Вот функция, которую можно использовать:
// $current_cat_id: the current category id number
// $count: just a counter, call it as 0 in your function call and forget about it
// Gets the drop down list recurssively of categories //
function find_pages_recursive($current_cat_id, $count)
global $db; // the database object instance
static $option_results;
// if there is no current category id set, start off at the top level (zero)
if (!isset($current_cat_id))
$current_cat_id = 0;
// query the database for the sub-categories of whatever the parent category is
$query = 'SELECT id, title from pages where parid = ' . $current_cat_id . ' order by id';
$get_options = $db->execute($query);
$num_options = $db->count_select();
// our category is apparently valid, so go ahead :P
if ($num_options > 0)
while (list($cat_id, $cat_name) = mysql_fetch_row($get_options))
// if its not a top-level category, indent it to show that its a child category
if ($current_cat_id != 0)
$indent_flag = '';
for ($x = 2; $x <= $count; $x++)
$indent_flag .= '----';
$indent_flag .= ' ';
$option_results[$cat_id] = $indent_flag . $cat_name;
// now call the function again, to recurse through the child categories
find_pages_recursive($cat_id, $count);
return $option_results;
Как ее использовать:
echo '<select name="pages" id="pages">' . "\n";
echo '<option value="">--Select Page--</option>' . "\n";
$get_options = find_pages_recursive(0, 0);
if (count($get_options) > 0)
foreach ($get_options as $key => $value)
$options .= "<option value=\"$key\"";
$options .= ">$value</option>\n";
echo $options;
echo '</select>' . "\n";
Сначала убедитесь, что вы подключились к базе данных:)