Хотя Outlook может открывать файлы EML , невозможно сделать программно только с VBA. Поэтому я создал этот макрос VBA, который проходит по какой-то папке и открывает каждый файл EML, используя SHELL EXEC . До того, как Outlook откроет файл EML, может пройти несколько миллисекунд, поэтому VBA ждет, пока что-то не будет открыто в ActiveInspector. Наконец, это письмо копируется в выбранную папку, и (в случае успеха) исходный файл EML удаляется.
Этот макрос иногда дает сбой, но вы можете перезапустить макрос в любое время, и он будет перезапущен с того места, где он ранее разбился (запомните, все успешно импортированные файлы EML удаляются ). Если после перезапуска происходит сбой, возможно, существует проблема со следующим файлом EML, который собирается импортировать. В этом случае вы можете просто удалить проблемный EML.
PS: Иногда вы можете открыть EML самостоятельно, не разбивая Outlook, но, согласно моим тестам, каждый раз, когда файл EML приводил к сбою Outlook, это было чем-то неважным, например, чеки на чтение.
Здесь следует мой код VBA . Если у вас есть какие-либо сомнения или проблемы, дайте мне знать.
' Code by Ricardo Drizin (contact info at http://www.drizin.com.br)
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Option Explicit
' This method closes ActiveInspectors if any.
' All inporting is based on the assumption that the EML
' is opened by shell and we can refer to it through the ActiveInspector
Function CloseOpenInspectors() As Boolean
Dim app As Outlook.Application: Set app = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim insp As Outlook.Inspector
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
count = count + 1
Set insp = app.ActiveInspector
If TypeName(insp) = "Nothing" Then
CloseOpenInspectors = True
Exit Function
End If
If TypeName(insp.CurrentItem) = "Nothing" Then
CloseOpenInspectors = True
Exit Function
End If
If (count > 100) Then
MsgBox "Error. Could not close ActiveInspector. "
CloseOpenInspectors = False
End If
insp.Close (olDiscard)
GoTo repeat
End Function
' This method allows user to choose a Root Folder in Outlook
' All EML files will be imported under this folder
Function GetRootFolder() As Outlook.folder
Dim app As Outlook.Application: Set app = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim NS As Outlook.NameSpace: Set NS = app.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Dim fold As Outlook.folder
Set fold = NS.PickFolder
'MsgBox fold.Name
Set GetRootFolder = fold
End Function
' Creates a child folder in Outlook, under root folder.
Function GetChildFolder(parentFolder As Outlook.folder, name As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim fold2 As Outlook.folder
Set fold2 = parentFolder.folders.Item(name)
If Err.Number Then
On Error GoTo 0
Set fold2 = parentFolder.folders.Add(name)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'MsgBox fold2.Name
Set GetChildFolder = fold2
End Function
' Imports the EML open in the current ActiveInspector
' into the given folder
Sub ImportOpenItem(targetFolder As Outlook.folder)
Dim app As Outlook.Application: Set app = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim insp As Outlook.Inspector: Set insp = app.ActiveInspector
Dim retries As Integer
retries = 0
While TypeName(insp) = "Nothing" ' READING PANE should be visible, or else it will not work.
'MsgWaitObj (1000)
Sleep (50)
Sleep (50)
Set insp = app.ActiveInspector
retries = retries + 1
'If retries > 100 Then
' Stop
'End If
If TypeName(insp) = "Nothing" Then
MsgBox "Error! Could not find open inspector for importing email."
Exit Sub
End If
Dim m As MailItem, m2 As MailItem, m3 As MailItem
Set m = insp.CurrentItem
'MsgBox m.Subject
Set m2 = m.Copy
Set m3 = m2.Move(targetFolder)
Set m = Nothing
Set m2 = Nothing
Set m3 = Nothing
insp.Close (olDiscard)
Set insp = Nothing
End Sub
' Scans a given folder for *.EML files and import them
' into the given folder.
' Each EML file will be deleted after importing.
Sub ImportEMLFromFolder(targetFolder As Outlook.folder, emlFolder As String)
If Right(emlFolder, 1) <> "\" Then emlFolder = emlFolder & "\"
Dim firstImport As Boolean: firstImport = True
Dim file As String
Dim count As Integer: count = 0
'MsgBox fold.Items.count
'Exit Sub
file = Dir(emlFolder & "*.eml")
If file = "" Then
'MsgBox "Finished importing EML files. Total = " & count
Debug.Print "Finished importing EML files. Total = " & count
Exit Sub
End If
count = count + 1
Debug.Print "Importing... " & file & " - " & emlFolder
Shell ("explorer """ & emlFolder & file & """")
'If firstImport Then Stop
firstImport = False
Sleep (50)
On Error GoTo nextfile
Call ImportOpenItem(targetFolder)
Call Kill(emlFolder & file)
On Error GoTo 0
Sleep (50)
file = Dir()
GoTo repeat
End Sub
' Main method.
' User chooses an Outlook root Folder, and a Windows Explorer root folder.
' All EML files inside this folder and in immediate subfolders will be imported.
Sub ImportAllEMLSubfolders()
Call CloseOpenInspectors
MsgBox "Choose a root folder for importing "
Dim rootOutlookFolder As Outlook.folder
Set rootOutlookFolder = GetRootFolder()
If rootOutlookFolder Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim rootWindowsFolder As String
rootWindowsFolder = "D:\Outlook Express EMLs folder"
rootWindowsFolder = InputBox("Choose a windows folder where you have your EML files", , rootWindowsFolder)
If IsNull(rootWindowsFolder) Or IsEmpty(rootWindowsFolder) Or rootWindowsFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
If Right(rootWindowsFolder, 1) <> "\" Then rootWindowsFolder = rootWindowsFolder & "\"
Dim subFolders As New Collection
Dim subFolder As String
subFolder = Dir(rootWindowsFolder, vbDirectory)
If subFolder = "." Or subFolder = ".." Then GoTo nextdir
If (GetAttr(rootWindowsFolder & subFolder) And vbDirectory) = 0 Then GoTo nextdir
subFolders.Add (subFolder)
subFolder = Dir()
If subFolder <> "" Then GoTo repeat
Dim outlookFolder As Outlook.folder
' Importing main folder
Call ImportEMLFromFolder(rootOutlookFolder, rootWindowsFolder)
' Importing subfolders
While subFolders.count
subFolder = subFolders.Item(1)
subFolders.Remove (1)
Set outlookFolder = GetChildFolder(rootOutlookFolder, subFolder)
Debug.Print "Importing " & rootWindowsFolder & subFolder & " into Outlook folder " & outlookFolder.name & "..."
Call ImportEMLFromFolder(outlookFolder, rootWindowsFolder & subFolder)
Debug.Print "Finished"
End Sub