u = User.create :first_name => 'foo', :last_name => 'bar' #saves to the database, and returns the object
u.address.create :street => '122 street name' #saves to the database, with the user association set for you
#you can also just new stuff up, and save when you like
u = User.new
u.first_name = 'foo'
u.last_name ='bar'
#dynamic finders are hela-cool, you can chain stuff together however you like in the method name
u = User.find_by_first_name_and_last_name 'foo', 'bar'
#you also have some enumerable accessors
u = User.all.each {|u| puts u.first_name }
#and update works as you would expect
u = User.first
u.first_name = 'something new'
#deleting does as well
u = User.first
Это нечто большее, чем просто это, дайте мне знать, если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы о вещах, которые я не освещал