\ a3.cpp (75): ошибка C2563: несоответствие в формальном списке параметров
Я уверен, что прохожу проверку функции с 3 двойными, я незнаю, почему я получаю ошибку яПожалуйста, помогите.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
const double peanut_PRICE = 1.80;
const double peanut_SHIP = 0.50;
const double BOOK_PRICE = 9;
const double BOOK_SHIP = 1.06;
const double MOVIE_PRICE = 13.99;
const double MOVIE_SHIP = 0.05;
double checkout (double myamountofbooks, double myamountofmovies, double mypoundsofpeanuts)
myamountofbooks = myamountofbooks * (BOOK_PRICE + BOOK_SHIP);
myamountofmovies = myamountofmovies * MOVIE_PRICE * (1 + MOVIE_SHIP);
mypoundsofpeanuts = mypoundsofpeanuts * (peanut_PRICE + peanut_SHIP);
return (myamountofbooks + myamountofmovies + mypoundsofpeanuts);
bool validUserImput (int whereUserWantsToGoNext)
if (whereUserWantsToGoNext > 50 || whereUserWantsToGoNext < 0)
return false;
else return true;
bool validUserImput (double whereUserWantsToGoNext)
if (whereUserWantsToGoNext > 50 || whereUserWantsToGoNext < 0)
return false;
else return true;
int main()
//===========================Declaration Statements==================================
double amountofbooks = 0;
double amountofmovies = 0;
double poundsofpeanuts = 0;
int whereUserWantsToGoNext = 0;
while (! (whereUserWantsToGoNext == 4) )
cout << "1. Books\n2. Peanuts\n3. Movies\n4. Checkout\n" << endl;
cin >> whereUserWantsToGoNext;
if (!validUserImput(whereUserWantsToGoNext)) cout << "INVALID IMPUT" << endl;
if (whereUserWantsToGoNext == 1){
cout << "Please enter your number of books";
cin >> amountofbooks;
if (!validUserImput(amountofbooks)) cout << "INVALID IMPUT" << endl;
if (whereUserWantsToGoNext == 3){
cout << "Now please enter the number of movies you've selected";
cin >> amountofmovies;
if (!validUserImput(amountofmovies)) cout << "INVALID IMPUT" << endl;
if (whereUserWantsToGoNext == 2) {
cout << "Please enter the weight(in pounds) of your peanuts";
cin >> poundsofpeanuts;
if (!validUserImput(poundsofpeanuts)) cout << "INVALID IMPUT" << endl;
if (validUserImput == 4) cout << "Total Cost is..." << checkout(amountofbooks, amountofmovies, poundsofpeanuts);
cin >> amountofbooks;