home.video.streak.js - это JS, который контролирует видео.
var homeVideo;
var homeVideoTimer;
var homeVideoCanvas;
var homeVideoCanvasCtx;
function beginBackgroundVideo() {
try {
homeVideo = document.getElementById("vid");
homeVideoCanvas = document.getElementById('streak_canvas');
homeVideoCanvasCtx = homeVideoCanvas.getContext('2d');
homeVideoCanvas.style["display"] = "block";
homeVideoTimer = setInterval(drawBackgroundVideo, 16);
} catch (e) { //sometimes, modernizr canvas detection fails
function drawBackgroundVideo() {
if (!isNaN(homeVideo.duration)) {
if (homeVideo.ended === true) {
homeVideoCanvas.style["display"] = "none";
} else {
// Draw the video
try {
homeVideoCanvasCtx.drawImage(homeVideo, 0, 0, homeVideoCanvas.width, 250);
} catch (e) {
} /* paste in your code and press Beautify button */
if ('this_is' == /an_example/) {
} else {
var a = b ? (c % d) : e[f];
и на странице здесь:
<div id="streak">
<video id="vid" src="http://az6680.vo.msecnd.net/botwcontent/assets/videos/layout/streak.mp4">
<canvas id="streak_canvas" width="1920" height="256" style="display: inline; "></canvas>
похоже, что это делается через холст.