Я решил это путем Moosification схем и создания набора Moose :: Roles, которые я применяю к классам Schema сразу после schema-> connection ();
Это выглядит примерно так:
my $schema = My::Schema->connection();
foreach my $source ($schema->sources) {
my $domain_pkg = "My::Domain::$source";
eval "require $domain_pkg";
# ignore failures due to file-not-found
if ($@ && $@ =~/^Can't locate.*INC/) {
# but barf if class doesnt compile
} elsif ($@) {
confess "Failed to load $domain_pkg for $pkg!!: - $@";
# re-register domain class with the resultsource
# and apply the role
} else {
my $schema_pkg = "${pkg}::$source";
$c->register_class($source, $schema_pkg);
use Moose::Util;
# check schema is moosyfied
if ( $schema_pkg->can('meta') ) {
my $meta = $schema_pkg->meta;
eval {
Moose::Util::apply_all_roles($meta, $domain_pkg);
if ($@) {
confess "Failed to add $domain_pkg role to $schema_pkg: $@\n";
} else {
l4p->info("Found and applied Domain role: '$domain_pkg' for schema: '$schema_pkg'");
} else {
warn "Cant call meta on $schema_pkg. ";
Рядом ..
use MooseX::Declare
role My::Domain::Person {
# modify schema
My::Schema::Person->inflate_column( ..);
# add some method modifiers to check/modify construction
around new (ClassName $class : $params) {
munge params..
# post insert hook
after insert () {
# domain methods
sub fullname {
$self->firstname.' '.$self->surname;