//Child by Child XML files comparison in PHP
//Returns an array of non matched children in variable &$reasons
$reasons = array();
$xml1 = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($xmlFile1));
$xml2 = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($xmlFile2));
$result = XMLFileComparison($xml1, $xml2, $reasons);
* XMLFileComparison
* Discription :- This function compares XML files. Returns array
* of nodes do not match in pass by reference parameter
* @param $xml1 Object Node Object
* @param $xml2 Object Node Object
* @param &$reasons Array pass by reference
* returns array of nodes do not match
* @param $strict_comparison Bool default False
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or array of strings on failure.
function XMLFileComparison(SimpleXMLElement $xml1, SimpleXMLElement $xml2, &$reasons, $strict_comparison = false)
static $str;
// compare text content
if ($strict_comparison) {
if ("$xml1" != "$xml2") return "Values are not equal (strict)";
} else {
if (trim("$xml1") != trim("$xml2"))
return " Values are not equal";
// get all children
$XML1ChildArray = array();
$XML2ChildArray = array();
foreach ($xml1->children() as $b) {
if (!isset($XML1ChildArray[$b->getName()]))
$XML1ChildArray[$b->getName()] = array();
$XML1ChildArray[$b->getName()][] = $b;
foreach ($xml2->children() as $b) {
if (!isset($XML2ChildArray[$b->getName()]))
$XML2ChildArray[$b->getName()] = array();
$XML2ChildArray[$b->getName()][] = $b;
// cycle over children
if (count($XML1ChildArray) != count($XML2ChildArray)) return "mismatched children count";// Second File has less or more children names (we don't have to search through Second File's children too)
foreach ($XML1ChildArray as $child_name => $children) {
if (!isset($XML2ChildArray[$child_name])) return "Second file does not have child $child_name"; // Second file has none of this child
if (count($XML1ChildArray[$child_name]) != count($XML2ChildArray[$child_name])) return "mismatched $child_name children count"; // Second file has less or more children
foreach ($children as $child) {
// do any of search2 children match?
$found_match = false;
//$reasons = array();
foreach ($XML2ChildArray[$child_name] as $id => $second_child) {
$str = $str.$child_name.($id+1)."/"; // Adding 1 to $id to match with XML data nodes numbers
//print_r($child, $second_child);
// recursive function call until reach to the end of node
if (($r = XMLFileComparison($child, $second_child, $reasons, $strict_comparison)) === true) {
// found a match: delete second
$found_match = true;
$str = str_replace($child_name.($id+1)."/", "", $str);
else {
$reasons[$str] = $r;
$str = str_replace($child_name.($id+1)."/", "", $str);
return True;