Другой возможностью была статья Microsoft Q195353 FILE: VBUSC.EXE Provides Licensing for Discontinued Controls
, которая заархивирована здесь и здесь .
Сводка ключей: VBUSC.EXE устанавливает лицензии времени разработки для перечисленных выше элементов управления, если Visual Basic обнаружен на компьютере.
Программу VBUSC можно загрузить здесь (по-прежнему напрямую от Microsoft).
Оригинальный текст статьи:
VBUSC.EXE is a file that installs the Design-Time Licenses for ActiveX controls
that shipped with earlier versions of Visual Basic, but are no longer supported
and have been discontinued with the current version.
The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download
Release Date: August 15, 2000
For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click
the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge
Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current
virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was
posted. The file is stored on secure servers that prevent any unauthorized
changes to the file.
FileName Size
The following controls are no longer supported by Microsoft Visual Basic:
ActiveX Control Name Filename
Desaware Animated Button Control ANIBTN32.OCX
Microhelp Gauge Control GAUGE32.OCX
Pinnacle-BPS Graph Control GRAPH32.EXE
Microsoft Grid Control GRID32.OCX
Microhelp Key State Control KEYSTA32.OCX
Microsoft Outline Control MSOUTL32.OCX
Outrider SpinButton Control SPIN32.OCX
Sheridan 3D Controls THREED32.OCX
The ActiveX controls listed above are no longer supported, but ship with the
Professional and Enterprise Editions of Microsoft Visual Basic for backward
compatibility when upgrading existing projects.
These controls do not ship with the Learning Edition of Microsoft Visual Basic.
For the Professional and Enterprise Editions, the controls are located on the
installation CDs at the following locations:
Microsoft Visual Basic Edition Location
Professional 6.0 \Common\Tools\VB\Controls
Enterprise 6.0 \Common\Tools\VB\Controls
Visual Studio Professional 6.0 \Common\Tools\VB\Controls (CD2)
Visual Studio Enterprise 6.0 \Common\Tools\VB\Controls (CD3)
Each of these directories contain a README.TXT with instructions on how to
install the controls for design-time use.
NOTE: Using the Learning Edition to upgrade a project developed in an earlier
version of Microsoft Visual Basic might result in licensing problems for these
The VBUSC.EXE installs the design-time licenses for the controls listed above if
Visual Basic is detected on the computer.