AWK решение:
BEGIN { # Statement that will be executed once at the beginning.
FS="[ \t]" # Set space and tab characters to be treated as word separator.
# Code below will execute for each line in file.
x=1 # Set initial word index to 1 (0 is the original string in array)
fw=1 # Indicate that future matched word is a first word. This is needed to put newline and spaces correctly.
while ( x<=NF )
gsub(/[ \t]*/,"",$x) # Strip word. Remove any leading and trailing white-spaces.
if (!match($x,"^[A-Za-z0-9]*$")) # Print word only if it does not match pure alphanumeric set of characters.
if (fw == 0)
printf (" %s", $x) # Print the word offsetting it with space in case if this is not a first match.
printf ("%s", $x) # Print word as is...
fw=0 # ...and indicate that future matches are not first occurrences
x++ # Increase word index number.
if (fw == 0) # Print newline only if we had matched some words and printed something.
printf ("\n")
Предполагается, что у вас есть этот скрипт в script.awk' and data in
data.txt , you have to invoke
awk`, как это:
awk -f ./test.awk ./data.txt
Для вашего файла он выдаст:
Для более сложных случаев, подобных этому:
232asa he!he lol
asld213 f
asd!32 ab acd!s
... это даст:
asd!32 acd!s
Надеюсь, это поможет.