/*---------------------Distance specification----------------*/
function distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit) {
$theta = $lon1 - $lon2;
$dist = sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($lat2)) + cos(deg2rad($lat1)) *
cos(deg2rad($lat2)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
$dist = acos($dist);
$dist = rad2deg($dist);
$miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
$unit = strtoupper($unit);
if ($unit == "K") {
return ($miles * 1.609344);
} else if ($unit == "N") {
return ($miles * 0.8684);
} else {
return $miles;
/*---------------------Distance specification----------------*/
/*-------------Radius check starts-------------------------*/
class RadiusCheck {
var $maxLat;
var $minLat;
var $maxLong;
var $minLong;
function RadiusCheck($Latitude, $Longitude, $Miles) {
global $maxLat,$minLat,$maxLong,$minLong;
$maxLat = $Latitude + $Miles / $EQUATOR_LAT_MILE;
$minLat = $Latitude - ($maxLat - $Latitude);
$maxLong = $Longitude + $Miles / (cos($minLat * M_PI / 180) * $EQUATOR_LAT_MILE);
$minLong = $Longitude - ($maxLong - $Longitude);
function MaxLatitude() {
return $GLOBALS["maxLat"];
function MinLatitude() {
return $GLOBALS["minLat"];
function MaxLongitude() {
return $GLOBALS["maxLong"];
function MinLongitude() {
return $GLOBALS["minLong"];
/*-------------Radius check ends---------------------------*/
/*-------------Distance check starts-----------------------*/
class DistanceCheck {
function DistanceCheck() {
function Calculate(
) {
$dist = 0;
//convert degrees to radians
$dblLat1 = $dblLat1 * M_PI / 180;
$dblLong1 = $dblLong1 * M_PI / 180;
$dblLat2 = $dblLat2 * M_PI / 180;
$dblLong2 = $dblLong2 * M_PI / 180;
if ($dblLat1 != $dblLat2 || $dblLong1 != $dblLong2)
//the two points are not the same
$dist =
sin($dblLat1) * sin($dblLat2)
+ cos($dblLat1) * cos($dblLat2)
* cos($dblLong2 - $dblLong1);
$dist =
* (-1 * atan($dist / sqrt(1 - $dist * $dist)) + M_PI / 2);
return $dist;
/*-------------Distance check ends--------------------------*/
/*-------------Listing datas starts--------------------------*/
// set a default number of miles to search within
$Miles = '113';
// set the user's latitude and longitude as the one to search against
$Latitude = $getip->latitude;
$Longitude = $getip->latitude;
$zcdRadius = new RadiusCheck($Latitude,$Longitude,$Miles);
$minLat = $zcdRadius->MinLatitude();
$maxLat = $zcdRadius->MaxLatitude();
$minLong = $zcdRadius->MinLongitude();
$maxLong = $zcdRadius->MaxLongitude();
$sql = "SELECT Latitude,Longitude,TimeZone,DmaId,County,Code,ctyvalue,ctstatus, ";
$sql .= "SQRT((((69.1*(Latitude-$Latitude))*(69.1*(Latitude-$Latitude)))+((53*(Longitude-$Longitude))*(53*(Longitude-$Longitude))))) ";
$sql .= "AS calc FROM geo_cities where ";
$sql .= "latitude >= '$minLat' ";
$sql .= "AND Latitude <= '$maxLat' ";
$sql .= "AND Longitude >= '$minLong' ";
$sql .= "AND Longitude <= '$maxLong' ";
//echo $sql;
$get_data = mysql_query($sql);
// loop through the matching database results
while($storedata = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_data)) {
// calculate the number of miles away the result is
$zcdDistance = new DistanceCheck;
$Distance = $zcdDistance->Calculate($Latitude,$Longitude,$storedata['latitude'],$storedata['longitude']);
// and for the non-US people, here's the km calculation
$calc_km = round(($Distance * 1.609344),2);
//echo distance($Latitude,$Longitude,$storedata['latitude'],$storedata['longitude'], "m") . " miles";
echo '<li>'.$storedata['ctyname'].'<br />'.$storedata['County'].', ';
echo 'Distance: '.$Distance.' ('.$calc_km.' km)';
/*-------------Listing datas ends----------------------------*/