хм, это странно, но вот мои настройки:
'uploader': '/_PATH_TO_YOUR_/uploader.swf', // Path to uploader.swf
'cancelImg': '/_PATH_TO_YOUR_/cancel.png', // Path to any cancel image
'script': '/_PATH_TO_YOUR_/upload.php', // Path to your upload script, you may change this to something else, depends on what your server is running
'folder': '/uploaded/', // Your upload filder
//'fileDesc': 'Images Only (*.PNG, *.JPG, *.JPEG, *.GIF)', // Use this if you want to allow only image uploads, is shown when you press the Browse button in side the file types box
//'fileExt': '*.png, *.jpg, *.gif, *.jpeg', // Allowed file extensions
'sizeLimit': 52428800, // Max file size
'simUploadLimit': 1, // Only 1 upload at the same time, 0 = unlimited uploads at the same time
'multi': true, // Allows multi-upload, you can select more then 1 file/image
'buttonText': 'Select Files', // This I don't know if it works
'checkScript': '/source/interface/addons/uploadify/check.php', // Path to your upload check script
'displayData': 'speed', // What to display when you start the upload
'buttonText': 'Browse', // The browse button, .swf file
Если бы вы могли, вы можете опубликовать JavaScript, который у вас есть, поэтому я могу помочь вам:)