Давайте исправим этот беспорядок и посмотрим, что это за ошибки:
from random import random # tip, check out randint (the function in the random module)
def computer():
computer = 0
while computer < 21:
val = int(random()*10)+1 # please use some whitespace around operators
if (computer + val) > 21:
computer += val
print "Ich habe ", computer, "!"
return computer
def player():
player = 0
loss = 0
while player < 21:
hval = int(random()*10)+1 # again, whitespace improves readability
print "Du hast ", hval, "...\nNoch eine mit y..."
if raw_input == "y": # raw_input is a function (hint you need to call the function)
# you're comparing the object against a string
# that will always yield false, therefore the player
# never gets the chance to enter another number
# this never gets executed
player += hval
if player > 21:
print "Du hast verloren!"
loss = 1
# always gets executed
player += hval
return player # this returns the value of player
return loss # never reached, dead code, the return above has already left the function
if __name__ == "__main__":
player() # returns the integer, but doesn't assign it to any name
if loss == 1: # loss is not defined in this scope
computer() # again, this doesn't assign the returned value
if computer > player: # if this would get reached, it would fail yet again
# no name error this time, but you're comparing the function object
# against the player object, this will (at least in CPython)
# compare the memory addresses
print "Ich habe gewonnen!"
print "Du hast gewonnen"
Теперь вы знаете все ошибки, вы должны их исправить:)
Но я такжехочу отметить, что ваш отступ - это REAL беспорядок, в диапазоне от 1 пробела до 16 на отступ.
Особенно в Python, где отступ является важной частью синтаксиса, этони в коем случае не терпимо.
Пожалуйста, прочитайте PEP8 о том, как стилизовать ваш код.