Я снова за этим!
Вот решение всех ваших проблем с конверсией List<T>
и Enumerable<T>
~ 150 строк кода
Просто убедитесь, что вы определили хотя бы один явный или неявный оператор преобразования для задействованных типов ввода / вывода (если он не существует), как вы должны делать в любом случае!
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
namespace System.Collections.Generic //purposely in same namespace as List<T>,IEnumerable<T>, so extension methods are available with them
public static class Enumerable
public static List<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput,TOutput>( this IEnumerable<TInput> input ) {
return BuildConvertedList<TInput,TOutput>( input, GetConverterDelegate<TInput,TOutput>() );
public static IEnumerable<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput,TOutput>( this IEnumerable<TInput> input, bool lazy ) {
if (lazy) return new LazyConverter<TInput,TOutput>( input, GetConverterDelegate<TInput,TOutput>() );
return BuildConvertedList<TInput,TOutput>( input, GetConverterDelegate<TInput,TOutput>() );
public static List<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput,TOutput>( this IEnumerable<TInput> input, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter ) {
return BuildConvertedList<TInput,TOutput>( input, converter );
public static List<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput, TOutput>( this List<TInput> input ) {
Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter = GetConverterDelegate<TInput,TOutput>();
return input.ConvertAll<TOutput>( converter );
public static IEnumerable<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput, TOutput>( this List<TInput> input, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter, bool lazy ) {
if (lazy) return new LazyConverter<TInput, TOutput>( input, converter );
return input.ConvertAll<TOutput>( converter );
public static List<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput, TOutput>( this List<TInput> input, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter ) {
return input.ConvertAll<TOutput>( converter );
//Used to manually build converted list when input is IEnumerable, since it doesn't have the ConvertAll method like the List does
private static List<TOutput> BuildConvertedList<TInput,TOutput>( IEnumerable<TInput> input, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter ){
List<TOutput> output = new List<TOutput>();
foreach (TInput input_item in input)
output.Add( converter( input_item ) );
return output;
private sealed class LazyConverter<TInput, TOutput>: IEnumerable<TOutput>, IEnumerator<TOutput>
private readonly IEnumerable<TInput> input;
private readonly Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter;
private readonly IEnumerator<TInput> input_enumerator;
public LazyConverter( IEnumerable<TInput> input, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter )
this.input = input;
this.converter = converter;
this.input_enumerator = input.GetEnumerator();
public IEnumerator<TOutput> GetEnumerator() {return this;} //IEnumerable<TOutput> Member
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {return this;} //IEnumerable Member
public void Dispose() {input_enumerator.Dispose();} //IDisposable Member
public TOutput Current {get {return converter.Invoke( input_enumerator.Current );}} //IEnumerator<TOutput> Member
object IEnumerator.Current {get {return Current;}} //IEnumerator Member
public bool MoveNext() {return input_enumerator.MoveNext();} //IEnumerator Member
public void Reset() {input_enumerator.Reset();} //IEnumerator Member
private sealed class TypeConversionPair: IEquatable<TypeConversionPair>
public readonly Type source_type;
public readonly Type target_type;
private readonly int hashcode;
public TypeConversionPair( Type source_type, Type target_type ) {
this.source_type = source_type;
this.target_type = target_type;
//precalc/store hash, since object is immutable; add one to source hash so reversing the source and target still produces unique hash
hashcode = (source_type.GetHashCode() + 1) ^ target_type.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==( TypeConversionPair x, TypeConversionPair y ) {
if ((object)x != null) return x.Equals( y );
if ((object)y != null) return y.Equals( x );
return true; //x and y are both null, cast to object above ensures reference equality comparison
public static bool operator !=( TypeConversionPair x, TypeConversionPair y ) {
if ((object)x != null) return !x.Equals( y );
if ((object)y != null) return !y.Equals( x );
return false; //x and y are both null, cast to object above ensures reference equality comparison
//TypeConversionPairs are equal when their source and target types are equal
public bool Equals( TypeConversionPair other ) {
if ((object)other == null) return false; //cast to object ensures reference equality comparison
return source_type == other.source_type && target_type == other.target_type;
public override bool Equals( object obj ) {
TypeConversionPair other = obj as TypeConversionPair;
if ((object)other != null) return Equals( other ); //call IEqualityComparer<TypeConversionPair> implementation if obj type is TypeConversionPair
return false; //obj is null or is not of type TypeConversionPair; Equals shall not throw errors!
public override int GetHashCode() {return hashcode;} //assigned in constructor; object is immutable
private static readonly Dictionary<TypeConversionPair,Delegate> conversion_op_cache = new Dictionary<TypeConversionPair,Delegate>();
//Uses reflection to find and create a Converter<TInput, TOutput> delegate for the given types.
//Once a delegate is obtained, it is cached, so further requests for the delegate do not use reflection*
//(*the typeof operator is used twice to look up the type pairs in the cache)
public static Converter<TInput, TOutput> GetConverterDelegate<TInput, TOutput>()
Delegate converter;
TypeConversionPair type_pair = new TypeConversionPair( typeof(TInput), typeof(TOutput) );
//Attempt to quickly find a cached conversion delegate.
lock (conversion_op_cache) //synchronize with concurrent calls to Add
if (conversion_op_cache.TryGetValue( type_pair, out converter ))
return (Converter<TInput, TOutput>)converter;
//Get potential conversion operators (target-type methods are ordered first)
MethodInfo[][] conversion_op_sets = new MethodInfo[2][] {
type_pair.target_type.GetMethods( BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy ),
type_pair.source_type.GetMethods( BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy )
//Find appropriate conversion operator,
//favoring operators on target type in case functionally equivalent operators exist,
//since the target type's conversion operator may have access to an appropriate constructor
//or a common instance cache (i.e. immutable objects may be cached and reused).
for (int s = 0; s < conversion_op_sets.Length; s++) {
MethodInfo[] conversion_ops = conversion_op_sets[s];
for (int m = 0; m < conversion_ops.Length; m++)
MethodInfo mi = conversion_ops[m];
if ((mi.Name == "op_Explicit" || mi.Name == "op_Implicit") &&
mi.ReturnType == type_pair.target_type &&
mi.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom( type_pair.source_type )) //Assuming op_Explicit and op_Implicit always have exactly one parameter.
converter = Delegate.CreateDelegate( typeof(Converter<TInput, TOutput>), mi );
lock (conversion_op_cache) //synchronize with concurrent calls to TryGetValue
conversion_op_cache.Add( type_pair, converter ); //Cache the conversion operator reference for future use.
return (Converter<TInput, TOutput>)converter;
return (TInput x) => ((TOutput)Convert.ChangeType( x, typeof(TOutput) )); //this works well in the absence of conversion operators for types that implement IConvertible
//throw new InvalidCastException( "Could not find conversion operator to convert " + type_pair.source_type.FullName + " to " + type_pair.target_type.FullName + "." );
Пример использования:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> list = new List<string>(new string[] { "abcde", "abcd", "abc"/*will break length constraint*/, "ab", "a" });
//Uncomment line below to see non-lazy behavior. All items converted before method returns, and will fail on third item, which breaks the length constraint.
//List<ConstrainedString> constrained_list = list.ConvertAll<string,ConstrainedString>();
IEnumerable<ConstrainedString> constrained_list = list.ConvertAll<string,ConstrainedString>( true ); //lazy conversion; conversion is not attempted until that item is read
foreach (ConstrainedString constrained_string in constrained_list) //will not fail until the third list item is read/converted
System.Console.WriteLine( constrained_string.ToString() );
public class ConstrainedString
private readonly string value;
public ConstrainedString( string value ){this.value = Constrain(value);}
public string Constrain( string value ) {
if (value.Length > 3) return value;
throw new ArgumentException("String length must be > 3!");
public static explicit operator ConstrainedString( string value ){return new ConstrainedString( value );}
public override string ToString() {return value;}