@ Nilesh, если я правильно понимаю, следующий код должен быть идеальным для вас. Обратите внимание, что написанный ниже метод «CommonMethod» будет применим только для нестатических классов с конструктором без параметров и нестатических методов.
"TestClass" только для целей тестирования.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
namespace TestApp
public class TestClass
public string MyMethod(string param1, string param2)
return (param1 + param2);
public class DynaInvoke
/// Method to invoke a method inside a class
/// Name of a non static class
/// Name of a non static method
/// Parameters required for the method
/// result after execution of the method
public object CommonMethod(string className, string methodName, object[] args)
Assembly ass = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
object result = InvokeMethodSlow(ass.Location, className, methodName, args);
return result;
// this way of invoking a function
// is slower when making multiple calls
// because the assembly is being instantiated each time.
// But this code is clearer as to what is going on
public static Object InvokeMethodSlow(string AssemblyName,
string ClassName, string MethodName, Object[] args)
// load the assemly
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(AssemblyName);
// Walk through each type in the assembly looking for our class
foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
if (type.IsClass == true)
if (type.FullName.EndsWith("." + ClassName))
// create an instance of the object
object ClassObj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
// Dynamically Invoke the method
object Result = type.InvokeMember(MethodName,
BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
return (Result);
throw (new System.Exception("could not invoke method"));
// ---------------------------------------------
// now do it the efficient way
// by holding references to the assembly
// and class
// this is an inner class which holds the class instance info
public class DynaClassInfo
public Type type;
public Object ClassObject;
public DynaClassInfo()
public DynaClassInfo(Type t, Object c)
type = t;
ClassObject = c;
public static Hashtable AssemblyReferences = new Hashtable();
public static Hashtable ClassReferences = new Hashtable();
public static DynaClassInfo
GetClassReference(string AssemblyName, string ClassName)
if (ClassReferences.ContainsKey(AssemblyName) == false)
Assembly assembly;
if (AssemblyReferences.ContainsKey(AssemblyName) == false)
assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(AssemblyName));
assembly = (Assembly)AssemblyReferences[AssemblyName];
// Walk through each type in the assembly
foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
if (type.IsClass == true)
// doing it this way means that you don't have
// to specify the full namespace and class (just the class)
if (type.FullName.EndsWith("." + ClassName))
DynaClassInfo ci = new DynaClassInfo(type,
ClassReferences.Add(AssemblyName, ci);
return (ci);
throw (new System.Exception("could not instantiate class"));
return ((DynaClassInfo)ClassReferences[AssemblyName]);
public static Object InvokeMethod(DynaClassInfo ci,
string MethodName, Object[] args)
// Dynamically Invoke the method
Object Result = ci.type.InvokeMember(MethodName,
BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
return (Result);
// --- this is the method that you invoke ------------
public static Object InvokeMethod(string AssemblyName,
string ClassName, string MethodName, Object[] args)
DynaClassInfo ci = GetClassReference(AssemblyName, ClassName);
return (InvokeMethod(ci, MethodName, args));
Следующий код демонстрирует, как использовать вышеуказанный код
//Dynamic Invoke Test
DynaInvoke dyn = new DynaInvoke();
object[] args = {"My name is ", "Samar"};
object result = dyn.CommonMethod("TestClass", "MyMethod", args);
Источник: Код проекта