Просто для полноты приведем простую функцию сравнения хеш-таблиц:
function Compare-Hashtable(
) {
# Creates a result object.
function result( [string]$side ) {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
'InputPath'= "$path$key";
'SideIndicator' = $side;
'ReferenceValue' = $refValue;
'DifferenceValue' = $difValue;
# Recursively compares two hashtables.
function core( [string]$path, [Hashtable]$ref, [Hashtable]$dif ) {
# Hold on to keys from the other object that are not in the reference.
$nonrefKeys = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]'
$dif.Keys | foreach { [void]$nonrefKeys.Add( $_ ) }
# Test each key in the reference with that in the other object.
foreach( $key in $ref.Keys ) {
[void]$nonrefKeys.Remove( $key )
$refValue = $ref.$key
$difValue = $dif.$key
if( -not $dif.ContainsKey( $key ) ) {
result '<='
elseif( $refValue -is [hashtable] -and $difValue -is [hashtable] ) {
core "$path$key." $refValue $difValue
elseif( $refValue -ne $difValue ) {
result '<>'
elseif( $IncludeEqual ) {
result '=='
# Show all keys in the other object not in the reference.
$refValue = $null
foreach( $key in $nonrefKeys ) {
$difValue = $dif.$key
result '=>'
core '' $ReferenceObject $DifferenceObject
Пример вывода:
> $a = @{ 'same'='x'; 'shared'=@{ 'same'='x'; 'different'='unlike'; 'new'='A' } }
> $b = @{ 'same'='x'; 'shared'=@{ 'same'='x'; 'different'='contrary' }; 'new'='B' }
> Compare-Hashtable $a $b
InputPath ReferenceValue DifferenceValue SideIndicator
--------- -------------- --------------- -------------
shared.different unlike contrary <>
shared.new A <=
new B =>