Посмотрите на реализацию событий.Это именно то, для чего они.
// define a delegate signature for your functions to implement:
public delegate void PostProcessingHandler(object sender, object anythingElse /*, etc.*/);
public class YourClass {
// define an event that will fire all attached functions:
public event PostProcessingHandler PostProcess;
public void YourMethod() {
while(someConditionIsTrue) {
// do whatever you need, figure out which function to mark:
switch(someValue) {
case "abc": PostProcess += new PostProcessingHandler(HandlerForABC); break;
case "xyz": PostProcess += new PostProcessingHandler(HandlerForXYZ); break;
case "123": PostProcess += new PostProcessingHandler(HandlerFor123); break;
default: break;
// invoke the event:
if(PostProcess != null) { PostProcess(); }
public void HandlerForABC(object sender, object anythingElse) { /*...*/ }
public void HandlerForXYZ(object sender, object anythingElse) { /*...*/ }
public void HandlerFor123(object sender, object anythingElse) { /*...*/ }