у меня
/src - source files (test files are within a package 'test' here, or 'test' subpackage of what is being tested)
/lib - required libraries
/doc - text documentation and development notes
/build - where we build (each separate build item within a subfolder here)
/conf - configurations (each config, production, test, developer, etc gets a folder in here, and when building Jars and Wars the correct set is copied across)
/extras - other stuff
/extras/resources - resources that should be included within generated Jars, e.g., icons
/websites - Web related content and configurations (each website in its own folder here)
/websites/$site/webcontent - All the web content here
/websites/$site/conf - website related configuration files here (instead of /conf)
/websites/$site/build.xml - ANT build script for website that creates a war, etc
(remember you might have an admin site and a public site for a single project, hence the multi-site configuration within a single project, or even site v1 and site v2, etc)
В конце концов, вы должны быть немного гибкими в зависимости от самого проекта и от того, используете ли вы ANT или Maven. Я использую ANT и либо помещаю сценарии ANT в / build, но они появились в других проектах (например, в / website / для некоторых).