Это возможно при обходном подходе. Для обработчика событий используйте функцию , которая возвращает вложенную анонимную функцию .
private var textFieldA:TextField = new TextField;
private var textFieldB:TextField = new TextField;
public function setParameterizedTextWhenTextFieldsAreClicked ():void {
textFieldA.text = 'Text field A';
textFieldA.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showCustomMessage("One"));
textFieldB.text = 'Text field B';
textFieldB.y = 20;
textFieldB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showCustomMessage("Two"));
// NOTE: We must use strongly referenced listeners because weakly referenced
// listeners **will get garbage collected** because we're returning
// an anonymous function, which gets defined in the global namespace and
// thus, the garbage collector does not have anything pointing to it.
private function showCustomMessage (message:String):Function {
// NOTE: You can store the following function to a class variable
// to keep it in memory, which would let you use weakly referenced
// listeners when using this as an event handler. Many people
// would find that awkward. I would discourage that.
return function (e:MouseEvent):void {
var textField:TextField = e.target as TextField;
textField.text = message; // "message" argument is available because
// this function's scope is kept in memory.
Имейте в виду, что использование анонимных функций и зависимость от объема функций, сохраняемых в памяти, представляют сложности для сборки мусора.