Если это представление в Django_notification (https://github.com/pinax/django-notification/blob/master/notification/views.py), как отобразить флажок? Похоже, здесь нет объектов формы. Обычно я привык к этому: {{myform.thefield}}
def notice_settings(request):
The notice settings view.
Template: :template:`notification/notice_settings.html`
A list of all :model:`notification.NoticeType` objects.
A dictionary containing ``column_headers`` for each ``NOTICE_MEDIA``
and ``rows`` containing a list of dictionaries: ``notice_type``, a
:model:`notification.NoticeType` object and ``cells``, a list of
tuples whose first value is suitable for use in forms and the second
value is ``True`` or ``False`` depending on a ``request.POST``
variable called ``form_label``, whose valid value is ``on``.
notice_types = NoticeType.objects.all()
settings_table = []
for notice_type in notice_types:
settings_row = []
for medium_id, medium_display in NOTICE_MEDIA:
form_label = "%s_%s" % (notice_type.label, medium_id)
setting = get_notification_setting(request.user, notice_type, medium_id)
if request.method == "POST":
if request.POST.get(form_label) == "on":
if not setting.send:
setting.send = True
if setting.send:
setting.send = False
settings_row.append((form_label, setting.send))
settings_table.append({"notice_type": notice_type, "cells": settings_row})
if request.method == "POST":
next_page = request.POST.get("next_page", ".")
return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page)
notice_settings = {
"column_headers": [medium_display for medium_id, medium_display in NOTICE_MEDIA],
"rows": settings_table,
return render_to_response("notification/notice_settings.html", {
"notice_types": notice_types,
"notice_settings": notice_settings,
}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))