Я реализовал это в Python на основе https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davies%E2%80%93Bouldin_index
def davies_bouldin(X, labels, cluster_ctr):
#get the cluster assignemnts
clusters = set(labels)
#get the number of clusters
num_clusters = len(clusters)
#array to hold the number of items for each cluster, indexed by cluster number
num_items_in_clusters = [0]*num_clusters
#get the number of items for each cluster
for i in range(len(labels)):
num_items_in_clusters[labels[i]] += 1
max_num = -9999
for i in range(num_clusters):
s_i = intra_cluster_dist(X, labels, clusters[i], num_items_in_clusters[i], cluster_ctr[i])
for j in range(num_clusters):
if(i != j):
s_j = intra_cluster_dist(X, labels, clusters[j], num_items_in_clusters[j], cluster_ctr[j])
m_ij = np.linalg.norm(cluster_ctr[clusters[i]]-cluster_ctr[clusters[j]])
r_ij = (s_i + s_j)/m_ij
if(r_ij > max_num):
max_num = r_ij
return max_num
def intra_cluster_dist(X, labels, cluster, num_items_in_cluster, centroid):
total_dist = 0
#for every item in cluster j, compute the distance the the center of cluster j, take average
for k in range(num_items_in_cluster):
dist = np.linalg.norm(X[labels==cluster]-centroid)
total_dist = dist + total_dist
return total_dist/num_items_in_cluster
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