Простой скрипт для подсчета NLOC? - PullRequest
6 голосов
/ 27 ноября 2008

Знаете ли вы простой скрипт для подсчета NLOC (нетто-строк кода). Скрипт должен считать строки кода C. Он не должен считать пустые строки или строки только фигурными скобками Но это не должно быть слишком точным.

Ответы [ 14 ]

7 голосов
/ 14 декабря 2008

Я бы сделал это, используя awk & cpp (препроцессор) & wc . awk удаляет все скобки и пропуски, препроцессор удаляет все комментарии и wc считает строки:

find . -name \*.cpp -o -name \*.h | xargs -n1 cpp -fpreprocessed -P | 
    awk '!/^[{[:space:]}]*$/' | wc -l

Если вы хотите, чтобы комментарии были включены:

find . -name \*.cpp -o -name \*.h | xargs awk '!/^[{[:space:]}]*$/' | wc -l
2 голосов
/ 27 ноября 2008

Просматривая NLOC в сети, я обнаружил в основном «некомментированные строки кода».
Вы не указываете, должны ли быть пропущены комментарии ...
Так что, если я придерживаюсь вашего текущего сообщения, следующий однострочный в Perl должен сделать эту работу:

perl -pe "s/^\s*[{}]?\s*\n//" Dialog.java | wc -l

Я могу расширить его для обработки комментариев к строке:

perl -pe "s#^\s*[{}]?\s*\n|^\s*//.*\n##" Dialog.java | wc -l

или, возможно,

perl -pe "s#^\s*(?:[{}]?\s*|//.*)\n##" Dialog.java | wc -l

Обработка комментариев к блоку немного сложнее (я не эксперт по Perl!).

[EDIT] Понятно ... Первая часть, вероятно, может быть улучшена (короче). Было весело экспериментировать.

perl -e "$x = join('', <>); $x =~ s#/\*.*?\*/##gs; print $x" Dialog.java | perl -pe "s#^\s*(?:[{}]?\s*|//.*)\n##" | wc -l

PS: я использую двойные кавычки, потому что я тестировал на Windows ...

1 голос
/ 14 декабря 2008

Вот простой Perl-скрипт eLOC.pl :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# eLOC - Effective Lines of Code Counter
# JFS (2005)
# $ perl eLOC.pl --help
use strict;
use warnings;
use sigtrap;
use diagnostics;

use warnings::register;
no warnings __PACKAGE__;
sub DEBUG { 0 }

use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ;  # Avoids regex performance penalty
use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt);
use File::DosGlob 'glob';
use Pod::Usage;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

# globals
use constant NOTFILENAME => undef;
my %counter = ( 
    'PHYS'          => 0, 
    'ELOC'          => 0, 
    'PURE_COMMENT'  => 0,
    'BLANK'         => 0,
    'LLOC'          => 0,
    'LOC'           => 0,
my %header = (
    "eloc"      =>  "eloc",
    "lloc"      =>  "lloc",
    "loc"       =>  "loc",
    "comment"   =>  "comment",
    "blank"     =>  "blank",
    "newline"   =>  "newline",
    "logicline" =>  "lgcline",
my %total = %counter; # copy
my $c = \%counter; # see format below
my $h = \%header;  # see top format below
my $inside_multiline_comment = 0;
my $filename = NOTFILENAME;
my $filecount = 0;
my $filename_header = "file name";

# process input args
my $version = '';
my $help = '';
my $man = '';
my $is_deterministic = '';
my $has_header = '';

print STDERR "Input args:'" if DEBUG;
print STDERR (join("|",@ARGV),"'\n") if DEBUG;

my %option = ('version' => \$version,
    'help' => \$help,   
    'man'  => \$man,
    'deterministic' => \$is_deterministic,
    'header' => \$has_header
GetOptions( \%option, 'version',    'help', 'man',
    'eloc|e', # print the eLOC counts
    'lloc|s', # print the lLOC counts (code statements)
    'loc|l' , # print the LOC counts (eLOC + lines of a single brace or parenthesis)
    'comment|c'    , # print the comments counts (count lines which contains a comment)
    'blank|b'      , # print the blank counts
    'newline|n'    , # print the newline count
    'logicline|g'  , # print the logical line count (= LOC + Comment Lines + Blank Lines)   
    'deterministic', # print the LOC determination for every line in the source file
    'header',        # print header line
) or invalid_options("$0: invalid options\nTry `$0 --help' for more information.");

version()                                   if $version;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 1)  if $help ;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2)  if $man;

$has_header = 1 if $is_deterministic && $has_header eq '';

#format for print_loc_metric()
my ($format, $format_top) = make_format(); 
print STDERR "format:\n" if DEBUG > 10;
print STDERR $format if DEBUG > 10;
eval $format;
die $@ if $@; # $EVAL_ERROR

if(DEBUG>10) {
    print STDERR ("format_top:\n", $format_top);
if( $has_header) {
    eval $format_top;
    die $@ if $@; # $EVAL_ERROR 

# process files
print STDERR ("Input args after Getopts():\n",
    join("|",@ARGV),"\n") if DEBUG > 10;

@ARGV = '-' unless @ARGV;
foreach my $fn (@ARGV) {
    $filename = $fn;
    unless (open(IN, "<$filename")) {
        warn "$0: Unable to read from '$filename': $!\n";
    print STDERR "Scanning $filename...\n" if DEBUG;




        or warn "$0: Could not close $filename: $!\n";      

# print total
if($filecount > 1) {
    $filename = "total";
    $c = \%total;
exit 0;

sub wsglob {
    my @list = glob;
    @list ? @list : @_; #HACK: defence from emtpy list from glob()
sub expand_wildcards {
    print STDERR ("Input args before expand_wildcards():\n",
        join("|",@ARGV),"\n") if DEBUG;

        @ARGV = map( /['*?']/o ? wsglob($_) : $_ , @ARGV);
    print STDERR ("Input args after expand_wildcards():\n",
        join("|",@ARGV),"\n") if DEBUG; 
sub clear_counters {
    for my $name ( keys %counter) {
        $counter{$name} = 0;
sub make_format {
    my $f = 'format STDOUT =' . "\n";
    $f .= '# LOC, eLOC, lLOC, comment, blank, newline, logicline and filename' . "\n";
    my $f_top = 'format STDOUT_TOP =' . "\n";   
    my $console_screen_width = (get_terminal_size())[0];
    print STDERR '$console_screen_width=' . $console_screen_width ."\n" if DEBUG>10;
    $console_screen_width = 100 if $console_screen_width < 0;
    my $is_print_specifiers_set = 
         ($option{"eloc"} or
         $option{"lloc"} or
         $option{"loc"} or
         $option{"comment"} or
         $option{"blank"} or
         $option{"newline"} or

    my %o = %option;
    my $fc = 0;
    if( $is_print_specifiers_set ) {

        $fc++ if $o{"eloc"};
        $fc++ if $o{"lloc"};
        $fc++ if $o{"loc"};
        $fc++ if $o{"comment"};
        $fc++ if $o{"blank"};
        $fc++ if $o{"newline"};
        $fc++ if $o{"logicline"};
        if( $fc == 0 ) { die "$0: assertion failed: field count is zero" }
    else {
        # default
        $fc = 7;
        $o{"loc"}       = 1;       
        $o{"eloc"}      = 1;         
        $o{"lloc"}      = 1;      
        $o{"comment"}   = 1;   
        $o{"blank"}     = 1;     
        $o{"newline"}   = 1;   
        $o{"logicline"} = 1;        
    if (DEBUG > 10) {
        while( (my ($name, $value) = each %{o}) ) {
            print STDERR "name=$name, value=$value\n";

    # picture line  
    my $field_format = '@>>>>>> ';
    my $field_width = length $field_format;
    my $picture_line = $field_format x $fc;     
    #   place for filename
    $picture_line .= '^';       
    $picture_line .= '<' x ($console_screen_width - $field_width * $fc - 2);
    $picture_line .= "\n";  
    $f .= $picture_line;
    $f_top .= $picture_line;
    # argument line
    $f .=   '$$c{"LOC"}, '      ,$f_top .= '$$h{"loc"}, '       if $o{"loc"};
    $f .=   '$$c{"ELOC"}, '     ,$f_top .= '$$h{"eloc"}, '      if $o{"eloc"};      
    $f .=   '$$c{"LLOC"}, '     ,$f_top .= '$$h{"lloc"}, '      if $o{"lloc"};
    $f .=   '$$c{"comment"}, '  ,$f_top .= '$$h{"comment"}, '   if $o{"comment"};
    $f .=   '$$c{"BLANK"}, '    ,$f_top .= '$$h{"blank"}, '     if $o{"blank"};
    $f .=   '$$c{"PHYS"}, '     ,$f_top .= '$$h{"newline"}, '   if $o{"newline"};
    $f .=   '$$c{"logicline"}, ',$f_top .= '$$h{"logicline"}, ' if $o{"logicline"};
    $f .=  '$filename' . "\n";
    $f_top .= '$filename_header' . "\n";        

    # 2nd argument line for long file names
    $f .=   '^';    
    $f .= '<' x ($console_screen_width-2);
    $f .= '~~'  . "\n"
            .' $filename'  . "\n";
    $f .='.' . "\n";
    $f_top .='.' . "\n";
    return ($f, $f_top);
sub generate_loc_metric {
    my $is_concatinated = 0;
    LINE: while(<IN>)
        print if $is_deterministic && !$is_concatinated;        

        # handle multiline code statements
        if ($is_concatinated = s/\\$//) {
            warnings::warnif("$0: '\\'-ending line concantinated");
            print "\n" if $is_deterministic;
            my $line = <IN>;
            $_ .= $line;
            print $line if $is_deterministic;
            redo unless eof(IN);            

        # blank lines, including inside comments, don't move to next line here
        increment('BLANK')                  if( /^\s*$/ );  

        # check whether multiline comments finished
        if( $inside_multiline_comment && m~\*/\s*(\S*)\s*$~ ) {
            $inside_multiline_comment = 0;
            # check the rest of the line if it contains non-whitespace characters
            #debug $_ = $REDO_LINE . $1, redo LINE if($1);
            warnings::warnif("$0: expression '$1' after '*/' discarded") if($1);
            # else mark as pure comment
            next LINE;
        # inside multiline comments
        increment('PURE_COMMENT'), next LINE if( $inside_multiline_comment );

        # C++ style comment at the begining of line (except whitespaces)
        increment('PURE_COMMENT'), next LINE if( m~^\s*//~ ); 

        # C style comment at the begining of line (except whitespaces)
        if ( m~^\s*/\*~ ) {
            $inside_multiline_comment = 1 unless( m~\*/~ );
            increment('PURE_COMMENT'),  next LINE;
        # inline comment, don't move to next line here
        increment('INLINE_COMMENT')        if ( is_inline_comment($_) );

        # lLOC implicitly incremented inside is_inline_comment($)

        increment('LOC')                    unless( /^\s*$/ );

        # standalone braces or parenthesis  
                                  next LINE if( /^\s*(?:\{|\}|\(|\))+\s*$/ );           

        # eLOC is not comments, blanks or standalone braces or parenthesis
        #   therefore just increment eLOC counter here
        increment('ELOC'),        next LINE unless( /^\s*$/ );
    continue {
        print " [$.]\n" if $is_deterministic; # $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER

sub print_loc_metric {
    $$c{'comment'} = $$c{'PURE_COMMENT'} + $$c{'INLINE_COMMENT'}; 
    # LOC + Comment Lines + Blank Lines 
    $$c{'logicline'} = $$c{'LOC'} + $$c{'comment'} + $$c{'BLANK'};
    unless (defined $filename) { 
        die "print_loc_metric(): filename is not defined";

    my $fn = $filename;
    $filename = "", $filename_header = "" 
    print STDERR ("ARGV in print_loc_metric:" , join('|',@ARGV), "\n") 
        if DEBUG;
    write STDOUT; # replace with printf
    $filename = $fn;
sub increment {
    my $loc_type = shift;
    defined $loc_type
        or die 'increment(\$): input argument is undefined';    

    print "\t#". $loc_type ."#" if $is_deterministic;   

sub is_inline_comment {
    my $line = shift;
    defined $line 
        or die 'is_inline_comment($): $line is not defined';

    print "\n$line" if DEBUG > 10;  

# here: line is not empty, not begining both C and C++ comments signs,
#       not standalone '{}()', not inside multiline comment,
#       ending '\' removed (joined line created if needed)

# Possible cases: 
#   - no C\C++ comment signs                        => is_inline_comment = 0
#   - C++ comment (no C comment sign)
#       * no quote characters                       => is_inline_comment = 1
#       * at least one comment sign is not quoted   => is_inline_comment = 1
#       * all comment signs are quoted              => is_inline_comment = 0
#   - C comment (no C++ comment sign)
#       * no quote characters                       => is_inline_comment = 1,
#           ~ odd number of '/*' and '*/'           => $inside_multiple_comment = 1                             
#           ~ even number                           => $inside_multiple_comment = 0
#       * etc...
#   - ...
# algorithm: move along the line from left to right
# rule: quoted comments are not counted
# rule: quoted by distinct style quotes are not counted
# rule: commented quotes are not counted
# rule: commented distinct style comments are not counted
# rule: increment('LLOC') if not-quoted, not-commented
#           semi-colon presents in the line except that two 
#           semi-colon in for() counted as one.

$_ = $line; #hack: $_ = $line inside sub
#   state
my %s = (
    'c'     => 0, # c slash star - inside c style comments
    'cpp'   => 0, # c++ slash slash - inside C++ style comment
    'qm'    => 0, # quoted mark - inside quoted string
    'qqm'   => 0, # double quoted - inside double quoted string
my $has_comment = 0;
# find state
      /\G\"/gc  &&  do { # match double quote
                            unless( $s{'qm'} || $s{'c'} || $s{'cpp'} ) {
                                    # toggle 
                                $s{'qqm'} = $s{'qqm'} ? 0 : 1; 
                            redo LOOP;
      /\G\'/gc  &&  do { # match single quote
                            unless( $s{'qqm'} || $s{'c'} || $s{'cpp'} ) {
                                    # toggle 
                                $s{'qm'} = $s{'qm'} ? 0 : 1; 
                            redo LOOP;
      m~\G//~gc &&  do { # match C++ comment sign
                            unless( $s{'qm'} || $s{'qqm'} || $s{'c'} ) {
                                    # on
                                $has_comment = 1;
                                $s{'cpp'} = 1; 
                            redo LOOP;
      m~\G/\*~gc    &&  do { # match begining C comment sign
                            unless( $s{'qm'} || $s{'qqm'} || $s{'cpp'} ) {
                                    # on
                                $has_comment = 1;
                                $s{'c'} = $s{'c'} ? 1 : 1; 
                            redo LOOP;
      m~\G\*/~gc    &&  do { # match ending C comment sign
                            unless( $s{'qm'} || $s{'qqm'} || $s{'cpp'} ) {
                                    # off                                   
                                if( $s{'c'} ) {                                     
                                    $s{'c'} = 0;
                                else {
                                    die 'is_inline_comment($): unexpected c style ending comment sign'.
                            redo LOOP;
      /\Gfor\s*\(.*\;.*\;.*\)/gc    &&  do { # match for loop
                            unless( $s{'qm'} || $s{'qqm'} || $s{'cpp'} || $s{'c'} ) {
                                # not-commented, not-quoted semi-colon                                  
                            redo LOOP;
      /\G\;/gc  &&  do { # match semi-colon
                            unless( $s{'qm'} || $s{'qqm'} || $s{'cpp'} || $s{'c'} ) {
                                # not-commented, not-quoted semi-colon
                                # not inside for() loop
                            redo LOOP;
      /\G./gc   &&  do { # match any other character
                            # skip 1 character
                            redo LOOP;
      /\G$/gc   &&  do { # match end of the line
                            last LOOP;
        die 'is_inline_comment($): unexpected character in the line:' .
# apply state
    $inside_multiline_comment = $s{'c'};
    return $has_comment;

sub version {
#   TODO: version implementation
    print <<"VERSION";
Written by AUTHOR


exit 0;

sub invalid_options {
    print STDERR (@_ ,"\n");
    exit 2;

sub get_terminal_size {
    my ($wchar, $hchar) = ( -1, -1); 
    my $win32console = <<'WIN32_CONSOLE';   
        use Win32::Console; 
        my $CONSOLE = new Win32::Console(); 
        ($wchar, $hchar) = $CONSOLE->MaxWindow();

    return ($wchar, $hchar) unless( $@ );
    warnings::warnif($@); # $EVAL_ERROR

    my $term_readkey = <<'TERM_READKEY';
        use Term::ReadKey; 
        ($wchar,$hchar, $wpixels, $hpixels) = GetTerminalSize(); 

    return ($wchar, $hchar) unless( $@ );

    warnings::warnif($@); # $EVAL_ERROR 
    my $ioctl = <<'IOCTL'; 
        require 'sys/ioctl.ph'; 
        die "no TIOCGWINSZ " unless defined &TIOCGWINSZ; 
        open(TTY, "+</dev/tty")                     
            or die "No tty: $!"; 
        unless (ioctl(TTY, &TIOCGWINSZ, $winsize='')) { 
            die sprintf "$0: ioctl TIOCGWINSZ (%08x: $!)\n", 
        ($hchar, $wchar, $xpixel, $ypixel) = 
            unpack('S4', $winsize); # probably $hchar & $wchar should be swapped here 

    warnings::warnif($@) if $@ ; # $EVAL_ERROR  

    return ($wchar, $hchar); 


=head1 NAME

eLOC - Effective Lines of Code Counter


B<eloc> B<[>OPTIONB<]...> B<[>FILEB<]...>

Print LOC, eLOC, lLOC, comment, blank, newline and logicline counts 
for each FILE, and a total line if more than one FILE is specified.
See L</"LOC Specification"> for more info, use `eloc --man'.

  -e, --eloc             print the {E}LOC counts
  -s, --lloc             print the lLOC counts (code {S}tatements)
  -l, --loc              print the {L}OC counts (eLOC + lines of a single brace or parenthesis)
  -c, --comment          print the {C}omments counts (count lines which contains a comment)
  -b, --blank            print the {B}lank counts
  -n, --newline          print the {N}ewline count
  -g, --logicline        print the lo{G}ical line count (= LOC + Comment Lines + Blank Lines)
      --deterministic    print the LOC determination for every line in the source file
      --header           print header line
      --help display this help and exit
      --man  display full help and exit
      --version  output version information and exit

With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.      

Metrics counted by the program are based on narration from 

=for TODO: Comment Percent = Comment Line Count / Logical Line Count ) x 100      

=for TODO: White Space Percentage = (Number of spaces / Number of spaces and characters) * 100       


eLOC is a simple LOC counter. See L</"LOC Specification">. 

=head2 LOC Specification

=over 1

=item LOC

Lines Of Code = eLOC + lines of a single brace or parenthesis

=item eLOC

An effective line of code or eLOC is the measurement of all lines that are 
not comments, blanks or standalone braces or parenthesis. 
This metric more closely represents the quantity of work performed. 
RSM introduces eLOC as a metrics standard.
See http://msquaredtechnologies.com/m2rsm/docs/rsm_metrics_narration.htm

=item lLOC

Logical lines of code represent a metrics for those line of code which form 
code statements.  These statements are terminated with a semi-colon.  

The control line for the "for" loop contain two semi-colons but accounts 
for only one semi colon.
See http://msquaredtechnologies.com/m2rsm/docs/rsm_metrics_narration.htm

=item comment

comment = pure comment + inline comment


=item pure comment

Comment lines represent a metrics for pure comment line without any code in it.
See L</"inline comment">.

=item inline comment

Inline comment line is a line which contains both LOC line and pure comment.

Inline comment line and pure comment line (see L</"pure comment">)
are mutually exclusive, that is a given physical line cannot be an inline comment
line and a pure comment line simultaneously.


=item Example:

    static const int defaultWidth = 400;        // value provided in declaration



=item blank

Blank line is a line which contains at most whitespaces.
Blank lines are counted inside comments too.

=item logicline

The logical line count = LOC + Comment Lines + Blank Lines





It supports only C/C++ source files.


Comments inside for(;;) statements are not counted


=item Example:

    for(int i = 0; i < N /*comment*/; i++ );        #LLOC#  #LLOC#  #LOC#   #ELOC#  #PHYS# [1]



'\'-ending lines are concatinated ( though newline count is valid)


Input from stdin is not supported in the case 
the script is envoked solely by name without explicit perl executable.


Wildcards in path with spaces are not supported (like GNU utilities).



=begin fixed
=item Limitation: single source file

    Only one source file at time supported

=item Limitation: LLOC is unsupported

    The logical lines of code metric is unsupported. 

=item missed inline comment for C style comment

    #include <math.h> /* comment */ #ELOC#  #PHYS# [2]

But must be
    #include <math.h> /* comment */ #INLINE_COMMENT#    #ELOC#  #PHYS# [2]

=item wrong LOC type for the code after '*/'

    /* another  #PURE_COMMENT#  #PHYS# [36]
    trick   #PURE_COMMENT#  #PHYS# [37]
    */  i++;    #PURE_COMMENT#  #PHYS# [38]

In the last line must be 


=end fixed


=head1 SEE ALSO

Metrics counted by the program are based on narration from L<http://msquaredtechnologies.com/m2rsm/docs/rsm_metrics_narration.htm>

1 голос
/ 14 декабря 2008

Locmetrics хорошо работает.

1 голос
/ 14 декабря 2008

Я обычно просто делаю это:

grep -vc '^$' (my files)

Работает, только если ваши пустые строки действительно пустые (без пробелов). Достаточно для меня.

1 голос
/ 14 декабря 2008

SLOCCOunt не простой скрипт и делает гораздо больше, чем нужно Тем не менее, это мощная альтернатива уже упомянутым Ohcount и NLOC. :)

1 голос
/ 13 декабря 2008

Если комментарии все еще могут быть, достаточно стандартного инструмента Unix:

grep  -x -v "[[:space:]}{]*" files.c  | wc
1 голос
/ 27 ноября 2008

Ohloh предлагает бесплатный Ohcount , который считает строки кода и комментариев.

1 голос
/ 27 ноября 2008

Монитор источника - бесплатная программа для анализа источника. Это приложение для Windows, но его также можно запускать с параметрами из командной строки.

Может анализировать C ++, C, C #, VB.NET, Java, Delphi, Visual Basic (VB6) или HTML.

1 голос
/ 27 ноября 2008

Не скрипт, но вы можете попробовать этот инструмент с открытым исходным кодом командной строки: NLOC
