Я не на своем Mac, поэтому я не могу проверить это (и, возможно, есть ошибки компиляции). Но один метод может быть:
//The pixel format depends on what sort of image you're expecting. If it's RGBA, this should work
typedef struct
uint8_t red;
uint8_t green;
uint8_t blue;
uint8_t alpha;
} MyPixel_T;
UIImage *myImage = [self doTheThingToGetTheImage];
CGImageRef myCGImage = [myImage CGImage];
//Get a bitmap context for the image
CGBitmapContextRef *bitmapContext =
CGBitmapContextFreate(NULL, CGImageGetWidth(myCGImage), CGImageGetHeight(myCGImage),
CGImageGetBitsPerComponent(myCGImage), CGImageGetBytesPerRow(myCGImage),
CGImageGetColorSpace(myCGImage), CGImageGetBitmapInfo(myCGImage));
//Draw the image into the context
CGContextDrawImage(bitmapContext, CGRectMake(0, 0, CGImageGetWidth(myCGImage), CGImageGetHeight(myCGImage)), myCGImage);
//Get pixel data for the image
MyPixel_T *pixels = CGBitmapContextGetData(bitmapContext);
size_t pixelCount = CGImageGetWidth(myCGImage) * CGImageGetHeight(myCGImage);
for(size_t i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++)
MyPixel_T p = pixels[i];
//Your definition of what's blank may differ from mine
if(p.red > 0 && p.green > 0 && p.blue > 0 && p.alpha > 0)
return NO;
return YES;