Оказывается, я нашел статью , в которой объясняется, как это сделать для C # . Так что читайте этот учебник. Я использовал Cygwin Bash Shell для создания ключей. Я включил код, который я использовал, поскольку он может быть полезен:)
Это весь код, опубликованный в книге Pro PayPal E-Commerce Дэймона Уильямса
private string EncryptForPayPal()
var Server = HttpContext.Current.Server;
string paypalCertPath = Server.MapPath("App_Data/paypal_cert_pem.txt");
string signerPfxPath = Server.MapPath("App_Data/my_pkcs12.p12");
string signerPfxPassword = "your_password_used_when_generating_keys";
string clearText = "cmd=_xclick\n" +
"your_paypal_business_email@somedomain.com\n" +
"currency_code=GBP\n" +
"item_name=Tennis Balls ßü (£12 umlot OK)\n" +
"amount=15.00\n" +
"return=https://localhost:2416/return\n" +
"cancel_return=https://localhost:2416/cancel\n" +
FormEncryption ewp = new FormEncryption();
ewp.LoadSignerCredential(signerPfxPath, signerPfxPassword);
ewp.RecipientPublicCertPath = paypalCertPath;
string result = ewp.SignAndEncrypt(clearText);
return result;
Класс FormEncryption
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Pkcs = System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs;
using X509 = System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class FormEncryption
private Encoding _encoding = Encoding.Default;
private string _recipientPublicCertPath;
private X509.X509Certificate2 _signerCert;
private X509.X509Certificate2 _recipientCert;
/// <summary>
/// Character encoding, e.g. UTF-8, Windows-1252
/// </summary>
public string Charset
get { return _encoding.WebName; }
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
_encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(value);
/// <summary>
/// Path to the recipient's public certificate in PEM format
/// </summary>
public string RecipientPublicCertPath
get { return _recipientPublicCertPath; }
_recipientPublicCertPath = value;
_recipientCert = new X509.X509Certificate2(_recipientPublicCertPath);
/// <summary>
/// Loads the PKCS12 file which contains the public certificate
/// and private key of the signer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="signerPfxCertPath">
/// File path to the signer's public certificate plus private key
/// in PKCS#12 format</param>
/// <param name="signerPfxCertPassword">
/// Password for signer's private key</param>
public void LoadSignerCredential(string signerPfxCertPath, string signerPfxCertPassword)
_signerCert = new X509.X509Certificate2(signerPfxCertPath, signerPfxCertPassword);
/// <summary>
/// Sign a message and encrypt it for the recipient.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clearText">Name value pairs
/// must be separated by \n (vbLf or chr(10)),
/// for example "cmd=_xclick\nbusiness=..."</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string SignAndEncrypt(string clearText)
string result = null;
byte[] messageBytes = _encoding.GetBytes(clearText);
byte[] signedBytes = Sign(messageBytes);
byte[] encryptedBytes = Envelope(signedBytes);
result = Base64Encode(encryptedBytes);
return result;
private byte[] Sign(byte[] messageBytes)
Pkcs.ContentInfo content = new Pkcs.ContentInfo(messageBytes);
Pkcs.SignedCms signed = new Pkcs.SignedCms(content);
Pkcs.CmsSigner signer = new Pkcs.CmsSigner(_signerCert);
byte[] signedBytes = signed.Encode();
return signedBytes;
private byte[] Envelope(byte[] contentBytes)
Pkcs.ContentInfo content = new Pkcs.ContentInfo(contentBytes);
Pkcs.EnvelopedCms envMsg = new Pkcs.EnvelopedCms(content);
Pkcs.CmsRecipient recipient = new Pkcs.CmsRecipient(Pkcs.SubjectIdentifierType.IssuerAndSerialNumber, _recipientCert);
byte[] encryptedBytes = envMsg.Encode();
return encryptedBytes;
private string Base64Encode(byte[] encoded)
const string PKCS7_HEADER = "-----BEGIN PKCS7-----";
const string PKCS7_FOOTER = "-----END PKCS7-----";
string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(encoded);
StringBuilder formatted = new StringBuilder();
return formatted.ToString();
Тогда HTML-форма
<form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr">
<%= Html.Hidden("cmd", "_s-xclick") %>
<%= Html.Hidden("encrypted", cart.PayPalEncypted(returnUrl, instantNotificationurl)) %>
<input type="submit" name="Checkout" value="Checkout" />