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Файл user.config создан в папке <c:\Documents and Settings>\<username>\[Local Settings\]Application Data\<companyname>\<appdomainname>_<eid>_<hash>\<verison>
* <c:\Documents and Settings> is the user data directory, either non-roaming (Local Settings above) or roaming.
* <username> is the user name.
* <companyname> is the CompanyNameAttribute value, if available. Otherwise, ignore this element.
* <appdomainname> is the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. This usually defaults to the .exe name.
* <eid> is the URL, StrongName, or Path, based on the evidence available to hash.
* <hash> is a SHA1 hash of evidence gathered from the CurrentDomain, in the following order of preference:
1. StrongName
2. URL
If neither of these is available, use the .exe path.
* <version> is the AssemblyInfo's AssemblyVersionAttribute setting.