtained from the platform only on
        // Windows CE devices before running the application on the device, as a 

        // For PocketPC (& Windows Mobile) devices, the failure to set this properly may 

result in the distortion of GUI/viewability.

        private const double maxLength = 5.5;  // The maximum physical width/height of 

the sample (in inches).
        // The actual value on the device may slightly deviate from this
        // since the calculations based on the (received) DPI & resolution values 
        // would provide only an approximation, so not 100% accurate.

        public Form1()
            timer1.Interval = 100;
            timer1.Enabled = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// This function does the (initial) scaling of the form
        /// by re-setting the related parameters (if required) &
        /// then calling the Scale(...) internally. 
        /// </summary>
        public void DoScale()
            if (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width > Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height)
                bPortrait = false; // If the display orientation is not portrait (so it's 

landscape), set the flag to false.

            if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized)    // If the form is 

maximized by default.
                this.bSkipMaxLen = true; // we need to skip the max. length restriction

            if ((Symbol.Win32.PlatformType.IndexOf("WinCE") != -1) || 

(Symbol.Win32.PlatformType.IndexOf("WindowsCE") != -1) || 

(Symbol.Win32.PlatformType.IndexOf("Windows CE") != -1)) // Only on Windows CE devices
                this.resWidthReference = this.Width;   // The width of the form at design 

time (in pixels) is obtained from the platorm.
                this.resHeightReference = this.Height; // The height of the form at 

design time (in pixels) is obtained from the platform.

            Scale(this); // Initial scaling of the GUI

        /// <summary>
        /// This function scales the given Form & its child controls in order to
        /// make them completely viewable, based on the screen width & height.
        /// </summary>
        private static void Scale(Form1 frm)
            int PSWAW = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width;    

// The width of the working area (in pixels).
            int PSWAH = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height;   

// The height of the working area (in pixels).

            // The entire screen has been taken in to account below 
            // in order to decide the half (S)VGA settings etc.
            if (!((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width <= (1.5) * 

            && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height <= (1.5) * 

                if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width) > 

                    PSWAW = (int)((1.33) * PSWAH);  // If the width/height ratio goes 

beyond 1.5,
                    // the (longer) effective width is made shorter.


            System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = frm.CreateGraphics();

            float dpiX = graphics.DpiX; // Get the horizontal DPI value.

            if (frm.bInitialScale == true) // If an initial scale (from scratch)
                if (Symbol.Win32.PlatformType.IndexOf("PocketPC") != -1) // If the 

platform is either Pocket PC or Windows Mobile
                    frm.Width = PSWAW;  // Set the form width. However this setting
                    // would be the ultimate one for Pocket PC (& Windows Mobile)devices.
                    // Just for the sake of consistency, it's explicitely specified here.
                    frm.Width = (int)((frm.Width) * (PSWAW)) / (frm.resWidthReference); 

// Set the form width for others (Windows CE devices).

            if ((frm.Width <= maxLength * dpiX) || frm.bSkipMaxLen == true) // The 

calculation of the width & left values for each control
            // without taking the maximum length restriction into consideration.
                foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cntrl in frm.Controls)
                    cntrl.Width = ((cntrl.Width) * (frm.Width)) / 

                    cntrl.Left = ((cntrl.Left) * (frm.Width)) / (frm.resWidthReference);

                    if (cntrl is System.Windows.Forms.TabControl)
                        foreach (System.Windows.Forms.TabPage tabPg in cntrl.Controls)
                            foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cntrl2 in 

                                cntrl2.Width = (((cntrl2.Width) * (frm.Width)) / 

                                cntrl2.Left = (((cntrl2.Left) * (frm.Width)) / 


            {   // The calculation of the width & left values for each control
                // with the maximum length restriction taken into consideration.
                foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cntrl in frm.Controls)
                    cntrl.Width = (int)(((cntrl.Width) * (PSWAW) * (maxLength * dpiX)) / 

(frm.resWidthReference * (frm.Width)));
                    cntrl.Left = (int)(((cntrl.Left) * (PSWAW) * (maxLength * dpiX)) / 

(frm.resWidthReference * (frm.Width)));

                    if (cntrl is System.Windows.Forms.TabControl)
                        foreach (System.Windows.Forms.TabPage tabPg in cntrl.Controls)
                            foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cntrl2 in 

                                cntrl2.Width = (int)(((cntrl2.Width) * (PSWAW) * 

(maxLength * dpiX)) / (frm.resWidthReference * (frm.Width)));
                                cntrl2.Left = (int)(((cntrl2.Left) * (PSWAW) * (maxLength 

* dpiX)) / (frm.resWidthReference * (frm.Width)));

                frm.Width = (int)((frm.Width) * (maxLength * dpiX)) / (frm.Width);


            frm.resWidthReference = frm.Width; // Set the reference width to the new 


            // A similar calculation is performed below for the height & top values for 

each control ...

            if (!((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width <= (1.5) * 

            && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height <= (1.5) * 

                if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height) > 

                    PSWAH = (int)((1.33) * PSWAW);


            float dpiY = graphics.DpiY;

            if (frm.bInitialScale == true)
                if (Symbol.Win32.PlatformType.IndexOf("PocketPC") != -1)
                    frm.Height = PSWAH;
                    frm.Height = (int)((frm.Height) * (PSWAH)) / 



            if ((frm.Height <= maxLength * dpiY) || frm.bSkipMaxLen == true)
                foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cntrl in frm.Controls)

                    cntrl.Height = ((cntrl.Height) * (frm.Height)) / 

                    cntrl.Top = ((cntrl.Top) * (frm.Height)) / (frm.resHeightReference);

                    if (cntrl is System.Windows.Forms.TabControl)
                        foreach (System.Windows.Forms.TabPage tabPg in cntrl.Controls)
                            foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cntrl2 in 

                                cntrl2.Height = ((cntrl2.Height) * (frm.Height)) / 

                                cntrl2.Top = ((cntrl2.Top) * (frm.Height)) / 



                foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cntrl in frm.Controls)

                    cntrl.Height = (int)(((cntrl.Height) * (PSWAH) * (maxLength * dpiY)) 

/ (frm.resHeightReference * (frm.Height)));
                    cntrl.Top = (int)(((cntrl.Top) * (PSWAH) * (maxLength * dpiY)) / 

(frm.resHeightReference * (frm.Height)));

                    if (cntrl is System.Windows.Forms.TabControl)
                        foreach (System.Windows.Forms.TabPage tabPg in cntrl.Controls)
                            foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cntrl2 in 

                                cntrl2.Height = (int)(((cntrl2.Height) * (PSWAH) * 

(maxLength * dpiY)) / (frm.resHeightReference * (frm.Height)));
                                cntrl2.Top = (int)(((cntrl2.Top) * (PSWAH) * (maxLength * 

dpiY)) / (frm.resHeightReference * (frm.Height)));


                frm.Height = (int)((frm.Height) * (maxLength * dpiY)) / (frm.Height);


            frm.resHeightReference = frm.Height;

            if (frm.bInitialScale == true)
                frm.bInitialScale = false; // If this was the initial scaling (from 

scratch), it's now complete.
            if (frm.bSkipMaxLen == true)
                frm.bSkipMaxLen = false; // No need to consider the maximum length 

restriction now.


        private void buttonExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // You must disable the scanner before exiting the application in 
            // order to release all the resources.
            barcode21.EnableScanner = false;
        private void buttonExit_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            // Checks if the key pressed was an enter button (character code 13)
            if (e.KeyValue == (char)13)
                buttonExit_Click(this, e);

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Add MainMenu if Pocket PC
            if (Symbol.Win32.PlatformType.IndexOf("PocketPC") != -1)
                this.Menu = this.mainMenu1;

        private void Form1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (bInitialScale == true)
                return; // Return if the initial scaling (from scratch)is not complete.

            if (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width > Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height) 

// If landscape orientation
                if (bPortrait != false) // If an orientation change has occured to 

                    bPortrait = false; // Set the orientation flag accordingly.
                    bInitialScale = true; // An initial scaling is required due to 

orientation change.
                    Scale(this); // Scale the GUI.
                {   // No orientation change has occured
                    bSkipMaxLen = true; // Initial scaling is now complete, so skipping 

the max. length restriction is now possible.
                    Scale(this); // Scale the GUI.
                // Similarly for the portrait orientation...
                if (bPortrait != true)
                    bPortrait = true;
                    bInitialScale = true;
                    bSkipMaxLen = true;


        private void barcode21_OnScan(ScanDataCollection scanDataCollection)
            // Checks if the BeginInvoke method is required because the 

OnScan delegate is called by a different thread
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                // Executes the OnScan delegate asynchronously on the 

main thread
                this.BeginInvoke(new Symbol.Barcode2.Design.Barcode2.OnScanEventHandler

(barcode21_OnScan), new object[] { scanDataCollection });
                ScanData scanData = scanDataCollection.GetFirst;
                if (scanData.Result == Results.SUCCESS)
                    // Write the scanned data and type (symbology) to the list box
                    //listBox1.Items.Add(scanData.Text + ";" + scanData.Type.ToString());
                    string sData = scanData.Text;
                    // IUID Snowflake Header
                    if (sData.StartsWith("[)>"))
                        // Process IUID Scan Data
                        string unkStr = iuidScan(sData);
                    else if (sData.StartsWith("N"))
                        // Probable CAC Card Reading
                        txt2Send.Text = sData;
                        lstStatus.Items.Add("Probable CAC Scanned");
                        // Anything Else
                        txt2Send.Text = sData;

        private void barcode21_OnStatus(StatusData statusData)
            // Checks if the BeginInvoke method is required because the 

OnStatus delegate is called by a different thread
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                // Executes the OnStatus delegate asynchronously on the 

main thread

Symbol.Barcode2.Design.Barcode2.OnStatusEventHandler(barcode21_OnStatus), new object[] { 

statusData });
                statusBar1.Text = statusData.Text;

        private void Form1_Deactivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            barcode21.EnableScanner = false;

        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Port has to be Open to test DSR
            if (port.DsrHolding == true)
                btnTransmit.Text = "Click To Transmit Data";
                btnTransmit.Enabled = true;
                btnTransmit.Text = "Not Connected";
                btnTransmit.Enabled = false;

        private void btnTransmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            port.Write(new byte[] { 0x0A, 0x0D }, 0, 2);
            txt2Send.Text = "";

        // A method for expanding ASCII Control Character into Human Readable format
        string ExpandCtrlString(string inStr)
            // String Builder Capacity may need to be lengthened...
            StringBuilder outStr = new StringBuilder(128);
            // 0 Based Array representing the expansion of ASCII Control Characters
            string[] CtrlChars = new string[]

            for (int n = 0; n < inStr.Length; n++)
                if (Char.IsControl(inStr, n))
                    int x = (int)(char)inStr[n];
                    outStr.Append(inStr.Substring(n, 1));
            return outStr.ToString();

        // IUID Data Was Scanned
        string iuidScan(string sData)
            // We will temporarily Display an Expanded version of the Scanned Data
            txt2Send.Text = ExpandCtrlString(sData);
            lstStatus.Items.Add("IUID Scanned");
            // Get the format type
            string iuidFormat = sData.Substring(4, 2);
            lstStatus.Items.Add("Format: " + iuidFormat);

            // We are NOT currently supporting formats other than format 6
            if (iuidFormat != "06")
                lstStatus.Items.Add("Unacceptable Format!");
                return "No Data";
            string iuidType = sData.Substring(7, 3);
            string iuidConstruct = "0";
            // Have to If Else If because the iuidType is variable length
            string rData = "No Data";
            int kw = 10;    // 10 for start position when iuidType is 3 Characters
                case "18S":
                case "25S":
                case "22S":
                    iuidConstruct = "1";
                    rData = iuidConstruct1(sData, kw);
                case "17V":
                case "12V":
                case "18V":
                    iuidConstruct = "2";
                    rData = iuidConstruct2(sData, kw);
                    // Single and Two Digit Construct ID's not yet supported
                    iuidConstruct = "Unknown";
            lstStatus.Items.Add("Construct Identifier: " + iuidType);
            lstStatus.Items.Add("Construct: " + iuidConstruct);
            return "No data";
        // Extraction Routine for IUID Construct 1
        string iuidConstruct1(string sData, int kw)
            // Must Check for Concatenated Data
            int gsIndex = sData.IndexOf("\u001D", kw);
            if (gsIndex < 0)
                gsIndex = sData.IndexOf("\u001E", kw);
                lstStatus.Items.Add("Does Not Have Appended Data");
                lstStatus.Items.Add("Has Appended Data");

            string UII = "UII: D" + sData.Substring(kw, gsIndex - kw);
            string root = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
            lstStatus.Items.Add("Root Path: " + root);
            System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"\My Documents

            string line;
            int counter = 0;
            int sl = UII.Length;
            line = file.ReadLine();
            lstStatus.Items.Add("Searching Database");
            while (line != null)

                if (line.Length >= sl)
                    if (line.Substring(0, sl) == UII)

                        lstStatus.Items.Add("Counter: " + counter);
                if ((counter % 100) == 0)
                    lstStatus.Items.Add("Counter: " + counter);
                line = file.ReadLine();
                if (counter >= 1000)


            //txt2Send.Text = "kw: " + kw + " gsIndex: " + gsIndex + "\n\rsData: " + 

sData + "\n\rsData: " + UII; 

            return "No Data";

        // Extraction Routine for IUID Construct 2
        string iuidConstruct2(string sData, int kw)
            // iuidConstruct = "2";
            int gsIndex = 0;
            string iuidEID = "Unknown"; // Enterprise Identifier. Often the CAGE Code
            gsIndex = sData.IndexOf("\u001D", kw);
            iuidEID = sData.Substring(10, gsIndex - kw);
            if (sData.Substring(gsIndex + 1, 2) == "1P")
                // Serial Number Applies
                kw = gsIndex + 3;
                gsIndex = sData.IndexOf("\u001D", kw);
                string PartNumber = sData.Substring(kw, gsIndex - kw);
                // We are asumming that a "S" exists after the <gs>
                kw = gsIndex + 2;
                // Must Check for <gs> because may contain Appended Data
                // Returns -1 if <gs> not found, indicating no appended data.
                gsIndex = sData.IndexOf("\u001D", kw);
                if (gsIndex < 0)
                    gsIndex = sData.IndexOf("\u001E", kw);
                    lstStatus.Items.Add("Has Appended Data");

                string SerialNumber = sData.Substring(kw, gsIndex - kw);
                txt2Send.Text = "Gage: " + iuidEID + "\n\rPart Number: " + PartNumber + 

"\n\rSerial Number: " + SerialNumber;
                // Assume '1T'. Serialization within Lot/Batch

            return "No Data";

0 голосов
/ 14 декабря 2010

Вы смотрели примеры приложений Motorola? Я нашел примеры приложений, включенных в EMDK, очень поучительными, когда изучал это сам. У них есть несколько очень простых примеров, которые наглядно демонстрируют несколько строк кода, необходимых для доступа к оборудованию сканера штрих-кода.
