Я использовал комбинацию подходов, предоставленных cyberkiwi и Adam . Мне не нужно было использовать ROW_NUMBER
только потому, что вместо этого я использовал столбец IDENTITY
в типе данных table
Вот отредактированная версия кода, который я использовал - он работал как шарм. Еще раз спасибо всем за помощь!
use Testing
@now datetime = GETDATE(),
@batchsize int = 2000,
@bcpTargetDir varchar(500) = '\\SomeServer\Upload\',
@csvQueryServer varchar(500) = '.\SQLExpress',
@rowcount integer,
@nowstring varchar(100),
@batch_id int,
@startid int,
@endid int,
@oidCSV varchar(max),
@csvQuery varchar(max),
@bcpFilename varchar(200),
@bcpQuery varchar(1000)
declare @tblBatchRanges table (
batch_id integer NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
oid_start integer NOT NULL,
oid_end integer NOT NULL,
csvQuery varchar(max)
-- Create a unique timestamp-based string, which will be used to name the exported files.
select @nowstring = CONVERT(varchar, @now, 112) + '-' + REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, @now, 114), ':', '')
select top(1) @startid = oid from Testing..MyObjectIds order by oid
select top(@batchsize) @endid = oid from Testing..MyObjectIds order by oid
select @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT
while (@rowcount > 0) begin
-- Create a CSV of all object IDs in the batch, using the STUFF() function (http://goo.gl/EyE8L).
select @csvQuery = 'select stuff((select distinct '','' + CAST(oid as varchar) from Testing..MyObjectIds where oid between ' + CAST(@startid as varchar) + ' and ' + CAST(@endid as varchar) + ' order by '','' + CAST(oid as varchar) for xml path('''')),1,1,'''')'
-- Log the info and get the batch ID.
insert into @tblBatchRanges (oid_start, oid_end, csvQuery)
values (@startid, @endid, @oidCSV, @csvQuery)
select @batch_id = @@IDENTITY
-- Advance @startid and @endid so that they point to the next batch
select top(1) @startid = oid
from Testing..MyObjectIds
where oid > @endid
order by oid
select top(@batchsize) @endid = oid
from Testing..MyObjectIds
where oid > @endid
order by oid
select @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT
-- Export the current batch to a file.
select @bcpFilename = 'MyExport-' + @nowstring + '-' + cast(@batch_id as varchar) + '.txt'
select @bcpQuery = 'bcp "' + @csvQuery + '" QUERYOUT "' + @bcpTargetDir + @bcpFilename + '" -S ' + @csvQueryServer + ' -T -c'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @bcpquery
--Check all of the logged info.
select oid_start, oid_end, csvQuery from @tblBatchRanges