У меня была та же проблема, и я взломал небольшой класс для имитации потока ввода в Appengine с использованием параметра диапазона HTTP.Это позволяет вам читать файлы, размер которых превышает лимит, линейно-ориентированным способом.Я прилагаю его ниже, хотя вам может потребоваться адаптировать его для ваших целей:
package com.theodorebook.AEStreamer;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* A class to simulate a stream in appengine, which insists on downloading
* an entire URL before letting you do anything with it. This enables one
* to read files larger than the size limits.
* @author Theodore Book (theodorebook at gmail dot com)
public class AEStreamer {
private static final int BITE_SIZE = 0x10000; //How big a chunk to grab at a time
private static final byte TERMINATOR = '\n'; //String terminator
private int mCurrentPosition = 0; //The current position in the file
private int mOffset = -1; //The offset of the current block
private long mValidBytes = 0; //The number of valid bytes in the chunk
private byte[] mChunk = new byte[BITE_SIZE];
private boolean mComplete = false;
private String mURL;
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AEStreamer.class.getName());
public AEStreamer(String url) {
mURL = url;
* Returns the next line from the source, or null on empty
* @return
public String readLine() {
String line = "";
//See if we have something to read
if (mCurrentPosition >= mOffset + mValidBytes) {
if (mComplete)
return null;
if (mValidBytes == 0)
return null;
//Read until we reach a terminator
int endPtr = mCurrentPosition - mOffset;
while (mChunk[endPtr] != TERMINATOR) {
//If we reach the end of the block
if (endPtr == mValidBytes) {
line += new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(mChunk, mCurrentPosition - mOffset, endPtr));
mCurrentPosition += (endPtr - mCurrentPosition + mOffset);
if (mComplete) {
return line;
} else {
endPtr = mCurrentPosition - mOffset;
line += new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(mChunk, mCurrentPosition - mOffset, endPtr));
mCurrentPosition += (endPtr - mCurrentPosition + mOffset);
return line;
* Reads the next chunk from the server
private void readChunk() {
if (mOffset < 0)
mOffset = 0;
mOffset += BITE_SIZE;
try {
URL url = new URL(mURL);
URLConnection request = url.openConnection();
request.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + (mOffset + 1) + "-" + (mOffset + BITE_SIZE));
InputStream inStream = request.getInputStream();
mValidBytes = inStream.read(mChunk);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.severe("Unable to read " + mURL + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
mComplete = true;
mValidBytes = 0;
if (mValidBytes < BITE_SIZE)
mComplete = true;
//log.info("Read " + mValidBytes + " bytes");